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Sullivan  04 apcalc4e 45342 ch02 166 233 5pp  August 7, 2023  12:54

                                                                         Section 2.2 • The Derivative as a Function; Differentiability  179

                                               2.2 The Derivative as a Function; Differentiability

                                                      OBJECTIVES When you finish this section, you should be able to:
                                                      1 Define the derivative function (p. 179)
                                                      2 Graph the derivative function (p. 181)
                                                      3 Identify where a function is not differentiable (p. 182)
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                                                      4 Explain the relationship between differentiability and continuity (p. 184)

                                                      1 Define the Derivative Function

                                                      The derivative of a function f at a real number c has been defined as the real number

                                                                                              f (x) − f (c)
                                                                          Form (1)  f (c) = lim
                                                                                          x→c   x − c
                                                      provided the limit exists. We refer to this representation of the derivative as Form (1).
                                                      Another way to find the derivative of f at any real number is obtained by rewriting the
                                                               f (x) − f (c)
                                                      expression          and letting x = c + h, h 6= 0. Then
                                                                  x − c
                                                                    f (x) − f (c)  f (c + h) − f (c)  f (c + h) − f (c)
                    y                                                          =              =
                                                                       x − c       (c + h) − c        h
                             Tangent  (c 1 h,  f (c 1 h))
                             line                        Since x = c + h, then as x approaches c, h approaches 0. Form (1) of the derivative
                                         Secant line  with these changes becomes
                      (c, f(c))        y 5 f(x)                                f (x) − f (c)   f (c + h) − f (c)
                                                                     f (c) = lim          = lim
                              h      f (c 1 h) 2 f (c)                     x→c    x − c    h→0       h
                                                      So now, we have an equivalent way to write Form (1) for the derivative of f at a real
                          c 0 ← h  x 5 c 1 h   x      number c.
                            c ← x
                                                                                       f (c + h) − f (c)
                                                                             f (c) = lim
                  Figure 7 The slope of the tangent line at                        h→0       h
                               f (c + h)− f (c)
                  c is f (c) = lim        .
                           h→0      h                 See Figure 7.
                                                         In the expression above for f (c), c is any real number. That is, the derivative f  ′
                                                      is a function, called the derivative function of f . Now replace c by x, the independent
                                                      variable of f .
                                                       DEFINITION The Derivative Function f  ′
                                                       The derivative function f of a function f is
                   IN WORDS In Form (2) the derivative is the                               f (x + h) − f (x)
                   limit of a difference quotient.                      Form (2)  f (x) = lim
                                                                                        h→0       h
                                                        provided the limit exists. If f has a derivative, then f is said to be differentiable.

                                                         We refer to this representation of the derivative as Form (2).

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