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               190     Chapter 2 • The Derivative and Its Properties

               85. Tangent Lines and Derivatives  Let f and g be two functions,  87. A function f is defined for all real numbers and has the following
                  each with derivatives at c. State the relationship between their  three properties:
                  tangent lines at c if:
                                                                            f (1) = 5  f (3) = 21  f (a + b) − f (a) = kab + 2b 2
                  (a) f (c) = g (c)  (b) f (c) = −      g (c) 6= 0
                                                g (c)                    for all real numbers a and b where k is a fixed real number
                                                                         independent of a and b.
               Challenge Problems
                                                                         (a) Use a = 1 and b = 2 to find k.
                    © 2024 BFW Publishers PAGES NOT FINAL - For Review Purposes Only - Do Not Copy.
               86. Let f be a function defined for all real numbers x. Suppose f has
                                                                         (b) Find f (3).
                  the following properties:
                                                                         (c) Find f (x) for all real x.
                        f (u + v) = f (u) f (v)  f (0) = 1  f (0) exists
                                                                     88. A function f is periodic if there is a positive number p so
                                                                         that f (x + p) = f (x) for all x. Suppose f is differentiable. Show
                   (a) Show that f (x) exists for all real numbers x.
                                                                         that if f is periodic with period p, then f is also periodic with
                  (b) Show that f (x) = f (0) f (x).
                                                                         period p.
                                                                                         Preparing for the AP Exam
               AP Practice Problems
               Multiple-Choice Questions
                                    x − ax  if  x ≤ 1
             PAGE                                                 PAGE
             183  1. The function f (x) =           , where a and b  183  5. If f (x) = |x|, which of the following statements
                                    ax + b  if  x > 1
                                                                        about f are true?
                   are constants. If f is differentiable at x = 1, then a + b =
                                                                         I. f is continuous at 0.
                   (A) −3   (B) −2   (C) 0   (D) 2                      II. f is differentiable at 0.
                                                                        III. f (0) = 0.
             180  2. The graph of the function f , given below, consists of three line
                                                                        (A) I only      (B) III only
                                  f (3 + h) − f (3)
                   segments. Find lim         .
                              h→0      h                                (C) I and III only  (D) I, II, and III
                                     y                            PAGE
                                                                 186  6. The graph of the function f shown in the figure has horizontal
                                     6                                  tangent lines at the points (0, 1) and (2, −1) and a vertical
                                       (0, 4)                           tangent line at the point (1, 0). For what numbers x in the open
                                                                        interval (−2, 3) is f not differentiable?
                              (22, 2)
                                                (6, 0)                                     y
                              24  22     2   4  6  x                                       4
                                2       3
                   (A) −1 (B) −    (C) −   (D) The limit does not exist.
                                3       2
                             2                                                       22         2     x
                            x − 25
                                    if  x 6= 5                                           22
             PAGE             x − 5
             186  3. If f (x) =
                               5     if  x = 5
                   which of the following statements about f are true?  (A) −1 only        (B) −1 and 1 only
                    I. lim f exists.                                    (C) −1, 0, and 2 only  (D) −1, 0, 1, and 2
                    II. f is continuous at x = 5.                 PAGE                           f (1 + h) − f (1)
                                                                 186  7. Let f be a function for which lim    = −3.
                   III. f is differentiable at x = 5.                                         h→0      h
                                                                        Which of the following must be true?
                   (A) I only       (B) I and II only                    I. f is continuous at 1.
                   (C) I and III only  (D) I, II, and III               II. f is differentiable at 1.
                                                                        III. f is continuous at 1.
             186  4. Suppose f is a function that is differentiable on the open
                   interval (−2, 8). If f (0) = 3, f (2) = −3, and f (7) = 3,  (A) I only  (B) II only
                   which of the following must be true?                 (C) I and II only  (D) I, II, and III
                    I. f has at least 2 zeros.
                                                                  PAGE                               2
                    II. f is continuous on the closed interval [−1, 7].  180  8. At what point on the graph of f (x) = x − 4 is the tangent line
                   III. For some c, 0 < c < 7, f (c) = −2.              parallel to the line 6x − 3y = 2?
                   (A) I only       (B) I and II only                   (A) (1, −3)  (B) (1, 2)  (C) (2, 0)  (D) (2, 4)
                   (C) II and III only  (D) I, II, and III
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                                                 For Review Purposes Only, all other uses prohibited
                                                        Do Not Copy or Post in Any Form.
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