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               184     Chapter 2 • The Derivative and Its Properties

                    y                                                          4/5               4/5
                            x 5 2                       f (x) − f (2)    (x − 2)  − 0      (x − 2)           1
                    3                               lim            = lim             = lim          = lim       1/5  = −∞
                                                   x→2 −   x − 2     x→2 −  x − 2      x→2 −  x − 2   x→2 (x − 2)
                                f (x) 5 (x 2 2) 4/5
                      2                                  f (x) − f (2)   (x − 2) 4/5  − 0  (x − 2) 4/5        1
                                                    lim            = lim             = lim          = lim          = ∞
                                                    x→2 +  x − 2     x→2 +   x − 2     x→2 +  x − 2   x→2 (x − 2) 1/5
                                                                f (x) − f (2)            f (x) − f (2)
                                                      Since lim            = −∞ and lim            = ∞, we conclude that the
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                         1        3   4 x                  x→2 −   x − 2            x→2 +  x − 2
                          (2, 0)  f has a cusp     function f is not differentiable at 2. The graph of f has a vertical tangent line at the
                  21            at (2, 0)
                                                   point (2, 0), which is a cusp of the graph. See Figure 17.
               Figure 17 f (2) does not exist; the
                                                    NOW WORK   Problem 35.
               point (2, 0) is a cusp of the graph of f .
                                                                Obtaining Information about y = f(x) from the Graph
                                                    EXAMPLE 8
                                                                of Its Derivative Function
                                                   Suppose y = f (x) is continuous for all real numbers. Figure 18 shows the graph of its
                                                   derivative function f .
                                                   (a)  Does the graph of f have any horizontal tangent lines? If yes, explain why and
                                                       identify where they occur.
                                                   (b)  Does the graph of f have any vertical tangent lines? If yes, explain why, identify
                     22       2    4   6 x
                                                       where they occur, and determine whether the point is a cusp of f .
                                                   (c)  Does the graph of f have any corners? If yes, explain why and identify where
               Figure 18 y = f (x)                     they occur.
                                                   (a) Since the derivative f equals the slope of a tangent line, horizontal tangent lines
                                                   occur where the derivative equals 0. Since f (x) = 0 for x = −2 and x = 4, the graph
                                                   of f has two horizontal tangent lines, one at the point (−2, f (−2)) and the other at the
                                                   point (4, f (4)).
                                                   (b) As x approaches 0, the derivative function f approaches ∞ both for x < 0 and
                                                   for x > 0. The graph of f has a vertical tangent line at x = 0. The point (0, f (0)) is not a
                                                   cusp because both limits become unbounded in the positive direction as x approaches 0.
                                                   (c) The derivative is not defined at 2 and the one-sided derivatives have unequal finite
                                                   limits as x approaches 2. So the graph of f has a corner at (2, f (2)).

                                                    NOW WORK   Problem 45.

                                                    4 Explain the Relationship Between Differentiability and

                                                   In Chapter 1, we investigated the continuity of a function. Here we have been
                                                   investigating the differentiability of a function. An important connection exists between
                NEED TO REVIEW? Continuity is discussed in
                                                   continuity and differentiability.
                 Section 1.3, pp. 108–115.
                                                    If a function f is differentiable at a number c, then f is continuous at c.

                                                   Proof To show that f is continuous at c, we need to verify that lim f (x) = f (c). We
                                                   begin by observing that if x 6= c, then
                                                                                    f (x) − f (c)

                                                                       f (x) − f (c) =         (x − c)
                                                                                       x − c
                                                   We take the limit of both sides as x → c, and use the fact that the limit of a product
                                                   equals the product of the limits (we show later that each limit exists).
                                                                          f (x) − f (c)            f (x) − f (c)

                                                    lim[ f (x) − f (c)] = lim        (x − c) = lim             lim(x − c)
                                                    x→c             x→c      x − c             x→c   x − c    x→c
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