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                                                                                Section 2.1 • Rates of Change and the Derivative  175

                    AP EXAM TIP                        • Read the AP Exam Tip on the left. Following the tip, we would use the interval
                                                         of least width containing the number c. So, on the AP Exam, we would use the
                   To earn points on the AP Exam, when   interval [1, 2] to approximate the derivative f (c). Based on the result in the
                   approximating the derivative of a function f              ′
                                                         second bullet, we have f (2) ≈ 9.
                   at a number c using a table, the interval of
                   least width containing c must be used. In       Approximating the Derivative of a Function Represented
                   other words, use the interval that most tightly  EXAMPLE 9
                                                                   by a Table
                   bounds c.
                    © 2024 BFW Publishers PAGES NOT FINAL - For Review Purposes Only - Do Not Copy.
                                                      The table below lists several values of a function y = f (x) that is continuous on the
                                                      closed interval [0, 6] and has a derivative at each number in the open interval (0, 6).
                    AP EXAM TIP
                                                      Approximate the derivative of f at 3.4.
                   Problems similar to Example 9 often appear
                   on the AP Exam.                                               x   1  2  3  4  5
                                                                                f (x)  4  6  2  1  6
                    AP EXAM TIP
                                                      Note that 3.4 is not in the table, so we do not know f (3.4). In such cases, approximate
                   If you are asked to find an approximation of
                                                      the derivative by finding the average rate of change using the interval of least width
                   the derivative f (c) of a function y = f (x)
                                                      containing 3.4. In this case, find the average rate of change from 3 to 4, namely,
                   represented by a table and c is not in the
                   table, use the interval of least width
                                                                             f (4) − f (3)  1 − 2
                   containing c to approximate f (c).                                   =      = −1
                                                                                4 − 3       1
                                                      Then f (3.4) is approximately −1.
                                                      NOW WORK    Problem 51 and AP Practice Problems 8 and 9.
                   2.1 Assess Your Understanding
                  Concepts and Vocabulary
                                                                                  1                        √
                   1. True or False  The derivative is used to find instantaneous  169 11. f (x) =  at (1, 1)  12. f (x) =  x at (4, 2)
                     velocity.                                                    x

                   2. True or False  The derivative can be used to find the rate of  1  at  1,  1            2  at  1,  2
                                                                        13. f (x) =               14. f (x) =
                     change of a function.                                        x + 5     6              x + 4     5
                   3. The notation f (c) is read f  of c; f (c) represents  PAGE   1                       1
                                                                      174 15. f (x) = √ at (1, 1)  16. f (x) =  2  at (1, 1)
                     the     of the tangent line to the graph of f at the point  .  x                      x
                                             f (x) − f (3)
                   4. True or False If it exists, lim  is the derivative of  In Problems 17–20, find the rate of change of f at the indicated
                                          x→3   x − 3
                     the function f at 3.
                                                                      170 17. f (x) = 5x − 2 at (a) c = 0, (b) c = 2
                   5. If f (x) = 6x − 3, then f (3) =  .
                                                                        18. f (x) = x − 1 at (a) c = −1,  (b) c = 1
                   6. The velocity of an object, the slope of a tangent line, and the rate  2
                     of change of a function are three different interpretations of the  19. f (x) =  x  at (a) c = 0, (b) c = 1
                     mathematical concept called the  .                           x + 3
                                                                        20. f (x) =  2  at (a) c = 0, (b) c = 2
                  Skill Building                                                  x − 1
                                                                        In Problems 21–30, find the derivative of each function at the given
                  In Problems 7–16,
                     (a) Find an equation for the tangent line to the graph of each  21. f (x) = 4x + 1 at 1  22. f (x) = 5x − 9 at 2
                         function at the indicated point.
                                                                      PAGE        2                         2
                     (b) Find an equation of the normal line to each function at the  173 23. f (x) = x − 2 at 0  24. f (x) = 2x + 4 at 1
                         indicated point.                               25. f (x) = 3x + x + 5 at −1  26. f (x) = 2x − x − 7 at −1
                      (c) Graph the function, the tangent line, and the normal line at
                                                                                 √                         1
                         the indicated point on the same set of coordinate axes.  27. f (x) =  x at 4  28. f (x) =  at 2
                                                                                                           x 2
                  7. f (x) = 3x at (−2, 12)  8. f (x) = x + 2 at (−1, 3)
                                                                                  2 − 5x                   2 + 3x
                  9. f (x) = x at (−2, −8)  10. f (x) = x + 1 at (1, 2)  29. f (x) =  1 + x  at 0  30. f (x) =  2 + x  at 1
                                                    © 2024 BFW Publishers PAGES NOT FINAL
                                                 For Review Purposes Only, all other uses prohibited
                                                        Do Not Copy or Post in Any Form.
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