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               176     Chapter 2 • The Derivative and Its Properties

             PAGE                                                                   s (miles)
            172 31. Approximating Velocity  An object moves on a line according            (4, 2.7)  (7, 2.7)
                   to the position function s(t) = 10t (s in centimeters and t in  Princeton  2.7
                   seconds). Approximate the velocity of the object at time t 0 = 3 s  Junction
                                                                              RR station
                   by letting 1t first equal 0.1 s, then 0.01 s, and finally 0.001 s.
                   What limit does the velocity appear to be approaching? Organize
                   the results in a table.
                                                                                         1     (10, 1)  (11, 1)
               32. Approximating Velocity An object moves on a line according
                    © 2024 BFW Publishers PAGES NOT FINAL - For Review Purposes Only - Do Not Copy.
                   to the position function s(t) = 5 − t (s in centimeters and t in        (0, 0)      (13, 0)
                                                                              Princeton  0
                   seconds). Approximate the velocity of the object at time t 0 = 1 by    0   4  7  10  13  17  t (minutes)
                   letting 1t first equal 0.1, then 0.01, and finally 0.001. What limit
                   does the velocity appear to be approaching? Organize the results
                                                                     38. Jen walks to the deli, which is six blocks east of her house. After
                   in a table.
             PAGE                                                        walking two blocks, she realizes she left her phone on her desk, so
            173 33. Motion on a Line As an object moves on a line, its signed  she runs home. After getting the phone, and closing and locking
                   distance s (in meters) from the origin after t seconds is given by
                                                                         the door, Jen starts on her way again. At the deli, she waits in line
                   the position function s = f (t) = 3t + 4t. Find the velocity v  to buy a bottle of vitaminwater TM , and then she jogs home. The
                   at t 0 = 0. At t 0 = 2. At any time t 0 .             graph below represents Jen’s journey. The time t is in minutes,
               34. Motion on a Line As an object moves on a line, its signed  and s is Jen’s distance, in blocks, from home.
                   distance s (in meters) from the origin after t seconds is given by
                                                                         (a) At what times is she headed toward the deli?
                   the position function s = f (t) = 2t + 4. Find the velocity v at  (b) At what times is she headed home?
                   t 0 = 0. At t 0 = 3. At any time t 0 .
                                                                         (c) When is the graph horizontal? What does this indicate?
               35. Motion on a Line As an object moves on a line, its signed  (d) Find Jen’s average velocity from home until she starts back to
                   distance s from the origin at time t is given by the position
                                                                            get her phone.
                   function s = s(t) = 3t − , where s is in centimeters and t is in  (e) Find Jen’s average velocity from home to the deli after
                                     t                                      getting her phone.
                   seconds. Find the velocity v of the object at t 0 = 1 and t 0 = 4.
                                                                         (f) Find her average velocity from the deli to home.
               36. Motion on a Line As an object moves on a line, its signed
                                                                               s (blocks)
                   distance s from the origin at time t is given by the position
                                                                               Deli  6       (16, 6)  (19, 6)
                   function s = s(t) = 2 t, where s is in centimeters and t is in
                   seconds. Find the velocity v of the object at t 0 = 1 and t 0 = 4.
               37. The Princeton Dinky is the shortest rail line in the country.
                   It runs for 2.7 miles, connecting Princeton University to the
                                                                                       (5, 2)
                   Princeton Junction railroad station. The Dinky starts from the   2
                   university and moves north toward Princeton Junction. Its
                   distance from Princeton is shown in the graph (top, right), where        (7, 0)       (25, 0)
                                                                             House  0
                   the time t is in minutes and the distance s of the Dinky          0   5  10  15  20  25  t (minutes)
                   from Princeton University is in miles.                             (0, 0) (6, 0)
                                                                     Applications and Extensions
                                                                      39. Slope of a Tangent Line An equation of the tangent line to the
                                                                         graph of a function f at (2, 8) is y = −5x + 12. What is f (2)?
                                                                      40. Slope of a Tangent Line An equation of the tangent line of a
                                                                         function f at (3, 4) is y = x + 1. What is f (3)?
                                                                      41. Tangent Line  Does the tangent line to the graph of y = x 2
                 MancusoMichael/AP Images                          170 43. Respiration Rate  A human being’s respiration rate R  3
                                                                         at (1, 1) pass through the point (2, 5)?
                                                                                     Does the tangent line to the graph of y = x
                                                                      42. Tangent Line
                                                                         at (1, 1) pass through the point (2, 5)?
                                                                         (in breaths per minute) is given by R = R (p) = 10.35 + 0.59p,
                                                                         where p is the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the lungs.
                                                                         Find the rate of change in respiration when p = 50.
                   (a) When is the Dinky headed toward Princeton University?
                  (b) When is it headed toward Princeton Junction?    44. Instantaneous Rate of Change  The
                                                                         volume V of the right circular cylinder of
                   (c) When is the Dinky stopped?
                                                                         height 5 m and radius r m shown in the
                  (d) Find its average velocity on a trip from Princeton to Princeton      2
                                                                         figure is V = V (r) = 5πr . Find the
                      Junction.                                                                                     5 m
                                                                         instantaneous rate of change of the
                   (e) Find its average velocity for the round trip shown in the  volume with respect to the radius
                      graph, that is, from t = 0 to t = 13.              when r = 3 m.                           r
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