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Content Resources Team
Karen Hyers University. He has taught calculus at the high school, college,
Content Advisor and Author, Student Edition and Teacher’s and university levels, as well as English as a second language
© 2024 BFW Publishers PAGES NOT FINAL - For Review Purposes Only - Do Not Copy.
Edition in Japan at the elementary and middle school levels and ele-
mentary mathematics in Finland as part of a Fulbright Dis-
Karen has worked in high school and collegiate mathematics tinguished Award in Teaching grant. He previously worked at
education for 35 years and has taught AP Calculus for more College Board as the course lead for AP Calculus and AP
than 25 years. She is an AP Calculus consultant and mentor Statistics.
for College Board and an AP exam reader and leader. Karen
received the 2009 Presidential Award for Excellence in
Mathematics and Science Teaching. She is the past president Eliel Gonzalez
of Minnesota’s Council of Teachers of Mathematics and Content Advisor and Accuracy Reviewer, Student Edition,
has served on the Board of Directors for NCSM: Math Ed Teacher’s Edition, and Solutions Manual
Leadership, the Council of Presidential Awardees in Math, Eliel Gonzalez served as a mathematics educator in Massachusetts
and SciMath MN . She is a regular presenter at state, regional, for over three decades, retiring in 2022. He holds a bachelor of
and national math education conferences. Her recent action science degree in mathematics from Purdue University (2021
research focuses on enriching the student experience through Distinguished Education Alumnus Award) as well as a master
collaborative learning, self-reflection, and critical thinking. in education degree from the University of Massachusetts. His
primary duties included teaching AP Calculus, honors calculus,
Ben Hedrick and precalculus, as well as being involved with Math Counts
Content Advisor and Solutions Author, Student Edition and and/or HS Math League every year of his career. Furthermore,
Solutions Manual Eliel has served the College Board as K-12 professional
Ben Hedrick holds a bachelor of science degree in mathematics development project manager in mathematics and AP Annual
and statistics from The Pennsylvania State University, a master Conference Steering Committee member. Eliel will soon start
of arts in teaching degree from Duke University, and a Ph.D. teaching AP Precalculus workshops to complement his over
in Mathematics Curriculum and Instruction from Stanford two-decade tenure as an AP Calculus teacher trainer.
Content Advisory Board for the Fourth AP® Edition
Thank you to our advisory board members for their helpful direction throughout the development of
this book. The content advisory board understands the needs of the AP Calculus teacher and student.
They provided valuable guidance on how to make the content relevant, engaging, and appropriate for
the AP high-school classroom.
Kimberly A. Foltz, Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics, Siena Morse, Orange Vista High School, Perris, CA
and Humanities Larry Peterson, Northridge High School, Layton, UT
Eliel Gonzalez (retired) East Longmeadow High School, MA Anthony J. Record, Avon High School, IN
Ben Hedrick Dixie Ross, Pflugerville High School, TX
Theresa Horvath, McKinney High School, McKinney, TX William Semus, Cherry Hill High School East, NJ
Karen Hyers, Tartan High School, Oakdale, MN Allen Wolmer
Teresita Lemus, School for Advanced Studies, West Campus, FL
Content Advisory Board for the Third AP® Edition
We would also like to thank the advisory board members who participated in the development of the
previous edition.
John Aversa, Catholic Memorial School, West Roxbury, MA Jon Kawamura, West Salem High School, Salem, OR
Joseph Brandell, St. Mary’s Preparatory, Orchard Lake, MI Joshua Newton, Dallas Independent School District, Dallas, TX
Mikki Castor, Frontier High School, Mansfield, TX William Roloff, Lake Park High School, Roselle, IL
Brent Ferguson, The Lawrenceville School, Lawrenceville, NJ
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Do Not Copy or Post in Any Form.
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