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Section 1      Wby retelling the plot in our own words. After all, who doesn’t enjoy a good
                                                                      hen someone asks us about a short story, novel, or play, we usually describe it
                                                                 page-turner? But the way the author tells the story and the ideas the story explores
                                                                 are often just as important as what happens in it. In these stories, events may occur
                                                                 because of internal conflicts within a character or external conflicts between characters
                                                                 or between a character and other forces, such as those found in nature. Particular
                                                                 settings also influence both events and conflicts in different ways. As readers, we pick
                                                                 up on all of these details to help us understand characters’ relationships with each
                                                                 other and with the environment around them. We also experience the story’s characters,
                      © Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. For review purposes only. Do not distribute.
                                                                 setting, and plot through a narrator’s point of view, and both the narrator and the
                                                                 characters within the story have their own perspectives and understanding of the world
                                                                 around them.

                                                                    Elements of Fiction

               DIFFERENTIATION                                     By studying how these literary elements work individually and together, we begin to
                                                                 understand how they shape readers’ interpretations of a story’s meaning. To explore
               Connections to Self                               these elements, let’s take a look at the short story “The First Day” by Edward P. Jones.
               Often the theme of short stories, poems,          As you read, notice the ways the characters respond to the changes in the setting, think
               and longer works of fiction can be found          about how the plot introduces and resolves the conflicts characters experience, and
               in the title. In this bildungsroman, the          consider the narrator’s role in the story.
               daughter experiences many “firsts.” You
               may wish to ask students to share their
               “firsts” in either small groups or the entire         The First Day
               class. Examples might include first days of
               school, first jobs, first dates, etc. You may         Edward P. Jones
               wish to ask students how they felt about
               these “firsts” and perhaps guide them       On an otherwise unremarkable September   now and I will reach for it time and time again
               toward articulating their range of emotions.  morning, long before I learned to be ashamed of   before the morning ends. All the plaits, each
                                                         my mother, she takes my hand and we set off   with a blue barrette near the tip and each
                                                         down New Jersey Avenue to begin my very first   twisted into an uncommon sturdiness, will last
                                                         day of school. I am wearing a checkeredlike   until I go to bed that night, something that has
               DIFFERENTIATION                           blue-and-green cotton dress, and scattered   never happened before. My stomach is full of
               Inquiry                                   about these colors are bits of yellow and white   milk and oatmeal sweetened with brown sugar.
                                                         and brown. My mother has uncharacteristically   Like everything else I have on, my pale green
               Seasons are often used to signal ritualistic   spent nearly an hour on my hair that morning,   slip and underwear are new, the underwear
               passages from one stage of life to another.   plaiting and replaiting so that now my scalp   having come three to a plastic package with a
               You might ask students to research the    tingles. Whenever I turn my head quickly, my   little girl on the front who appears to be dancing.
               archetypes of seasons individually or in   nose fills with the faint smell of Dixie Peach hair   Behind my ears, my mother, to stop my whining,
               small groups. If you use Thomas Foster’s   grease. The smell is somehow a soothing one   has dabbed the stingiest bit of her gardenia
               How to Read Literature Like a Professor,
               you might ask students to read the chapter
               titled “It’s More Than Just Rain or Snow.”   2
               You may wish to ask students to apply
               that knowledge to develop a greater
               understanding of the significance of the
               daughter’s “first day.”
                                                 02_SheaLitComp3e_28114_ch01_xl_053.indd   2                              27/10/21   9:05 PM
                                                  CLOSE READING                       CLOSE READING
                                                 Researchers say that the sense of smell is   The daughter is very specific about the
                                                 closely linked to memories, and the daughter     colors, patterns, and design of her clothing.
                                                 claims that the Dixie Peach pomade connects   You might ask students how the specific
                                                 her to the past and present. Because smells   details and the clothing itself emphasize the
                                                 or scents can trigger long-forgotten events   values of the daughter and mother. Addi-
                                                 or experiences, the daughter’s reliability as   tionally, you might ask students to further
                                                 a narrator may be more believable. You may   explore these values by analyzing them
                                                 wish to ask students to track the signifi-  through anthropologist Edward T. Hall’s
                                                 cance of scent and the associated memories   Iceberg  Concept of Culture. PBS Learning
                                                 throughout the passage. Students can learn   provides an excellent graphic, which you can
                                                 more about the connection between scent   find on their website (
                                                 and memory from the article “Psychology and   by searching “Iceberg Concept of Culture.”
                                                 Smell” on the Fifth Sense website (fifthsense  For example, “dress” might be on the surface
                                                                  level, but on the deeper, subconscious levels,
                                                                                     it may represent “concepts of cleanliness”
                                                                                     and “concepts of self.”

               2                                                                            chapter 1 / Analyzing Short Fiction

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