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chapter 1 / Resources
                    The following resources can be found in the Teacher’s Resource Materials (TRM) that accompany the
                    book. You can access the TRM via the book’s digital platform, by clicking the TRM links found here in
                    your  Teacher’s Edition e-book, or by contacting your representative to access the resources online. Visit
           to learn more.

                    TRM   Chapter 1 ELL Essential Guide Handouts  TRM   Chapter 1 Suggested Responses to Activities
                    TRM   Chapter 1 Graded Student Sample Essays  TRM   Instructional Strategies
                    TRM   Chapter 1 Annotation Handouts          TRM   Editable Rubrics
                      © Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. For review purposes only. Do not distribute.
                    TRM   Chapter 1 Graphic Organizers and Handouts  TRM   Editable Pacing Guides

                    chapter 1 / Pre-Built Unit
                    The first section of Chapter 1 introduces students to short fiction and the concepts and skills in Unit 1 of the
                    AP® English Literature and Composition Course and Exam Description (CED), and this  pre-built
                    unit pathway outlines one way to progress through Chapter 1, Section 1. Once you’ve reached the end
                    of Section 1, you can choose to have students move on to the first section of Chapter 2, which introduces
                      students to poetry and the concepts and skills in Unit 2 of the CED.

                    Alternatively, you can choose to have students move on to Section 2 of this chapter, which provides instruc-
                    tion on the concepts and skills found in Unit 4. A guide to using Chapter 1, Section 2 with Chapter 4 to
                    teach the Unit 4 skills is found in the Chapter 4 planning pages (p. 164-a), and a guide to using Chapter 1,
                    Section 3 with Chapter 7 to teach the Unit 7 skills is found in the Chapter 7 planning pages (p. 748-a).

                    Should changes be made to the Course Framework in the future, an updated alignment will be placed on our
                    AP® updates page at

                                                                         Independent Student
                    Instructional Purpose  AP  Skills  Whole-Class Instruction   Practice     Differentiation       Pacing*
                    Students read Edward P.   1.A    Read the opening pages of   After students read the excerpt   Following the discussion of   1 day
                    Jones’s short story “The First   the book together, including   from Fools Crow in the activity     character in the textbook,
                    Day,” to follow a discussion    Edward P. Jones’s short story   on pages 7–8, ask them to   there are six  questions on
                    of the main character, her      “The First Day” (pp. 2–5).  discuss the direct and indirect   page 6 about characteriza-
                    perspective and motives, and                         characterization Welch uses with   tion in general. Even though
                    the ways she conveys informa-                        a partner or in a small group.  pages 5–7 model an analysis
                    tion about herself and others                                             of how characterization works
                    (pp. 1–8).                                                                in Jones’s story,  students who
                                                                                              need additional support could
                                                                                              respond to these questions as
                                                                                              a way to review what they’ve
                                                                                              just read. Similarly, you could
                                                                                              have students respond to these
                                                                                              questions after reading a classic
                                                                                              fairy tale.
                    Students gain an understand-  2.A    Read the explanation of set-  After students read the excerpt   Provide students with a T-chart   1 day
                    ing of how details convey not   ting on pages 8–9. Then, ask   from The Kite Runner in the   and ask them to list concrete
                    only the time and place in      students to consider a novel   activity on pages 9–10, ask   details about the setting in The
                    which a text is set but also how   or short story all of them have   them to identify which details   Kite Runner excerpt (pp. 9–10) or
                    those details reveal the values   read, such as one from a sum-  demonstrate explicitly where   Jones’s “The First Day” (pp. 2–5)
                    associated with the setting     mer reading assignment or in a   and when the scene takes   in the first column and abstract
                    (pp. 8–10).                     previous grade. As a class, ask   place. Next, ask them to identify   details in the second column.
                                                    students to discuss elements   which details convey more   Doing this will help students
                                                    of the  novel’s or story’s setting.  about the setting than just the   understand the nuances of
                                                                         when or where. Finally, they   setting.
                                                                         should explain how these details
                                                                         contribute to Amir’s tone and the
                                                                         mood of the excerpt.

                    Planning Pages                                                                                      1-b

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