Page 9 - The Language of Composition 4e Teacher Edition Sample.indd
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Note that each chapter of this Teacher’s Edition begins with Planning Pages to
                    provide a bird’s-eye view of the chapter. There, you’ll find an Instructional Overview, a
                    list of Teacher’s Resource Materials, a Text Overview and Pacing table summarizing all
                    readings, and a Pre-Built Unit outlining an AP -aligned path for that specific chapter.
                    These planning pages can help you align your instruction with the Big Ideas, Skills, and
                Copyright (c) 2023 Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Uncorrected proofs have been used for this sample chapter.
                    Essential Knowledge outlined in the AP  English Language Course and Exam
                    Description (CED).
                       The Teacher’s Resource Materials also include editable pacing guides based
                    on the Pre-Built Units described above. These customizable versions allow you the
                    flexibility to tailor instructional content to your classroom community.
                   Distributed by Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Strictly for use with its products. Not for redistribution.

                                                             Level of
                            Author/Title  Summary: Features and Challenges  Difficulty  Length  Lexile  Pacing*
                            David French, Grown   French argues that fathers should teach their sons the characteristics of   On-Level  1,744  1170L  n/a
                            Men Are the Solution,   a “grown man.” Rather than repressing traits such as physical strength
                            Not the Problem    and courage, French advocates for honoring these traits as healthy and
                            (p. 300)  beneficial.
                            Andrew Yang, The Data  Yang’s argument is grounded in data and statistics, and he makes clear   On-Level  794  1070L  n/a
                            Are Clear: The Boys Are   claims of policy and calls for action to counter what he claims is a problem
                            Not All Right (p. 304)  not just for men, but for society at large.
                          *Based on a standard 50-minute class period.
                          chapter 4 / Pre-Built Unit
                          Unit 4 helps students further develop their rhetorical analysis   The following Pre-Built Unit first incorporates skills   Independent Student
                                                      The following Pre-Built Unit first incorporates skills
                          skills. As in Unit 1, students will analyze how texts are shaped  instruction from Chapter 1, Section 2, in alignment with the   Whole-Class Instruction   Practice  Differentiation  Pacing*
                                                    instruction from Chapter 1, Section 2, in alignment with the
                                                                          AP ®  Skills
                          by the writer’s rhetorical situation, but in Unit 4, they are also  AP ®  Course. Next, the unit pathway curates a few texts from  Course. Next, the unit pathway curates a few texts from
                                                                          [[will add
                                                                  Rhetorical Analysis
                          asked to craft complete rhetorical analysis essays. So, students  Chapter 4 for further practice. All texts in Chapter 4 can be Chapter 4 for further practice. All texts in Chapter 4 can be   Pair direct instruction on   To round out their rhetorical   Based on your students’ needs,   1 day
                                                                          at 2pp
                                                                  Skill Building: Writing
                                                                                                      you may assign “Differentiation:
                                                                               components of an effective
                                                                                           analysis of Chisholm’s speech,
                          will learn to build an introduction with a sophisticated thesis  used to teach the recommended skills for AP ®  Unit 4; to allow used to teach the recommended skills for AP ®  Unit 4; to allow   introduction and conclusion with   ask students to use their thesis   Connections to Text” on p. 45
                                                                  an Introduction;
                                                                  Crafting a Conclusion
                                                    for flexibility in your course planning, we provide an Editable
                          statement, body paragraphs with a topic sentence and a clear  for flexibility in your course planning, we provide an Editable   student examples from past AP ®    and topic sentences to write   or p. 50. The assignments
                          line of reasoning, and an effective conclusion. They will also  Pacing Guide in our Teacher’s Resource Materials.  exams. Engage students in a   their own introduction and   are similar in nature, but one
                                                    Pacing Guide in our Teacher’s Resource Materials.
                                                                                                      asks students to evaluate
                                                                               discussion on the writers’ moves
                          demonstrate their responsiveness to their own rhetorical situ-  Should changes be made to the Course Framework in the   that work and why.  introductions of opinion
                                                      Should changes be made to the Course Framework in the
                          ation and continue to explore methods of development. In this  future, an updated alignment will be placed on our AP ®  updates future, an updated alignment will be placed on our AP ®  updates   essays in newspapers, and the
                          way, students will create meaningful connections between three  page at  other note guides students to
                                                    page at
                                                                                                      examine conclusions.
