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                                                    AP Practice Exam: Calculus AB
                     AP Practice Exam: Calculus AB  Preparing for the AP Exam
                                                                                   Make sure you’re prepared.
                    Section 1: Multiple Choice, Part A
                    A calculator may not be used for Part A.                   A full-length  AP   ®    Practice Exam
                     1. If f (x) = e 4x + sin(2x), then f ′ (0) =  8. The function f is differentiable and its derivative is continuous  for Calculus AB after  Chapter 8
                                              on the interval (−4, 5). The table below lists several values of
                      (A) 1  (B) 2  (C) 4  (D) 6
                                              f and f ′ in the interval.
                               (x 2 − 1) f (x)                                 and for Calculus BC after  Chapter
                     2. If lim f (x) = 3, then lim  =
                       x→1   x→1  x − 1         x  −3  −1  0  3
                      (A) 0  (B) 4  (C) 6  (D) Does not exist.  2              10  each contain 45 multiple-
                                               f (x)  −16  2  2
                     3. The graph of the function f is shown below. Which of the  3  choice questions and 6 free-
                      following statements is false?  f ′ (x)  3  −1  0  15
                       y                        � 3                            response questions. These exams
                                              Then  −1 f ′ (x) dx =
                                              (A) −16  (B)  (C) 12  (D) 16     match the AP ®  Calculus exams in
                                             9. If y =  4x + 6e tan x , then y ′ equals  length and scope.
                                               �           1
                                              (A)  4 + 6e tan x sec 2 x  (B)  √
                         1  2  3  4  5  6  x             2 4x + 6e tan x
                                                2 + 3e tan x  2 + 3e tan x sec 2 x
                      (A)  lim f (x) = f (2)  (C) √    (D)  √
                        x→2 −                   4x + 6e tan x  4x + 6e tan x
                      (B) The function f is discontinuous at x = 3.  Sullivan  12 apcalc4e 45342 ch10 778 906 2pp  September 5, 2023  16:29
                                            10. The function f is continuous on 1 ≤ x ≤ 5 and
                      (C) lim f (x) exists.   differentiable on 1 < x < 5. If f (1) = 10 and f (5) = 50,
                                                               = 50
                      (D) The function f is continuous at x = 5.  then the Mean Value Theorem guarantees that  902  Chapter 10 • Infinite Series
                                              (A) f is linear on the interval 1 ≤ x ≤ 5.
                     4. Let f be the function f (x) = x 3 − 15x 2 − 1800x + 2000.
                      On which interval is the function f both decreasing and  (B) f ′ (c) = 10 for at least one c between 1 and 5.  AP Practice Exam: Calculus BC  Preparing for the AP Exam
                      concave down?           (C) f ′ (c) = 0 for at least one c between 1 and 5.
                      (A) x < −20  (B) −20 < x < 5  (D) f (c) = 30 for at least one c between 1 and 5.
                                                                    Section 1: Multiple Choice, Part A
                      (C) 5 < x < 30  (D) x > 30    1  �  1  2  3  �  A calculator may not be used for Part A.
                                            11. The Riemann sum  e / 20 + e / 20 + e / 20 + ··· + e 2 e e  is an
                              dy                    20
                     5. If y = e 2x cos(3x), then  =                    3x 2 − 7x − 4
                              dx              approximation for which integral?  1.  dx =     7. Find y ′ at the point (3, 6) on the graph of y 2 = 2x 2 + xy.
                                               � 2     � 2               x − 3
                      (A) −6e 2x sin(3x)         x                                               1  6   7
                                              (A)  e / 20 dx  (B)  e x dx  3                   (A)  (B)  (C)  (D) 2
                      (B) e 2x (2 cos(3x) − 3 sin(3x))  0  0          (A)  x 2 + 2x + 2 ln |x − 3| + C  6  5  4
                                                 � 2    � 2
                      (C) e 2x (2 cos(3x) + 3 sin(3x))  1  1  x                               8. The function f has a second derivative given by
                                              (C)  e x dx  (D)  e / 20 dx  3                         √
                      (D) e 2x (cos(3x) − sin(3x))  20  0  20  0      (B)  2  x 2 + 2x − 10 ln |x − 3| + C  f ′′ (x) = x 2 (x − 1) x + 1. At what values of x does f
                                                                                               have a point of inflection?
