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                                            06 apcalc4e 45342 ch04 284 331 3pp
                                                           July 13, 2023
                                                                                  Section 4.1 • Interpreting a Derivative
                                                                 n Chapter 2, we interpreted the derivative in several ways:
                                                                 • Geometric: If y = f (x), the derivative f � (c) is the slope of the tangent line to the
                                                    AP Calc filled a  graph of f at the point (c, f (c)).
                                                    college math credit,  • Physical: When s = f (t) represents the position of an object moving on a line, the
                                                    allowing me to  derivative f � (t 0 ) is the velocity of the object at time t 0 , and f �� (t 0 ) is the
                                                    start taking  acceleration of the object at time t 0 .
                                             classes related to my engineering  • Analytical: If y = f (x), the derivative f � (c) is the instantaneous rate of
                                             major. It taught me the skills to  change of f at the number c.
                                             succeed in later math & science  In this chapter, we deepen our understanding of these interpretations of the
                                             courses and was great practice for  derivative and begin to delve into other applications of the derivative.
                                             the real-life problem solving that
                                             I do daily as an engineer.
               Sharpen the strategies needed to
                                                            4.1 Interpreting a Derivative
               tackle AP ®  problems.                           OBJECTIVES When you finish this section, you should be able to:
                                                                1 Interpret a derivative as the slope of a tangent line to the graph of a function
                                                                 (p. 285)
                                                                2 Interpret a derivative as an instantaneous rate of change (p. 286)
                                                                3 Interpret a derivative as velocity or acceleration (p. 287)
                                                                Suppose f is defined over some open interval containing the number c. Recall that the
                                                                average rate of change of f from c to any number x �= c in the interval is given by
                    © 2024 BFW Publishers PAGES NOT FINAL - For Review Purposes Only - Do Not Copy.
                                                                            �y  f (x) − f (c)  x �= c
                                                                            �x  =  x − c
                                                                where �y is the change in y and �x is the change in x.
                                                                  The derivative of f at c, f � (c), if it exists, equals the limit of the average rate of
                                             NEED TO REVIEW? The derivative and
                                             interpretations of the derivative are discussed  change of f as x approaches c. That is,
                                             in Section 2.1, pp. 168–173.
                                                                                f (x) − f (c)
                                                                           f (c) = lim  x �= c
                                                                              x→c  x − c
                                                                  An average rate of change measures the change in f from c to x; the derivative
                                                                measures change at c.
                    Stepped-out approach.                       1 Interpret a Derivative as the Slope of a Tangent Line
                The authors have             AP EXAM TIP          to the Graph of a Function
                constructed a simple         BREAK IT DOWN: As you work through the  EXAMPLE 1 Interpreting the Derivative as the Slope of a Tangent Line
                                             problems in this chapter, remember to follow
                                             these steps:
     Sullivan  06 apcalc4e 45342 ch04 284 331  July 13, 2023  9:44  (a) Find the derivative of f (x) = x cos x + x−1.
                step-by-step framework  3pp
                that you can use when        Step 1 Identify the underlying structure and  (b) Find the slope of the tangent line to the graph of f at the point (0, f (0)).
                                                related concepts.
                                                                (c) Find an equation of the tangent line to the graph of f at the point (0, f (0)).
                solving the  AP   ®    Practice   Step 2 Determine the appropriate math rule  Solution
                                                or procedure.
            300  Problems . This  AP   ®    Exam   Step 3 Apply the math rule or procedure.  (a) Use the Product Rule.
                   Chapter 4 • Applications of the Derivative, Part 1
                                             Step 4 Clearly communicate your answer.
                Tip  also connects you       On page 329, see how we’ve used these steps  f (x) = x cos x + x−1
                                             to solve Section 4.2 AP Practice Problem 9(a)Practice Problem 9(a)
                to the  BREAK IT DOWN        on page 300.                   f (x) =− x sin x + cos x + 1(x) =− x sin x + cos x + 1
                                                                             � �
          PAGE  feature at the end of the                      Free-Response Question
         294  8. Two roads cross at right angles. A police officer sits in
                chapter, where the authors
                a car 65 m east of the crossing and observes a car speeding  295  9. A roofer’s 13-meter ladder is placed against the wall of a
                have applied these steps
                northbound at 84 m/s. At what speed (in meters per second)  building with its base on level ground. The top of the ladder
                to one of the section-level
                is the car distancing itself from the police officer 5 seconds  slips down the wall as the bottom of the ladder slips away from
                problems.      the crossing?
                after it passes                                      the building at a constant rate of 5 m/s.
                                                                     (a) At what rate is the top of the ladder moving when it is 5 m
                (A) 166.024 m/s
                                                                        from the ground?
                (B) 83.012 m/s                                       (b) At what rate is the area of the triangle formed by the ladder,
                                                                        the wall, and the ground changing when the top of the
                (C) 84 m/s
             Sullivan  06 apcalc4e 45342 ch04 284 331 3pp  July 13, 2023  9:44  ladder is 5 m from the ground?