                          AP ®  Big Ideas: Rhetorical Situation, Claims and Evidence, and   Introducing the   1.A  You may introduce the theme of   Students can begin reading and   If needed, you may guide   1 day
                          Reasoning and Organization.             Identity Chapter   this chapter by engaging students   annotating “Mother Tongue”   students to review the example
                                                                  and Annotating the   in a whole-class discussion using   by Amy Tan (p. 174). You may   of an annotated text on
                                                                  Central Essay: “Mother   the “Differentiation: Connections   assign students to finish the   pp. 42–43.
                          Activity/                               Tongue” by Amy Tan  to Self” suggestion on p. 171.   reading at home or schedule   You might consider asking
                          Instructional            Independent Student         Following this discussion, you   time for students to complete   students to organize their
                          Purpose  AP ®  Skills  Whole-Class Instruction   Practice  Dif fer  Pacing*Pacing*  can introduce Amy Tan’s essay   their reading during the next   observations using a structure
                                                                               by asking students to identify the   class session.   similar to the three-column
                          Rhetorical Analysis   2.A, 4.B,   Read aloud the excerpt from   After the read-aloud, students   As suggested by the   1 day  key elements of the rhetorical   chart on p. 47.
                                                                         1 day
                                                              As suggested by the
                                                              “Differentiation: Scaffolding”
                          Skill Building:   6.C  Shirley Chisholm’s speech “People   can examine the model   “Differentiation: Scaffolding”   situation they glean from the
                                                              note on p. 41, you can
                          Annotating; Writing a   and Peace, Not Profits and War”   annotations on pp. 42–43 and   note on p. 41, you can   introductory material on p. 174.
                          Thesis Statement  (p. 39). Ask students to underline   then revisit the text to enhance   encourage students to use   1.B, 5.A  As an activity, you may want to   To offer more practice analyzing   For students who have   2 days
                                                              encourage students to use
                                                                  Close Reading of
                                       (or otherwise note) moments   their own annotations. Next,   two visually distinct annotation   group students in pairs or trios   Tan’s rhetorical choices, assign   demonstrated proficiency
                                                              two visually distinct annotation
                                                                  “Mother Tongue”
                                       that strike them as rhetorically   they can note patterns in their    methods (one for students’   to answer an assigned question   questions of your choice from   with the analysis questions,
                                                              methods (one for students’
                                                              independent finds and
                                       significant as they read along with   annotations to pull out the   independent finds and   from “Analyzing Language, Style,   the “Close Reading” category   consider assigning one of the
                                                              one for revisions based on
                                       you. These annotations can focus   rhetorical choices that seem   one for revisions based on   and Structure” (p. 179). This   of the wraparound notes   “Differentiation: Connections to
                                       on Chisholm’s use of appeals,   most significant. Finally,   model annotation). This will   group work could take one day,   or the “Understanding and   Self” notes from p. 177.
                                                              model annotation). This will
                                       diction, figurative language,   students can craft their own   help students spot areas of   which would leave a second day   Interpreting” question bank
                                                              help students spot areas of
                                                              improvement in their close
                                       syntax, and tone. At the end of the   thesis in response to the prompt   improvement in their close   for independent practice.   (pp. 178–179).
                                                   thesis in response to the prompt
                                                              reading skills.
                                                   on p. 44, to connect Chisholm’s
                                       read-aloud, you can lead a class   on p. 44, to connect Chisholm’s   reading skills.
                                       discussion to clarify the purpose   rhetorical choices to the   Making Connections   3.A  As you move students from Tan’s   You may ask students to reflect   Consider providing students   1 day
                                                                  between Texts
                                                                               essay to Hurston’s, you may want
                                                                                                      with a transcript of the talk
                                                                                           on the “single story” that adults
                                       of Chisholm’s speech.  purpose of her argument.
                                                                               to use Chimamanda Adichie’s   might tell about teenagers. What   to annotate as they watch.
