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                                                 Section 2.3 • The Derivative of a Polynomial Function; The Derivative of y = e and y = ln x  197
                                                         Use the point-slope form of an equation of a line to find an equation of the
                                                      normal line.
                                                                    y − (−5) = (x − 1)
                                                                              1            1   1      1    11
                                                                          y = (x − 1) − 5 = x −  − 5 = x −
                                                                              2            2   2      2     2
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                                                                1    11
                                                      The line y = x −  is normal to the graph of f at the point (1, −5).
                                                                2     2
                                                      (f) The graphs of f , the tangent line, and the normal line to f at (1, −5) are shown
                          f210, 14g 3 f210, 5g
                                                      in Figure 26. Because we are graphing the tangent line and the normal line, which are
                  Figure 26 f (x) = 2x − 6x + 2x − 3  perpendicular to each other, we use a square screen to obtain Figure 26.
                                                      NOW WORK    Problem 33 and AP Practice Problems 2, 5, 8, 11, and 12.
                                                         In some applications, we need to solve equations or inequalities involving the
                                                      derivative of a function.

                                                      EXAMPLE 6 Solving Equations and Inequalities Involving Derivatives
                                                      (a) Find the points on the graph of f (x) = 4x − 12x + 2, where f has a horizontal
                                                         tangent line.
                                                      (b) Where is f (x) > 0? Where is f (x) < 0?
                                                      (a) The slope of a horizontal tangent line is 0. Since the derivative of f equals the slope
                                                      of the tangent line, we need to find the numbers x for which f (x) = 0.
                                                                        f (x) = 12x − 24x = 12x(x − 2)
                                                                   12x(x − 2) = 0                      f (x) = 0
                                                                           x = 0 or x = 2              Solve.
                            y                            At the points (0, f (0)) = (0, 2) and (2, f (2)) = (2, −14), the graph of the
                            5                                        3     2
                                                      function f (x) = 4x − 12x + 2 has horizontal tangent lines.
                          (0, 2)
                                                      (b)  Since f (x) = 12x(x − 2) and we want to solve the inequalities f (x) > 0
                    2               2       4 x      and f (x) < 0, we use the zeros of f , 0 and 2, and form a table using the
                                                      intervals (−∞, 0), (0, 2), and (2, ∞). See Table 2.
                                                       TABLE 2
                                                       Interval                     (−∞, 0)          (0, 2)          (2, ∞)
                                                       Sign of f (x) = 12x(x − 2)   Positive        Negative        Positive
                          15      (2, 14)              We conclude f (x) > 0 on (−∞, 0) ∪ (2, ∞) and f (x) < 0 on (0, 2).
                  Figure 27 f (x) = 4x − 12x + 2         Figure 27 shows the graph of f and the two horizontal tangent lines.
                                                      NOW WORK    Problem 37 and AP Practice Problem 3.
                                                      4 Differentiate the Exponential Function y = e and the Natural
                                                          Logarithm Function y = ln x

                                                      None of the differentiation rules developed so far allow us to find the derivative of an
                                                      exponential function. To differentiate f (x) = a , we need to return to the definition of
                                                      a derivative.
                                                         We begin by making some general observations about the derivative
                   NEED TO REVIEW? Exponential functions  of f (x) = a , a > 0 and a 6= 1. We then use these observations to find the derivative
                   are discussed in Section P.5, pp. 43–46.                     x
                                                      of the exponential function y = e .
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