                                              What is the area of the region in the first quadrant bounded by
                     6. Let f be the function defined below. For what value of k is f  12. What is the area of the region in the first quadrant bounded by  (C)  1  (3x + 2) 2 + 2 ln |x − 3| + C  (A) 0 only  (B) 1 only
                      continuous at x = 0?    the graph of y = 1 + e −2x and the line x = 3?  2
                                                                                              (C) 0 and 1 only  (D) −1, 0, and 1
                               sin(7x)                  1
                                   for  x < 0  (A) 2 − 2e −6  (B) 3 − e −6  (D) 3x + 2 + 2 ln |x − 3| + C
                                2x                                                            9. If the function f is continuous and if F ′ (x) = f (x) for all
                          f (x) =                       2
                                                                        x 2                             5
                                                                                              real numbers x, then  2 f (3x + 2) dx equals
                             k + 2 ln(x + e x+1 )  for  x ≥ 0  7  − e −6  (D) 5 − 2e −6
                                              (C)                    2.  e 3t dt =
                        3       3   7           2  2                   0                       (A) 3F(5) − 3F(2)  (B)  1  F(5) −  1  F(2)
                      (A) −  (B) −1  (C)  (D)           � 4             1                                 3  3
                        2       2   2                  √  1 + x       (A)  e 3x 2  − 1  (B) 3 e 3x 2  − 1
                                            13. Using the substitution u =  x,  √ dx is equal to tois is equal to  1  1
                                    �                    1 1 +  x       3                      (C)  F(17) −  F(8)  (D) 3F(17) − 3F(8)
                     7. Let f be the function defined by f (x) =  (x − 3) 4 for all x.  which of the following?        3  3
                                               � 4      � 2           (C) 2xe 3x 2  1 (2x) e 3x 2        ∞   3 k+2
                      Which of the following statements is true?  1 + u 2  1 + u 2  (D)  − 1
                                              (A)  du  (B)  du                  3            10. What is the sum of the series k=1 5 k+1 ?
 Sullivan  12 apcalc4e 45342 ch10 778 906 2pp  September 5, 2023  16:29  (A) f is continuous and differentiable at x = 3.  1  1 + u  1  1 + u  3. What is the slope of the tangent line to the graph of
                      (B) f is continuous but not differentiable at x = 3.  � 4  u + u 3  � 2  u + u 3  3  5  27
                      (C) f is differentiable but not continuous at x = 3.  (C) 2  du  (D) 2  du  y = e 6x − sin(4x) at x = 0?  (A)  2  (B) 2  (C)  2  (D)  10
                      (D) f is not continuous and not differentiable at x = 3.  1  1 + u  1  1 + u
                                                                      (A) 0  (B) 1  (C) 2  (D) 10  11. The base of a solid S is the region enclosed by the graph
                              AP Practice Exam: Calculus BC  905        2e 5x − 5e 2x + 3      of y =  √  x, the line x = 3, the line x = 1, and the x-axis. If
                                                                     4. lim    =               the cross sections of S perpendicular to the x-axis are
                                                                      x→0 x 2 − 2 cos(2x) + 2
                                                                                               squares, then the volume of S is
 38. Which of the following differential equations for a population P  45. The function f is continuous on the closed interval [1, 3].  (A) 0  (B)  3  (C)  3  (D) 3  √  4   √
 could model the logistic growth function shown in the figure  If f (1) =−2 and f (3) = 4, then the Extreme Value  4  2  (A) 2  (B) 2 3  (C) 4  (D)  3  3 3 − 1
 below?            Theorem guarantees that                           5. Which of the following series converges?  12. Let f be the function given by f (x) = x x . If three
 P(t)                                                                    ∞   1                 subintervals of equal length are used, what is the value of the
                   (A) f (c) = 0 for at least one c in the interval [1, 3].  Sullivan  12 apcalc4e 45342 ch10 778 906 2pp  September 5, 2023  I. 16:29  Left Riemann sum approximation for  1.2 x x dx?
