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Sullivan  04 apcalc4e 45342 ch02 166 233 5pp  August 7, 2023  12:54

                                                 Section 2.3 • The Derivative of a Polynomial Function; The Derivative of y = e and y = ln x  201
                  67. Tangent Lines If n is an odd positive integer, show that the  (c) Assuming that the rate found in (b) remains constant, how
                      tangent lines to the graph of y = x at (1, 1) and at (−1, −1) are  much would the luminosity change if its photosphere
                      parallel.                                                temperature increased by 1 K (1 C or 1.8 F)? Compare this
                  68. Tangent Line If the line 3x − 4y = 0 is tangent to the graph  change to the present luminosity of the Sun.
                      of y = x + k in the first quadrant, find k.
                                                                         76. Medicine: Poiseuille’s Equation  The French physician
                  69. Tangent Line Find the constants a, b, and c so that the graph  Poiseuille discovered that the volume V of blood (in cubic
                      of y = ax + bx + c contains the point (−1, 1) and is tangent to  centimeters per unit time) flowing through an artery with inner
                    © 2024 BFW Publishers PAGES NOT FINAL - For Review Purposes Only - Do Not Copy.
                      the line y = 2x at (0, 0).                            radius R (in centimeters) can be modeled by
                  70. Tangent Line Let T be the tangent line to the graph of y = x 3
                                                                                               V (R) = kR
                                1 1
                      at the point  ,  . At what other point Q on the graph
                                2 8                                                  π
                                                                            where k =  is constant (here ν represents the viscosity of
                      of y = x does the line T intersect the graph? What is the slope  8νl
                      of the tangent line at Q?                             blood and l is the length of the artery).
                  71. Military Tactics A dive bomber is flying from right to left  (a) Find the rate of change of the volume V of blood flowing
                      along the graph of y = x . When a rocket bomb is released, it  through the artery with respect to the radius R.
                      follows a path that is approximately along the tangent line. Where  (b) Find the rate of change when R = 0.03 and
                      should the pilot release the bomb if the target is at (1, 0)?
                                                                               when R = 0.04.
                  72. Military Tactics Answer the question in Problem 71 if the
                      plane is flying from right to left along the graph of y = x .  (c) If the radius of a partially clogged artery is increased
                                                                               from 0.03 to 0.04 cm, estimate the effect on the rate of
                  73. Fluid Dynamics  The velocity v of a liquid flowing through  change of the volume V with respect to R of the blood
                      a cylindrical tube is given by the Hagen–Poiseuille      flowing through the enlarged artery.
                      equation v = k(R −r ), where R is the radius of the tube, k is a
                      constant that depends on the length of the tube and the velocity of  (d) How do you interpret the results found in (b) and (c)?
                      the liquid at its ends, and r is the variable distance of the liquid
                      from the center of the tube. See the figure below.  77. Derivative of an Area   y
                                                                            Let f (x) = mx, m > 0.           f(x)  mx
                     (a) Find the rate of change of v with respect to r at the center of
                                                                            Let F(x), x > 0, be defined as
                         the tube.
                                                                            the area of the shaded region in
                     (b) What is the rate of change halfway from the center to the wall  the figure. Find F (x).
                         of the tube?                                                                           x     x
                      (c) What is the rate of change at the wall of the tube?  78. The Difference Rule Prove that if f and g are differentiable
                                                                            functions and if F(x) = f (x) − g(x), then
                                             r    R
                                                                                            F (x) = f (x) − g (x)
                                 v                 v
                                 0                 t
                                                                         79. Simple Power Rule  Let f (x) = x , where n is a positive
                  74. Rate of Change Water is leaking out of a swimming pool that  integer. Use a factoring principle to show that
                      measures 20 ft by 40 ft by 6 ft. The amount of water in the pool at
                      a time t is W(t) = 35,000 − 20t gallons, where t equals the       ′        f (x) − f (c)  n − 1
                      number of hours since the pool was last filled. At what rate is the  f (c) = lim  x − c  = nc
                      water leaking when t = 2 h?
                                                                        80. Normal Lines For what nonnegative number b is the line given
                  75. Luminosity of the Sun  The luminosity L of a star is the rate at
                      which it radiates energy. This rate depends on the temperature T  by y = − x + b normal to the graph of y = x ?
                      and surface area A of the star’s photosphere (the gaseous    3
                      surface that emits the light). Luminosity is modeled by the  81. Normal Lines Let N be the normal line to the graph of y = x at
                      equation L = σ AT , where σ is a constant known as the  the point (−2, 4). At what other point Q does N meet the graph?
                      Stefan–Boltzmann constant, and T is expressed in the absolute
                      (Kelvin) scale for which 0 K is absolute zero. As with most stars,  Challenge Problems
                      the Sun’s temperature has gradually increased over the 6 billion
                      years of its existence, causing its luminosity to slowly increase.  82. Tangent Line Find a, b, c, d so that the tangent line to
                                                                            the graph of the cubic y = ax + bx + cx + d at the point (1, 0)
                     (a) Find the rate at which the Sun’s luminosity changes with  is y = 3x − 3 and at the point (2, 9) is y = 18x − 27.
                         respect to the temperature of its photosphere. Assume that the
                                                                        83. Tangent Line Find the fourth degree polynomial that
                         surface area A remains constant.
                                                                            contains the origin and to which the line x + 2y = 14 is tangent at
                     (b) Find the rate of change at the present time. The temperature  both x = 4 and x = −2.
                         of the photosphere is currently 5800 K (10,000 F), the  84. Tangent Lines  Find equations for all the lines
                         radius of the photosphere is r = 6.96 × 10 m,      containing the point (1, 4) that are tangent to the graph
                                          W                                 of y = x − 10x + 6x − 2. At what points do each of the
                         and σ = 5.67 × 10 −8  .
                                        m K 4                               tangent lines touch the graph?
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