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SecTIoN  1D  Exercises   73

                            (a)   Find the mean amount of student loan debt among     (b)   The one game when the team scored 13 goals is a pos-

                          U.S. borrowers in 2021.                             sible outlier in the distribution. Recalculate the range

                        (b)   Do you think the median amount of student loan debt   excluding this game. Explain why the result is so differ-
                          was greater than or less than the mean amount? Justify   ent than the answer to part (a).
                          your answer.                                      12.  Mileage range  Refer to Exercise 2.
                        8.  House prices  The mean and median selling prices of      (a)   Find the range of the distribution of highway gas mile-
                   © 2024 BFW Publishers PAGES NOT FINAL - For Review Purposes Only - Do Not Copy

                          existing single-family homes sold in the United States in   age for the sample of 21 model-year 2022 midsize cars.
                          the first 3 months of 2022 were $428,700 and $507,800.    78

                            (a)   Which of these numbers is the mean and which is the     (b)   The Toyota Prius, with its 48 mpg fuel efficiency, is

                                                                              a possible outlier in the distribution. Recalculate the
                          median? Explain your reasoning.                     range excluding this car model. Explain why the result

                        (b)   What shape would you expect the distribution of home   is so different than the answer to part (a).
                          prices to have? Justify your answer.
                        9.  Teens and fruit  We all know that fruit is good for us.      Measuring Variability:  The Standard Deviation
                          Here is a histogram of the number of servings of fruit         13.  Foot length  Here are the foot lengths (in centime-
                          per day that 74 seventeen-year-olds claimed they con-  pg 56  ters) for a random sample of seven 14-year-olds from
                          sumed in a study in Pennsylvania.    Find the mean and   the United Kingdom:
                          the median. Show your method clearly.
                                                                                       25    22    20    25    24    24    28
                                                                                Calculate the sample standard deviation. Interpret this
                            Number of teens  10                               first-period statistics class was asked how much sleep (to
                                                                            14.  Well rested?  A random sample of 6 students in a

                                                                              the nearest hour) they got last night. Their responses
                                                                              were 6, 7, 7, 8, 10, and 10. Calculate the sample stan-
                                                                              dard deviation. Interpret this value.
                                                                          15. Digital photos  How much storage space do digital
                              0                                               photos use? Here is a dotplot of the file sizes (to the
                                    0   1  2   3  4   5   6   7  8            nearest tenth of a megabyte) for 18 randomly selected
                                           Servings of fruit per day          photos in Noemi’s cloud storage:    81

                          10.  Shakespeare  The following histogram shows the dis-
                          tribution of lengths of words used in Shakespeare’s   1     2    3     4     5    6     7     8
                          plays.    Find the mean and the median. Show your                    File size (mb)
                          method clearly.

                                                                                (a)   The distribution of file size has a mean of   = 3.2x

                              25                                              megabytes and a standard deviation of   = 1.9 mega-
                                                                              bytes. Interpret the standard deviation.
                            Percentage of words  15                           storage space is replaced with another version of the
                                                                            (b)   Suppose the music file that takes up 7.5 megabytes of

                                                                              file that takes up only 4 megabytes. How would this
                                                                              affect the mean and the standard deviation? Justify your
                              5                                             16.  Healthy fast food?  Here is a dotplot of the amount of
                                                                              fat (to the nearest gram) in 12 different hamburgers
                              0                                               served at a fast-food restaurant:
                                      2      4      6      8     10
                                              Word length
                         Measuring Variability:  The Range                      10     15    20     25    30     35     40
                                                                                              Fat content (g)
                            11.  Soccer range  Refer to Exercise 1.
                    pg 55                                                       (a)   The distribution of fat content has a mean of   = 22.83

                         (a)   Find the range of the distribution of goals scored by the


                          U.S. women’s soccer team in all 24 games played that   grams and a standard deviation of   = 9.06 grams.
                          season.                                             Interpret the standard deviation.
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