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activity  Analyzing Tone and Mood  character’s death or a dramatic revelation) affects a character. The point of view — who   1
                tells the story — is tied to character in myriad ways, as you’ve seen in the discussion of
 In the following excerpt from Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston, the   “The First Day” earlier in this chapter. We’ve also discussed how significant the language   chapter 1
 main character Janie is preparing to attend her husband’s funeral. What are the tone   a writer chooses to convey these elements is to interpretive analysis. Now, we’ll go
 and mood of the passage? Consider how literary elements of diction, including   through a step-by-step process of formulating and supporting an interpretation of
 figurative language, and syntax work together to develop the tone. How does that tone   meaning in prose fiction.
 characterize Janie?
                  In our discussion, we’ll focus on “Girl,” a short story written in 1978 by Jamaica
 from Their Eyes Were Watching God  Kincaid, a Caribbean writer who grew up on the island of Antigua. It is presented
                primarily as a monologue of a mother to her daughter. Start out by perusing the entire
 Zora Neale Hurston  story just to get an initial sense of what’s going on. Use the following questions to help
 Analyzing Short Fiction
 Janie starched and ironed her face and came set   people; it was important to all the world that she   focus your reading.
                      © Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. For review purposes only. Do not distribute.
 in the funeral behind her veil. It was like a wall of   should find them and they find her. But she had
 stone and steel. . . . All things concerning death   been whipped like a cur dog. . . . [Her   KEY QUESTIONS  CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING
 and burial were said and done. Finish. End.   grandmother] had taken the biggest thing God   Preparing to Write about Short Fiction  Section 2  /  From Reading to Writing: Crafting an AP ®  Prose Fiction Analysis Essay
                                                                                                        eview the characteristics,
                                                                                            ou may wish to r
 Never-more. Darkness. Deep hole. Dissolution.   ever made, the horizon — for no matter how far   •  From whose viewpoint is the story being told? What beliefs or biases might the   You may wish to review the characteristics,
                                                                                            effects, and types of monologues with
 Eternity. Weeping and wailing outside. Inside   a person can go the horizon is still way beyond   narrator have?  ef fects, and types of monologues with
                                                                                            the students. First, you may wish to ask
 the expensive black folds were resurrection and   you — and pinched it in to such a little bit of a   the students. First, you may wish to ask
                                                                                            students to individually do a quick
 life. She did not reach outside for anything, nor   thing that she could tie it about her   •  Who are the characters, and how are they described? Can you sense any conflicts or   students to individually do a quick  Google
                   contradictions within or between individuals?
                                                                                               ch for monologues fr
                                                                                                                movies or
 did the things of death reach inside to disturb   granddaughter’s neck tight enough to choke   search for monologues from  movies or
                                                                                                               .com has
                                                                                            television shows. Dailyactor
 her calm. She sent her face to Joe’s funeral, and   her. She hated the old woman who had twisted   •  Where and when does the story take place? What is striking about the language the   television shows. has
                                                                                            a nice selection of relatable 1-minute
 herself went rollicking with the springtime   her so in the name of love. Most humans didn’t   author uses to present the time and setting?  a nice selection of r elatable 1-minute
                                                                                            monologues. Ask students to listen to
 across the world. . . .  love one another nohow, and this mislove was   •  What are the major events that occur during the story or that are referenced from the   monologues. Ask students to listen to
                                                                                            their monologue, and then respond to the
 Most of the day she was at the store, but at   so strong that even common blood couldn’t   past?  their monologue, and then r espond to the
                                                                                            Key Questions on this page. They may
 night she was there in the big house and   overcome it all the time. She had found a jewel   Key Questions on this page. They may
                                                                                            wish to share the results in small groups.
 sometimes it creaked and cried all night under   down inside herself and she had wanted to walk   wish to shar e the r esults in small gr oups.
