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                                                   Sullivan  05 apcalc4e 45342 ch03 234 283 3pp  July 13, 2023  9:41
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                                                       260  Chapter 3 • The Derivative of Composite, Implicit, and Inverse Functions
                                                                            EXAMPLE 2 Finding an Equation of a Tangent Line
                        RECALL  gives a quick                              The function f (x) = x + 2x − 4 is one-to-one and has an inverse function g. Find an
                        refresher of key results                           equation of the tangent line to the graph of g at the point (8, 2) on g.
                        used in theorems,               RECALL If the functions f and g are inverses  The slope of the tangent line to the graph of g at the point (8, 2) is g (8). Since f and g
                        definitions, and examples.      and if f (a) = b, then g(b) exists, and  are inverse functions, g(8) = 2 and f (2) = 8. Now use (1) to find g (8).
                                                        g(b) = a.
                                                                                       1       1
                                                                                  g (8) =  g � (y 0 ) =  ; x 0 = 2; y 0 = 8
                                                                                      f � (2)  f � (x 0 )
                                                                                     =     f � (x) = 3x 2 + 2; f � (2) = 3 · 2 2 + 2 = 14
                                                                             Now use the point-slope form of an equation of a line to find an equation of the
                        NEED TO REVIEW?  shows                             tangent line to g at (8, 2).  1
                    you where in the book to find                                          y − 2 =  14  (x − 8)
                    concepts that you want to                                             14y − 28 = x − 8
                                                                                          14y − x = 20
                    refresh. Each of these is on-the-                      The line 14y − x = 20 is tangent to the graph of g at the point (8, 2).
                    spot help to send you to the                            NOW WORK  Problem 51 and AP Practice Problems 7 and 11.
                    right information.
                                                                            2 Find the Derivative of the Inverse Trigonometric Functions
                                                        NEED TO REVIEW? Inverse trigonometric
                                                        functions are discussed in Section P.7,  Table 1 lists the inverse trigonometric functions and their domains.
                             AP   ®    EXAM TIPS  offer   pp. 63--67.       TABLE 1 The Domain of the Inverse Trigonometric Functions
                         advice and tips on             AP EXAM TIP           f      Restricted Domain  f −1  Domain
                         how to succeed on the          The exam often uses arcsin x instead of  f (x) = sin x    − ,     f  −1 (x) = sin −1 x  [−1, 1]
                                                                                         π π
                                                                                         2 2
                         exam.                          sin −1 x, arccos x instead of cos −1 x, and so on.  f (x) = cos x  [0,π]  f  −1 (x) = cos −1 x  [−1, 1]
                                                        Be familiar with both notations.
                                                                                          π π
                                                                            f (x) = tan x  − ,    f  −1 (x) = tan −1  x  (−∞, ∞)
                                                                                         2 2
                                                                                        π        π
                                                                            f (x) = csc x  −π, −  ∪ 0,  f  −1 (x) = csc −1  x  |x|≥ 1
                                                                                        2    2

                                                        CAUTION Keep in mind that f −1 (x)     π     3π  −1  −1
                                                        represents the inverse function of f  f (x) = sec x  0,  2  ∪ π,  2  f  (x) = sec  x  |x|≥ 1
                                                        and not the reciprocal function.
                                                                1           f (x) = cot x  (0, π)  f  −1 (x) = cot −1  x  (−∞, ∞)
                                                        That is, f −1 (x) �=  .
                                                               f (x)                                π   π
                        CAUTION  and  NOTES        Sullivan  05 apcalc4e 45342 ch03 234 283 3pp  July 13, 2023  9:41 To find the derivative of y = sin −1  x, −1 ≤ x ≤ 1, − 2  ≤ y ≤  2 , we write sin y = x
                        warn you about potential                           and differentiate implicitly with respect to x.
                                                           Chapter 3 • The Derivative
                        misconceptions and pitfalls.       270 NOTE Alternatively, we can use the of Composite, Implicit, and Inverse Functions  dx x
                                                        Derivative of an Inverse Function.
                                                                                    sin y =
                                                        If y = sin −1 x, then x = sin y, and
                                                                         2 Use Logarithmic Differentiation d  dy
                                                             dy  1  1             cos y ·  = 1  dx  sin y = cos y  dx  using the Chain Rule.
                                                                                     dx are very useful for finding derivatives of functions
                                                              =  =       Logarithms and their properties
                                                             dx  dx  cos y  that involve products, quotients, or powers. This method, called logarithmic
                                                               dy                    dy  1
                                                                         differentiation, uses the facts that =the logarithm of a product is a sum, the logarithm
                                                                                        cos y
                                                        provided cos y �= 0.  of a quotient is a difference, and the logarithm of a power is a product.
                                                             y �
                                                                                               π π  π π
                                                                                                    , we exclude these values.
                                                                                                or y = =
                                                                           provided cos y �= 0. Since cos y = 0 if y =− 2 2  or y  2 2 , we exclude these values.
                                                                           provided cos y �= 0. Since cos y = 0 if y =−
                                                                         EXAMPLE 4 Finding Derivatives Using Logarithmic Differentiation
                                                                       CALC CLIP
                                                                                x 2
                                                                         Find y � if y =  .
                                                                              (3x − 2) 3
                                                                         It is easier to find y � if we take the natural logarithm of each side before differentiating.
                                                                         That is, we write
                                                       World History Archive/Alamy    ln y = ln   (3x − 2) 3
                                                                                            x 2
                                                        ORIGINS Logarithmic differentiation was  and simplify using properties of logarithms.
                    ORIGINS  point out the life         first used in 1697 by Johann Bernoulli  ln y = ln x − ln(3x − 2) 3
                                                        (1667--1748) to find the derivative of y = x x .
                    story and key discoveries of        Johann, a member of a famous family of  = 2 ln x − 3 ln(3x − 2)
                                                        mathematicians, was the younger brother of
                                                        Jakob Bernoulli (1654--1705). He was also a
                    people who helped in the            contemporary of Newton, Leibniz, the  To find y � , use implicit differentiation.
                                                        French mathematician Guillaume de
                    development of calculus.            l’Hˆopital, and the Japanese mathematician  dx d  ln y =  dx d  [2 ln x − 3 ln(3x − 2)]
                                                        Seki Takakazu (1642–1708).
                                                                                y �  d  d  [3 ln(3x − 2)]  d  1 dy  y �
                                                                                y  = dx  (2 ln x) − dx  dx  ln y =  y dx  =  y
                                                                                y �  2  9
                                                                                y  =  x  −  3x − 2
                                                                                    2  9        x 2     2  9
                                                                                y = y  −  =    −
                                                                                   x  3x − 2  (3x − 2) 3  x  3x − 2
                                                                           Summarizing these steps, we have the method of Logarithmic Differentiation.
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                                                                          Steps for Using Logarithmic Differentiation
                                                                          Step 1 If the function y = f (x) consists of products, quotients, and powers, take
                                                       Do Not Copy or Post in Any Form.
                                                                             the natural logarithm of each side. Then simplify using properties of
                                                                                               d   y �
                                                                          Step 2 Differentiate implicitly, and use the fact that  ln y =  .
                                                                                               dx  y
          01_apcalc4e_45342_fm_i_xxix_3pp.indd   23                       Step 3 Solve for y � , and replace y with f (x).  10/11/23   2:38 PM
                                                                         NOW WORK  Problem 51 and AP Practice Problem 12.
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