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Sullivan  04 apcalc4e 45342 ch02 166 233 3pp  June 19, 2023  9:25
                                                                       190  Chapter 2 • The Derivative and Its Properties
                                                                       85. Tangent Lines and Derivatives      Let f and g be two functions,  87. A function f is defined for all real numbers and has the following
                                                                        each with derivatives at c. State
                 AP® Exam prep every step of the way.  the relationship between their             three properties:
                                                                        tangent lines at c if:               f (a + b) − f (a) = kab + 2b 2
                                                                                       1           f (1) = 5  f (3) = 21
                                                                        (a) f � (c) = g � (c)  (b) f � (c) =−  g � (c) �= 0
                                                                                      g � (c)     for all real numbers a and b where k is a fixed real number
                                                                                                  independent of a and b.
                                                                       Challenge Problems
                                                                                                  (a) Use a = 1 and b = 2 to find k.
                                                                       86. Let f be a function defined for all real numbers x. Suppose f has
                                                                        the following properties:  (b) Find f � (3).
                                                                                                  (c) Find f � (x) for all real x.
                                                                           f (u + v) = f (u) f (v)  f (0) = 1  f � (0) exists
                                                                                                88. A function f is periodic if there is a positive number p so
                                                                                                  that f (x + p) = f (x) for all x. Suppose f is differentiable. Show
                                                                        (a) Show that f � (x) exists for all real numbers x.  that if f is periodic with period p, then f � is also periodic with
                    © 2024 BFW Publishers PAGES NOT FINAL - For Review Purposes Only - Do Not Copy.
                                                                        (b) Show that f � (x) = f � (0) f (x).  period p.
                                                            Sullivan  06 apcalc4e 45342 ch04 284 331 3pp  July 13, 2023  9:44  Preparing for the AP Exam
                                                                       AP Practice Problems
                      Immediate reinforcement of skills.       312  Chapter 4 • Applications of the Derivative,  if  x ≤ 1  R
                                                                       Multiple-Choice Questions Part 1
                                                                                 x 2 − ax
                                                                                                  Preparing for the AP Exam
                  Each section covering content that may appear on   AP Practice Problems  ax + b  if  x > 1  , where a and b  183  5. If f (x) =|x|, which of the following statements
                                                                       1. The function f (x) =
                                                                                                  about f are true?
                                                                         are constants. If f is differentiable at x = 1, then a + b =
                  the exam includes a comprehensive selection of  AP   ®  PAGE  Multiple-Choice Questions  (B) −2  (C) 0  (D) 2 PAGE  II. f is differentiable at 0.
                                                                                                  I. f is continuous at 0.
                                                                         (A) −3
                                                                                                  III. f (0) = 0.= x 3 + 1 at x = 1 is used
                     Practice Problems . Practicing all year will pay off when  1. Let f be a function for which f (2) = 6 and f � (2) =−3.  304  6. The line tangent to the graph of f (x)  (B) III only
                                                                       2. The graph of the function f , given below, consists of three line
                                                                 If the line tangent
                                                                                          to approximate f (x) near 1. Which number below is the
                                                                     180 to the graph of f at 2 is used to
                                                                                                  (A) I only
                                                                 approximate a zero of f , then the approximation is
                                                                         segments. Find lim
                  you are more confident taking the exam.            (A) 0  (B) 4  (C) 6  (D) 12 h→0  f (3 + h) − f (3) .  greatest value of x that results in an error less than or equal to
                                                                                                  (C) I and III only
                                                                                                         (D) I, II, and III
                                                                                                6. The graph of the function f shown in the figure has horizontal
                                                              PAGE          3 √  y        (A) 1.30  186 1.35  (C) 1.40  (D) 1.45
                                                              304  2. For small, positive values of h,  8 + h is best  6  tangent lines at the points (0, 1) and (2, −1) and a vertical
                                                                 approximated by  (0, 4)  304 PAGE  7. A linear approximation L is used to approximate f (x) =  √ x,
                                                                                                  tangent line at the point (1, 0). For what numbers x in the open
                                                                                                  interval (−2, 3) is f not differentiable?
                                                                    h    h    h    h      at c, c > 0. The approximation
                                                                 (A) 4 −  (B) 4 +  (C) 2 − (22, 2) (D) 2 +  (A) always underestimates the true value of f at c.
                                                                    12   12   12  2  12
                                                                                 πx     (6, 0)  (B) always overestimates the true value of f at  y c.
                       Continual practice.                    304  3. A linear approximation to f (x) = x sin 24  22 2  + x 2  2  4  6  x  (C) sometimes overestimates the true value of  4 f at c.