                                                                                            Alternately, you might select one or two to
 the weight of lonesomeness. Then she’d lie   where people could see her and gleam it   Girl  Alter nately , you might select one or two to
                                                                                            review as a whole class.
 awake in bed asking lonesomeness some   around. But she had been set in the   Jamaica Kincaid  review as a whole class.
 questions. . . . She had been getting ready for   market-place to sell.
 her great journey to the horizons in search of   1937  Wash the white clothes on Monday and put   someone else’s stomach; on Sundays try to walk
                them on the stone heap; wash the color clothes   like a lady and not like the slut you are so bent   DIFFERENTIA TION
                on Tuesday and put them on the clothesline to   on becoming; don’t sing benna in Sunday
                dry; don’t walk bare-head in the hot sun; cook   school; you mustn’t speak to wharf-rat boys, not   Scaffolding
                pumpkin fritters in very hot sweet oil; soak your   even to give directions; don’t eat fruits on the   If students need further scaffolding, you
                                                                                                               folding, you
                                                                                            If students need further scaf
 From Reading to Writing:    little cloths right after you take them off; when   street — flies will follow you; but I don’t sing   might first lead a discussion on the various
                                                                                            might first lead a discussion on the various
                buying cotton to make yourself a nice blouse, be
                                                 benna on Sundays at all and never in Sunday
                                                                                            subjects brought up throughout the story.
 Crafting an AP  Prose Fiction Analysis Essay  sure that it doesn’t have gum in it, because that   school; this is how to sew on a button; this is how   subjects br ought up thr oughout the story .
                                                                                            Generate a list on the boar

                                                                                                              d, and ask
                                                                                            Generate a list on the board, and ask
                way it won’t hold up well after a wash; soak salt   to make a buttonhole for the button you have   students to develop questions about two
                                                                                            students to develop questions about two
 Most of the time you will analyze literature in response to an assignment that provides   fish overnight before you cook it; is it true that   just sewed on; this is how to hem a dress when   or thr ee of those subjects. For example,
                                                                                            or three of those subjects. For example,
                                                                                            theme words might include “responsibility,”
 both a fiction passage and a prompt for writing about it. Frequently, you will be asked to   you sing benna in Sunday school?; always eat   you see the hem coming down and so to prevent   theme wor ds might include “r esponsibility ,”
 analyze how a writer uses literary elements and techniques to reveal some element or   your food in such a way that it won’t turn   yourself from looking like the slut I know you are   “identity ,” and “gr owing up.” A question
                                                                                            “identity,” and “growing up.” A question
                                                                                            might be phrased as: “T
                                                                                                            o what extent
 elements of complexity about a central character’s identity or relationship with another   so bent on becoming; this is how you iron your   might be phrased as: “To what extent
                                                                                            do par
                                                                                                ental expectations positively or
 character. Other writing prompts might ask you to focus on the effect of a setting (like   1   Antiguan and Barbudan music that spreads local gossip and   father’s khaki shirt so that it doesn’t have a   do parental expectations positively or
                                                                                            negatively impact an adolescent’s identity?”
 the landscape or the cultural environment) or how a specific plot event (such as another   rumors. — Eds.  crease; this is how you iron your father’s khaki   negatively impact an adolescent’ s identity?”
                                                                                            Students could then discuss varied
                                                                       (continued)          Students could then discuss varied
 36                                                                                 37      responses to the question, along with their
                                                                                            esponses to the question, along with their
                                                                                            explanations to support their responses.
                                                                                            explanations to support their r esponses.
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                    CLOSE READING                       CLOSE READING
                    Ask students to first track all of the directives   Ask students to consider the impact of the
                    while you or another student reads the pas-  daughter’s interjection. Why is it italicized?
                    sage out loud. You may want to provide a   What could be suggested about the daugh-
                    few examples, such as “wash” and “soak.”   ter’s delayed reaction, the choice of what
                    Ask students to discuss the impact of these   she chooses to react to, and that this is her
                    directives. What do they suggest about gen-  choice, even after the mother suggests that
                    der roles?                          she is “bent on becoming” a “slut.”
                    chapter 1 / From Reading to Writing: Crafting an AP  Prose Fiction Analysis Essay                    37
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