                                                                        k=1 k 2/3
 500               (B) f ′ (c) = 0 for at least one c in the interval [1, 3].                  (A) 5.0(1.2 1.2 + 1.4 1.4 + 1.6 1.6 )
                   (C) f ′ (c) = 3 for at least one c in the interval [1, 3].  II.
                                                                        k=1 k 3 + 5k + 1       (B) 0.2(1.2 1.2 + 1.5 1.5 + 1.8 1.8 )
 250               (D) f attains an absolute maximum value f (c) ≥ f (x)  906  Chapter 10 • Infinite Series         (C) 0.2(1.2 1.2 + 1.4 1.4 + 1.6 1.6 )

                     for all x in the interval [1, 3].                 III.    ∞    (−1) k )  1
                                                                        k k=1 = 1  k k         (D) 0.2(1.4 1.4 + 1.6 1.6 + 1.8 1.8 )
                                                                                                    f (t) dt. Find
                                                                             (B) I and III (a) Let g be a function given by g(x) =
       t         Section 2: Free Response, Part A  Section 2: Free Response Part B  (A)  I  and  II  (B)  I  and  III  13. The volume of a box with a square top and bottom is to
                                                                      (A) I and II
                                                                                               be k cubic inches. If a minimum amount of cardboard is
                 A graphing calculator is required for Part A.  No calculator is allowed for Part B.
                                                                                               to be used to construct the box, what must be the area, in
                                                                      (C) II and
                                                                             (D) III only
 d P  d P                                                             (C) II and III III  (D) III only  sin(2x) − g(x)
                                                                                               square inches, of the top of the box?
 (A)  = 2P − 0.004P 2  (B)  = P − 0.004P 2      3.  Water is dripping from a faucet into a 2-gallon bucket that has  lim  e 3x − cos(2x)

 dt  dt          1.  The figure below shows the graphs of  height h 24 in. The height of the water in the bucket 2 2 at 4x − 1 1  dx dx = =  (A)  3 √ − 3x (B) 2 k 3 √  (C)    3  k 2  (D) 4   3  k 2
                                                                     6. 6.
                                                                        2x 2 − x − 1
 d P  d P          r 1 (θ) = 2 + 3 sin θ + 4 cos θ and r 2 (θ) = 2 + 6 cos θ  time t, 0 ≤ t ≤ 60, can be modeled by a differentiable function h,  Show the work that leads to your answer.
 (C)  = 2P 2 − 0.004P  (D)  = P 2 − 0.004P  π     where h is measured in inches and t in minutes. The table below  14. Let P(x) = a + b(x − 1) + c(x − 1) 2 + d(x − 1) 3 be the
                                                                      (A) ln |(x − 1)(2x + 1)| + C C
                                                                      (A) ln |(x − 1)(2x + 1)| +
                                                                                               third-degree Taylor polynomial for the function f
 dt  dt            on the interval 0 ≤ θ ≤  . Let S be the shaded region         (b) The function y = f (x) is the particular solution to the
                             2                    shows the height of the water at select times t.                    about x = 1. A table of values for f (k) (1) is given below.