                                                                 at x = 3 is
                                                                   Sullivan  04 apcalc4e 45342 ch02 166 233 3pp  June 19, 2023  9:25  (D) does not provide enough information to determine whether
                                                                                            the true value of f at c is over- or underestimated.
                   At the end of each section, you are           (A) y = 5x + 6  (A) −1 (B) − 2 9 3 9  (C) −  3 2  (D) The limit does not exist.  2
                                                                          (B) y = 5x −
                                                                                         8. Suppose y = f (x) is a differentiable function. The table below
                                                                 (C) y = 7x − 9
                                                                          (D) y = 7x +
                   continually prompted to reinforce prior    304 PAGE  4. Using the line tangent to the graph of f (x) =  if xe x + 2 at 0,  gives values of f and f � for select numbers Chapter 2 • Review Exercises  231
                                                                                                        22 x in the domain
                                                                            ⎪ ⎨ x 2 − 25
                                                                                                          22 f (3.1).
                                                                                          of f . Use a linear approximation to approximate
                                                                                  x �= 5
                                                                              x − 5
                                                                     186value of f ( − 0.3) is
                   knowledge through the  Retain Your            the approximate  3. If f (x) = ⎪ ⎩ It Down x = 5  x  − 3  0  1  Preparing for the AP Exam
                                                                 (A) 2.3
                                                                              (D) − 2.3
                                                                         (C) 1.7
                                                                     (B) 1.3
                                                                         which of the following statements about f are true?
                                                                                                  (A) −1 only − 1
                   Knowledge AP   ®    Practice Problems ,    304 PAGE  5. If f � (x) = 2xe x 2 −1 − 3π sin(πx) and f (1) = 4, at AP Practice Problem 12 from Section 2.2 on page 191. − 1 4  − 2  − 2 (B) −1 and 1 only
                                                                                           f (x)
                                                                           Let’s take a closer look
                                                                                                           (D) −1, 0, 1, and 2
                                                                                                  (C) −1, 0, and 2 only
                                                                                           f � (x)
                                                                         I. lim f exists.
                                                                 approximate f (1.03) using a
                                                                          x→5 linear approximation.
                                                                              Oil is leaking from a tank. The amount of oil, in gallons,
                   which present three multiple-choice           (A) 4.06  (B) 5.06 III. f is differentiable at x = 5.  (A) 4.1  (B) PAGE in the tank is given by G(t) = 4000 − 3t 2 , f (1 + h) − f (1)  =−3.
                                                                         II. f is continuous at x = 5.
                                                                                                7. Let f be a function for which lim
                                                                          (C) 4
                                                                              where t,0
                                                                              (D) 3.94≤ t ≤ 24 is the number of hours past midnight.
                                                                                              186 − 2.3
                                                                                                        (D) − 1.7
                                                                                                   (C) 0.1
                                                                          f f
                                                                                                  Which of the following must be true?
                   questions and one free-response                       (A) I only  (a) Find G � (5) using the definition of the derivative.  Which of the following must be true?
                                                                                (B) I and II only
                                                                                                  I. f is continuous at 1.
                                                                              (b) Using appropriate units, interpret the meaning of G � (5) in the context of the problem.
                                                                         (C) I and III only
                                                                                (D) I, II, and III
                                                                                                  II. f is differentiable at 1.
                   question drawing from concepts covered      Retain Your Knowledge Step 1  Identify the underlying structure and the  The problem is asking for G’(5), a derivative.
                                                                                                  III. f � is continuous at 1.
                                                                       4. Suppose f is a function that is differentiable on the open
                                                                     186 Questions
                                                                                                  (A) I only
                                                                         interval (−2, 8). If f (0) = 3, f (2) =−3, and f (7) = 3,
                                                                               related concepts.
                   in prior sections and chapters.              1. The function f (x) = e x + x has an inverse function g.  3. If f (x) = x 4 ln(2x 2 + 3), then f � (1)  (B) II only
                                                                         which of the following must be true?
                                                                                                  (C) I and II only equals
                                                                                                         (D) I, II, and III
                                                                               Determine the appropriate math rule or
                                                                           Step 2
                                                                                                Because we want the derivative of G at a number, we use
                                                                 Then, g � (1) =  I. f has at least 2 zeros.  4  PAGE Form (1) of the Definition of a Derivative (see p. 179).
