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                                                                         Section 2.2 • The Derivative as a Function; Differentiability  185

                                                      Since f is differentiable at c, we know that
                                                                                  f (x) − f (c)
                                                                               lim           = f (c)
                                                                              x→c    x − c
                                                      is a number. Also for any real number c, lim(x − c) = 0. So
                                                                                         h        i
                                                                  lim[ f (x) − f (c)] = [ f (c)] lim(x − c) = f (c) · 0 = 0
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                                                                  x→c                    x→c
                                                      That is, lim f (x) = f (c), so f is continuous at c.
                                                         An equivalent statement of this theorem gives a condition under which a function
                                                      has no derivative.
                                                       If a function f is discontinuous at a number c, then f is not differentiable at c.

                                                         Let’s look at some of the possibilities. In Figure 19(a), the function f is continuous
                                                      at the number 1 and has a derivative at 1. The function g, graphed in Figure 19(b), is
                                                      continuous at the number 0, but it has no derivative at 0. So continuity at a number c
                   IN WORDS Differentiability implies  provides no prediction about differentiability. On the other hand, the function h graphed
                   continuity, but continuity does not imply  in Figure 19(c) illustrates the corollary: If h is discontinuous at a number, it is not
                   differentiability.                 differentiable at that number.
                                                                  y   y  f (x)     y                    y

                                                                                                                 y  h(x)
                                                                                             y  g(x)
                                                                        (1, 1)

                                                                            x         (0, 0)     x        (0, 0)     x
                                                            (a)  f is continuous at 1,  (b)  g is continuous at 0,  (c)  h is discontinuous at 0,
                                                               and f (1) exists.               but g (0) does not exist.        so h (0) does not exist.
                                                      Figure 19

                                                         The corollary is useful if we are seeking the derivative of a function f that we
                                                      suspect is discontinuous at a number c. If we can show that f is discontinuous at c, then
                                                      the corollary affirms that the function f has no derivative at c. For example, since the
                                                      floor function f (x) = ⌊x⌋ is discontinuous at every integer c, it has no derivative at an

                                                                   Determining Whether a Function Is Differentiable
                                                      EXAMPLE 9
                                                                   at a Number

                                                      Determine whether the function
                                                                                    2x + 2  if  x < 3
                                                                                       5    if  x = 3
                                                                             f (x) =
                                                                                    2
                                                                                     x − 1  if  x > 3
                                                      is differentiable at 3.

                                                      Since f is a piecewise-defined function, it may be discontinuous at 3 and therefore not
                                                      differentiable at 3. So we begin by determining whether f is continuous at 3.
                                                         Since f (3) = 5, the function f is defined at 3. Use one-sided limits to check
                                                      whether lim f (x) exists.
                                                              lim f (x) = lim (2x + 2) = 8  lim f (x) = lim (x − 1) = 8
                                                              x→3 −      x→3 −             x→3 +      x→3 +
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