                          Rhetorical Analysis   1.A, 4.A,   Remind students that topic   Ask students to write topic   Assign students to read the   1 day  TED Talk “The Danger of a Single   might that story be? How might   You may consider assigning
                                                                         1 day
                                                              Assign students to read the
                          Skill Building: Writing   4.B, 5.A,   sentences should convey the   sentences, based on the points   sample AP ®  Rhetorical Analysis   Story” as a thematic and rhetorical   that story be a “danger”?   students to write a paragraph
                                                              sample AP ®  Rhetorical Analysis
                                                              Essay on p. 52. Ask students to
                          Topic Sentences,   7.A  connection between a rhetorical   in their own thesis statement.   Essay on p. 52. Ask students to   bridge. You may show the video in   To create a throughline of thinking,   analyzing Adichie’s opening or
                                                              identify what “works” well in the
                          Developing a Line   choice and the essay’s overall   They can then write a body   identify what “works” well in the   class and use the “Differentiation:   consider asking students to   closing.
                                                              essay and share their thoughts
                          of Reasoning with   purpose. Guide students through   paragraph that uses evidence   essay and share their thoughts   Connections to Text” note on   keep track of the ways in which
                          Evidence from the Text;   the process of organizing   from Chisholm’s speech (with   with the class. The insights   p. 178 to drive discussion.   the texts of this chapter present
                                                              with the class. The insights
                                                              from students who are ready for
                                                   parenthetical citations) to support
                          Documenting Sources  their essay through the use of   parenthetical citations) to support   from students who are ready for   Students should identify Adichie’s   arguments about identity that
                                                              this challenge will support the
                                       effective topic sentences. Next,   one of their topic sentences.   this challenge will support the   position and how she aligns her   challenge the notion of a single
                                                              learning of students who are
                                       invite students to compare the   learning of students who are   evidence to support her claims.  story.
                                                              still developing their own writing
                                       model paragraphs on p. 48   still developing their own writing   1.A, 3.B,   Provide time to read Hurston’s   On the second day of instruction,   If you are teaching eleventh-  2 days
                                                                  Analyzing Rhetoric
                                       and p. 49. By sharing models,   skills.
                                       the class can discuss how a   in the Classic Essay:   5.C  essay. Consider spending the   you may ask students to write   grade students, you may
                                                                  “How It Feels to Be
                                                                                           a thesis statement in response
                                                                                                      consider assigning Question 5
                                                                               first day of instruction focused on
                                       strong line of reasoning is the
                                       result of weaving together topic   Colored Me” by Zora   comprehension and understanding.   to the rhetorical analysis prompt   in “Topics for Composing”
                                                                                           for Question 1 in “Topics for
                                                                               You may choose to implement a
                                                                  Neale Hurston
                                                                                                      (p. 186). This question is similar
                                       sentences, supporting evidence
                                       from the text, and original             Scaffolding suggestion or use a   Composing” (p. 185). If students   to many college application
                                                                               Check for Understanding idea as
                                                                                           need a review of how to write a
                                                                                                      essay prompts, and so it may
                                                                               an exit ticket. Alternatively, you   thesis statement, they can reread   serve as students’ first draft of a
                                                                          (continued)  may pre-assign small groups of   the section on pp. 43–45. After   formal essay.
                                                                               students to be responsible for a   writing their thesis statement,
                                                                               question in “Understanding and   ask students to highlight
                                                                               Interpreting” (pp. 184–185).  evidence within the text that
                          Planning Pages                                   170-d           they might use to support their
                                                                                           thesis statement. In the margins,
                                                                                           students can note the rhetorical
                                                                                           strategy they have observed.
                                                                  Writing Topic   4.B, 6.C  Consider asking students to craft   Students can expand their skill at   If students need extra support   1 day
                                                                  Sentences and   three claims about Hurston’s   embedding evidence by imitating   embedding evidence into their
                                                                  Incorporating Evidence  writing that supports their thesis   moves made by published   analysis, consider using the
                     05_sheatlcte4e_46921_ch04_170a_315_2pp.indd   4       25/01/23   6:12 PM  writers. Consider asking students   “Differentiation: Scaffolding”
                                                                               statement. Then, working with
                                                                               a partner or in small groups,   to skim one of the Conversation   note on p. 48 (Ch. 1).
                                                                               students can choose one of   texts and copy a sentence in
                                                                               the claims to serve as a topic   which the writer has embedded
                                                                               sentence in a rhetorical analysis   a phrase or word from another
                                                                               paragraph. The students can work   source. Then, ask the student to
                                                                               together to develop the paragraph   mimic that writing move in their
                                                                               with evidence and commentary.   own rhetorical analysis.
                                                                 170-e                                        chapter 4  / Identity
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