                                                                                                8. At what point on the graph of f (x) = x 2 − 4 is the tangent line4 is the tangent line4 is the tangent line
                                                                   1     II. f is continuous on the closed interval [−1, 7].(A)  ln 5  + 4 180 ln 5  (B) 4 + 4 ln 5
                                                                                                  parallel to the line 6x − 3y = 2?
                                                                           Step 3
                                                                              (D) Apply the math rule
                                                                 (A)  (B) 2  III. For some c,0 < c < 7, f (c) =−2. or procedure.  Using Form (1),
                                                                   2      e + 1  e
                                                                         (A) I only  (B) I and II only  (C)  4  + 4 ln 5  G � (5) (D) = lim 1 G(t)  (B) (1, 2) (4000 − 3t 2 ) − (4000 − 3 · 5 2 )
                                                                                                            (C) (2, 0)
                                                                                                  (A) (1, −3)− G(5)
                                                                                                                 (D) (2, 4) 4),
                                                                                                        = lim
                                                                                                    + 4ln5
                                                                                                               t − 5
                                                                                                     t − 5
                      Become a savvy test-taker.                2. Find y � for e x sin y − x 2 cos y = x.  (D) I, II, and III  Free-Response Question = lim 5  − 3(t 2 − 25)  = lim  − 3(t − 5)(t + 5)
                                                                         (C) II and III only
                                                                     1 + 2x cos y − e x sin y
                                                                                                             t − 5
                                                                                                     t − 5
                  Every chapter ends with  AP   ®    Review      (A) y � =  x 2 sin y − e x cos y  4. The resistance R, in ohms, of a wire of radius x cm is given
                                                                                                  = lim[− 3(t + 5)] =− 30
                  Problems  that include multiple-choice             1 − 2 cos y − e x sin y  by the formula R(x) =  0.0048  . The radius x is given
                                                                                                   x 2
                  Sullivan  04 apcalc4e 45342 ch02 166 233 3pp  June 19, 2023  9:25  (B) y � =  x 2 sin y + e x cos y Step 4  Clearly communicate your answer.  (a) G � (5) =− 30
                                                                                          by x = 0.991 + 10 −5 T , where T is the temperature in Kelvin.
                                                                                                (b) A derivative is a rate of change. In this problem, G � (t) equals
                  problems for exam prep all year as well        (C) y � = 1 +  2x cos y − e x sin y  Determine how R is changing with respect to T
                                                                                                the rate of change of G with respect t, that is, the rate of change
                                                                      x 2 sin y + e x cos y
                        Chapter 2 • The Derivative and Its Properties
                  as short-answer open-ended questions               1 + 2x cos y − e x sin y  when T = 320 K. of the amount of oil, in gallons, with respect to the time in hours.
                                                                                                Because G � (5) =− 30, we say the amount of oil in the tank is
                                                                 (D) y � =                      decreasing at the rate of 30 gallons per hour when t = 5 hours past
                                                                     x 2 sin y + e x cos y      midnight, or at 5AM.
                  to build your skills at answering free- 10. Find an equation of the line tangent to the graph
                           6. If y = ln x + xe x + 6, what is the instantaneous rate of
                            change of y with respect to x at x = 5?  x + 3
                                                   of f (x) =  at x = 1.
                  response questions.  1  + 5e         x 2 + 2
                            (A) 5 + 6e 5
                                   5               (A) 5x + 9y = 17  (B) 9y − 5x = 7  AP Review Problems: Chapter 2  Preparing for the AP Exam
                            (C) 5 + 5e 5  (D) 6e 5 +  (C) 5x + 3y = 9  (D) 5x + 9y = 7
                                                     tan x − 1           Multiple-Choice Questions    π
                              More test prep, more comprehensive practice.    1. If f (x) = sec x, then f �  4  =  √  4. The graph of the function f is shown below.
                           7. An equation of the line tangent to the graph of
                                                     x − π
                                                  11. lim π
                                                   x→ 4
                            f (x) = 3xe x + 5 at x = 0 is
                                                                                                   Which statement about the function is true?
                                                      (B) −1
                                                   (A) 0
                  Starting with  Chapter 2 , every chapter ends with an    (A)  2  (B) 2  (C) 1  (D)  2  y 2  y 5 f (x)
                                  (B) y =− x + 5
                            (A) y = 3x + 5
                                                   (C) 2
                                                      (D) Does not exist.
