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                                                 Section 2.3 • The Derivative of a Polynomial Function; The Derivative of y = e and y = ln x  191

                                              4x + 1  if  x ≤ 2      Free-Response Questions
                183  9. At x = 2, the function f (x) =        is
                                              3x − 3 if  x > 2      181 11. A rod of length 12 cm is heated at one end. The table below
                      (A) Both continuous and differentiable.             gives the temperature T (x) in degrees Celsius at selected
                      (B) Continuous but not differentiable.              distances x cm from the heated end.
                      (C) Differentiable but not continuous.                 x    0   2   5   7    9  12
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                      (D) Neither continuous nor differentiable.
                                                                           T (x)  80  71  66  60  54  50
                183 10. The table below lists several values of a function y = f (x).
                                                                           (a) Use the table to approximate T (8).
                         x   1   2   3  4   5                             (b) Using appropriate units, interpret T (8) in the context of
                        f (x)  4  −6  2  1  6                                 the problem.
                                                                    181 12. Oil is leaking from a tank. The amount of oil, in gallons, in the
                      Suppose f is continuous on the interval (0, 6), except at 3.  tank is given by G(t) = 4000 − 3t , where t, 0 ≤ t ≤ 24 is the
                      Suppose f has a derivative at each number in the    number of hours past midnight.
                      interval (0, 6) except at 3 and 4. Which of the following
                      statements must be true?                             (a) Find G (5) using the definition of the derivative.
                                                                          (b) Using appropriate units, interpret the meaning of G (5) in
                       I. The graph of f has a vertical tangent line at (4, 1).
                                                                              the context of the problem.
                       II. The graph of f has a corner at the point (3, 2).
                      III. f has a zero in the interval (1, 2).
                                                                          See the BREAK IT DOWN on page 231 for a stepped out solution to
                      (A) I only  (B) II and III only                     AP Practice Problem 12.
                      (C) III only  (D) I, II, and III
                  Retain Your Knowledge
                  Multiple-Choice Questions

                                                       2    if  x ≤ 3             3x + 2 sin(3x)
                    1. Find lim f (x), for the function f (x) =    .    3. Find lim          , if it exists.
                          x→3 +                       x + 1  if  x > 3         x→0    2x
                                                                               3       5       9
                      (A) 2   (B) 3  (C) 4   (D) The limit does not exist.  (A)    (B)     (C)     (D) The limit does not exist.
                                                                               2       2       2
                          2x + 6
                    2.  lim     =
                      x→2 − 2 − x                                      Free-Response Question
                      (A) −∞    (B) −2   (C) −1   (D) ∞                 4. f (x) = x − 4x + 2x + 1. Show that there is at least one
                                                                           number c in the interval [0, 4] for which f (c) = 7.
                                               2.3 The Derivative of a Polynomial Function;
                                                      The Derivative of y = e and y = ln x
                                                      OBJECTIVES When you finish this section, you should be able to:
                                                      1 Differentiate a constant function (p. 192)
                                                      2 Differentiate a power function; the Simple Power Rule (p. 192)
                                                      3 Differentiate the sum and the difference of two functions (p. 195)
                                                      4 Differentiate the exponential function y = e and
                                                        the natural logarithm function y = ln x (p. 197)

                                                      Finding the derivative of a function from the definition can become tedious, especially if
                                                      the function f is complicated. Just as we did for limits, we derive some basic derivative
                                                      formulas and some properties of derivatives that make finding a derivative simpler.
                                                         Before getting started, we introduce other notations commonly used for the
                                                      derivative f (x) of a function y = f (x). The other most commonly used notations are
                                                                                y ′         Df (x)

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                                                 For Review Purposes Only, all other uses prohibited
                                                        Do Not Copy or Post in Any Form.
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