                                                                                               y 2
                                                                      (B) ln   (x − 1)(2x + 1) 2  + Cln   (x − 1)(2x + 1) 2  +
 39. Find the volume of the solid obtained by revolving the curve  bounded by the two graphs, the x-axis, and the y-axis.  (B)        differential equation  dy  =  Find c + d. initial condition
 √  3 cos x  π     The two curves intersect at point P.  t (minutes)  0  10  20  30  40  50  60  dx  x + 1  k  0  1  2  3
                                                                      (C) 2 ln |(x − 1)(2x + 1)| +
 y =  x +  from x =  to x = 3π about the x-axis.                      (C) 2 ln |(x − 1)(2x + 1)| + C  f (0) = 2. Use Euler’s method, starting at x = 0 with two
 x  2                  y                           h (inches)  0  9.4  15.2  18.6  20.8  22.0  22.8  f (k) (1)     4  4  −2  3
 (A) 41.120  (B) 52.127  (C) 129.183  (D) 142.093  8                  (D) 2 ln   x − 1                steps of equal size, to approximate  3 f  .  1 Show the
                                                                           2x + 1   + C+ C

                                                                      (D) 2 ln
                                                                                   x − 1
                                                                             2x + 1
                                                   (a) Using the data above, approximate h ′ (25). Show the  (A) −  2  2 (B) −  2  (C) 0  (D) 1
 40. A particle moves in the xy-plane so that its position at any time t  r 1 (θ) 5 2 1 3sin θ 1 4cos θ  computations that lead to your answer.
                       6                            computations and explain the result, including the units.
 is given by x(t) = t 2 + 3t and y(t) = 2t 3 − 21t 2 + 60t. What is
 the speed of the particle when t = 3?  4  P      (b) Approximate  0  h(t) dt with a trapezoidal sum with  (c) Use separation of variables to find y = f (x), the
                                 r 2 (θ) 5 2 1 6cos θ  three intervals of equal length. Use the result to  particular solution to the differential equation
 (A) 9  (B) 12  (C) 15  (D) 21
                       2    S                            1   60                       y 2
          x                                         calculate  h(t) dt, and interpret the meaning of  dy
 41. Let g be a differentiable function and G(x) =  g(t) dt. The  60  0             =   with initial condition f (0) = 2.
        0                                                                          dx  x + 1
 table below gives a value of G and values of the first two  2  4  6  8  x  the result. Be sure to use correct units.  Reviewed by the experts.
 derivatives of G. Use a second-degree Taylor polynomial for the  (c) If the function that models h is h(t) = 24 − 24e −0.05t ,  6.  The function f is defined by f (x) =  (1 + x 2 ) 2  . The Maclaurin
       0.8                                                                       Every AP   ®   Practice Exam, in the section and
 function G about x = 1 to approximate  g(t) dt.  (a) Write, but do not evaluate, an expression involving one or  determine the concavity of h. Does the trapezoidal sum  series for f is given by
      0                                             found in (b) overestimate or underestimate the height of
                     more integrals that gives the area of S.                    chapter reviews and practice exams, has
                                                                                  1 − 2x + 3x − 4x + ··· + (−1) (n + 1)x
                                                                                                       + ···
 x  1                                               the water in the bucket?
                                                                                 been conceived of and carefully checked by
 G(x)  3           (b) Find the angle θ in the interval 0 ≤ θ ≤  that  (d) Is there a time t between t = 40 and t = 60 minutes at  (a) Use the series to find each of the following:
 G ′ (x)  6          corresponds to the point on the curve  2  which h ′ (t) = 0.10? Justify your answer.
                                                                                   i. the value of f (4) (0)
 G ′′ (x)  5                                                                     experts in AP ®  Calculus to ensure that they
                           r 1 (θ) = 2 + 3 sin θ + 4 cos θ  4.  Let f be a function defined on the closed interval 0 ≤ x ≤ 16
                                                                                   ii. the coefficient of the x 22 term
 (A) 1.9  (B) 2.0  (C) 4.3  (D) 9.4               with f (0) =−3. The graph of f ′ , the derivative of f , consists  offer comprehensive support to your
                     that is furthest from the origin. Justify your answer.  of 4 line segments as shown below. Also shown is the graph
 42. A particle travels along a straight line with a velocity                    (b) Find the radius of convergence for the Maclaurin series
                   (c) The radial distance between the two curves changes for  4  exam prep.