                               x + 5
                                  (D) y =−3x + 5
                  AP   ®    Cumulative Review Practice Problem  set. These   2. If a function f is differentiable at c, then f � (c) is given by
                            (C) y =
                                                Free-Response Questions
                                                  12. An object moves on a line according to  I. lim  f (x) − f (c)  22  2  x
                           8. An object moves along a horizontal line so that its position  the position function s = 2t 3 − 15t 2 + 24t + 3,  x→c  x − c
                            at time t is x(t) = t 4 − 6t 3 − 2t − 1. At what time t is the
                  sets reinforce concepts across the course. They prepare  meters.  II. lim  f (x + h) − f (x)  (A) f is differentiable everywhere.
                                                   where t is measured in minutes and s in
                            acceleration of the object zero?
                  you for the AP ®  exam by keeping the most important       x→c  f (c + h) − f (c)  (B) 0 ≤ f � (x) ≤ 1, for all real numbers.
                                                   (a) When is the velocity of the object 0?
                                 (B) at 1 only
                            (A) at 0 only
                            (C) at 3 only  (D) at 0 and 3 only  (b) Find the object’s acceleration when t = 3.  III. lim  h  (C) f is continuous everywhere.
                                                                                                   (D) f is an even function.
                                                  13. Find the value
                  concepts and techniques fresh in your mind.            of the limit below and specify  (A) I only  (B) III only
                           9. If f (x) = e x (sin x + cos x), then f � (x) =  the function f for which this is the derivative.  (C) I and II only  (D) I and III only  5. The table displays select values of a differentiable
                            (A) 2e x (cos x + sin x)  (B) e x cos x  [4 − 2(x + h)] 2 − (4 − 2x) 2  function f . What is an approximate value of f � (2)?
                                                     lim                       3  , then  dy
                            (C) 2e x cos x  (D) e x (cos 2 x − sin 2 x)  h→0  h  3. If y =  x 2 − 5  dx  =  x  1.996  1.998  2.002  2.004
                                                                              6x     6x            f (x)  3.168  3.181  3.207  3.220
                                                                           (A)  (x 2 − 5) 2  (B) − (x 2 − 5) 2
                       AP Cumulative Review Problems: Chapters 1–2  Preparing for the  AP® Exam  (C)  6x  (D)  2x  (A) 6.5  (B) 0.154  (C) 0.013  (D) 1.5
                                                                             x 2 − 5  (x 2 − 5) 2
                          Multiple-Choice Questions
                             x − 4
                           1. lim  =              5. Suppose the function f is continuous at all real
                            x→4 4 − x
                                                   numbers and f (−2) = 1 and f (5) =−3. Suppose the
                            (A) −4 (B) −1 (C) 0 (D) The limit does not exist.  function g is also continuous at all real numbers
                             3x + sin x            and g(x) = f −1 (x) for all x. The Intermediate Value      Need more help?
                           2. lim  =               Theorem guarantees that
                            x→0  2x
                                                   (A) g(c) = 2 for at least one c between −3 and 1.
                            (A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) The limit does not exist.         Every  AP   ®    Review Problem  is accompanied
                                                   (B) g(c) = 0 for at least one c between −2 and 5.
                           3. Let h be defined by  (C) f (c) = 0 for at least one c between −3 and 1.
                                                   (D) f (c) = 2 for at least one c between −2 and 5.  by a short video clip   in    that
                               f (x) · g(x)  if  x ≤ 1
                            h(x) =
                                k + x  if  x > 1
                            where f and g are both continuous at all real numbers.  6. The line x = c is a vertical asymptote to the graph of  guides you through the solution. Let an
                            If lim f (x) = 2 and lim g(x) =−2, then for what  the function f . Which of the following statements
                            x→1   x→1              cannot be true?                  experienced AP ®  Calculus teacher help you
                            number k is h continuous?
                                                   (A) lim f (x) =∞  (B) lim f (x) = c
                            (A) −5  (B) −4  (C) −2  (D) 2  (C) f (c) is not defined.  (D) f is continuous at x = c.  when you need it most.
                           4. Which function has the horizontal asymptotes y = 1  7. The position function of an object moving along a
                            and y =−1?
                                                          1  1
                                2                  straight line is s(t) =  15  t 3 − t 2 + 5t −1 . What is the
                            (A) f (x) =  tan −1 x  (B) f (x) = e −x + 1
                                π                  object’s acceleration at t = 5?
                                1 − x 2  2x 2 − 1
                            (C) f (x) =  (D) f (x) =  (A) −  27  (B) − 1  (C)  1  (D)  27
                                1 + x 2  2x 2 + x    25   5  5   25
                                                   © 2024 BFW Publishers PAGES NOT FINAL                              xxvii
                                                For Review Purposes Only, all other uses prohibited
                                                       Do Not Copy or Post in Any Form.
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