                                                                                   for f . Show the work that leads to your answer.
                                                      which intersects the graph of f ′ at points P and Q.
 5  √                    π                        of y =
 of v(t) =  sin(2π t) feet per second. What is the  0 ≤ θ ≤  . Suppose θ changes at a constant rate of  x  (c) Let P(x) be the fourth-degree Maclaurin polynomial
 t − 10                  2
 total distance, in feet, traveled by the particle during the  dθ  =  1  for all times t ≥ 0. Find the rate at which the  y  for f (x). Use the graph of f (5) shown below together
                                                                                   with the Lagrange error bound to show that
 time interval 0 ≤ t ≤ 9 seconds?  x x v iii  dt  3  © 2024 BFW Publishers PAGES NOT FINAL         1
 (A) 2.945  (B) 5.497  (C) 7.006  (D) 10.994  distance between the two curves changes for θ =  π  .  | f (0.5) − P(0.5)| <  10
                                          6     For Review Purposes Only, all other uses prohibited
                                                                                   Show the work that leads to your answer.
 43. A particle travels along a straight line with velocity v(t). The  2.  At a large distribution center, workers process orders during the  Do Not Copy or Post in Any Form.
 table below gives the values for v(t) and v ′ (t) for selected times.  five-hour shift from noon to 5:00 p.m. Orders are received at a  y
 At which of the given values of t is the speed of the particle  rate of r(t) = 400 9 + 4t − t 2 orders per hour for 0 ≤ t ≤ 5  4  8  12  16  x  100  (0.684, 90.243)
 increasing?       where t is the number of hours since noon. During the same time
 t  2  4  6  8     interval, orders are processed and packaged by the workers at a  Graph of f 9  0  0.2  0.4  0.6  0.8  1.0  x
                   constant rate of 1200 orders per hour. At the beginning of the
 v(t)  −5  6  −9  18  01_apcalc4e_45342_fm_i_xxix_3pp.indd   28  (a) Determine whether f has a relative minimum, relative  2100  10/11/23   2:39 PM
 v ′ (t)  −3  −8  6  10  shift, there are 2000 orders that had not been processed and  maximum, or neither at x = 12. Justify your answer.
 (A) 8 only  (B) 4 and 6  (C) 4 and 8  (D) 2 and 8  (b) Let g be a function given by g(x) = ( f (x)) 2 . Write an  2200
                   (a) Using correct units, find and explain the meaning of  equation of the line tangent to the graph of g at x = 8.
 44. Sand is poured through a chute onto a conical pile at the rate of    4  r(t) dt. Express your answer to the nearest integer.  (c) Let h be a function given by h(x) = xe −0.25 f (x) . Find all  2300
 25 cubic feet per minute. The bottom radius of the conical pile is  3                    (0.202, 2357.685)
                                                    the critical numbers of h.        2400
 always half the height. How fast does the radius of the base  (b) Write an equation involving an integral expression of r(t)    8
 change when the pile is 10 feet high? The volume of a cone is  that gives N(t), the number of unprocessed orders at  (d) Find  4  xf ′′ (x) dx.  Graph of f (5)
                     time t.                    5.  Consider the graphs of the function y = f (x) and the line
 V =  πr h                                        tangent to the graph of f at x = 0 pictured below.  (d) Find the first four nonzero terms and the general term for
  3                (c) At what time t, for 0 ≤ t ≤ 5, is the number of                             x
 (A) 0.010  (B) 0.040  (C) 0.159  (D) 0.318  unprocessed orders a maximum?  y  y 5 f(x)  the Maclaurin series representing  1  dt.
                                                                                                 0 (1 + t 2 ) 2
                                                                 y 5 4x 1 2
                                                              0      x
   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19