                (D) 95.859 m/s                                       (c) If θ is the angle formed by the ladder and the ground, what
                                                       Chapter 4 • Review Exercises  329  is the rate of change in θ when the top of the ladder is 5 m
                                                           4 •
                     Break It Down                     Preparing  for the  AP   R   R   R  Exam
                                                       Preparing for the AP Exam
                                                                        from the ground?
                      Let’s take a closer look at AP Practice Problem 9 part (a) from Section 4.2 on page 300.
                        9.  A roofer’s 13-meter ladder is placed against the wall of a building with its base on level  See the BREAK IT DOWN on page 329 for a stepped out solution to
                         ground. The top of the ladder slips down the wall as the bottom of the ladder slips away
                         from the building at a constant rate of 5 m/s.  AP Practice Problem 9(a).
                        (a) At what rate is the top of the ladder moving when it is 5 m from the ground?
                                       There are rates changing with respect to time: the rate the top of the ladder slips
                      Step 1  Identify the underlying  There are rates changing with respect to time: the rate the top of the ladder slips
                           structure and related
                                       down the wall, and the rate the bottom of the ladder moves away from the wall. This
            Retain Your Knowledge      down the wall, and the rate the bottom of the ladder moves away from the wall. This
                                       is a related rates question.
                      Step 2  Determine the appropriate  When possible, the first step in solving a related rates problem should be drawing aa
                                       picture (see the figure in Step 3). The ladder is 13 m long. Next, identify the
                           math rule or procedure.  picture (see the figure in Step 3). The ladder is 13 m long. Next, identify the
                         h Questions
            Multiple-Choice            variables needed for the given situation. Let h denote the height of the top of the
                                       ladder from the ground and let x denote the distance the bottom of the ladder is from
                                       the wall. As the ladder slides down the wall,  equals the rate at which the height
                 d    x + 1                 dx        dt
             1.    f    Wall  =        is changing and  dt  equals the rate at which the distance from the wall is changing.  Methodical problem solving.
                                                                  3. Find an equation of the line tangent to the graph of
                dx    2x  5 − 1 h  Ladder  We are told that  dx  = 5 m/s and are asked to find the rate of change of the
                             13 m
                                             dt                                 In the  BREAK IT DOWN  feature at the end
                                           dh                                       −1
                                                                                of each chapter, you can follow a detailed
                       − 3   x         height  dt  when h = 5 m.     function f (x) = 3 sin (2x) at x =  .
                (A)          Ground  x                                                         4
                    (− 2x − 1) 2
                      Step 3  Apply the math rule  Together, the ladder, the height h, and the base x form a right triangle.  solution to one of the section-level  AP   ®

                           or procedure.  Using the Pythagorean Theorem, we have h 2 + x 2 = 13 2 .  π  6    Practice Problems  using the steps outlined
                         x + 1     1   When h = 5 m, we find x 2 = 169 − 25 = 144, so x = 12 m.  (A) y −  = √  x −  (B) y −  = √  x −
                (B) f  �       ·       The distance x and the height h are each changing over time t, so we will take  2  at in the chapter opening  AP   ®    Exam Tip .
                       2x − 1   (2x − 1) 2  the derivative of the above expression with respect to t to obtain an equation
                                       involving the derivatives of h and x.    2      1                4      1
                                                  d    d                    π                       π
                                                   (h 2 + x 2 ) =  (13 2 )
                          x + 1     3             dt   dt            (C) y −  6  = √  x −  4  (D) y −  2  = √  x −  4
                (C) − f  �      ·                 dh  dx  = 0                    3                       3
                         2x − 1  (2x − 1) 2      2h  dt  + 2x  dt
                                       When h = 5 m, x = 12 m and dx/dt = 5 m/s. After dividing out the 2’s, we have
                                                  dh           Free-Response Question
                        x + 1      3             5  dt  + (12)(5) = 0
                (D) f  �       ·                      dh
                       2x − 1   (2x − 1) 2            dt  =−12                 4x + 1  if  x < 1
                      Step 4  Clearly communicate your  (a) When x = 5 m, the height of the ladder is decreasing at a rate of −12 m/s.  4. f (x) =  5  if  x = 1
             2. The functions f and g are both differentiable in an open    2x − 8x + 11 if  x > 1
                interval containing 6. The table below shows the values of  (a) Determine whether f is continuous at x = 1.
               xxvi g, f , and g for x = 6.        © 2024 BFW Publishers PAGES NOT FINAL
               x f,
                                                                     (b) Find f (2).
                                                For Review Purposes Only, all other uses prohibited
                                                                     (c) Determine whether f (1) exists. Justify the answer.
                                                       Do Not Copy or Post in Any Form.  �
                         f (6)   f (6)    g(6)    g (6)
                         − 8      0        3       2
          01_apcalc4e_45342_fm_i_xxix_3pp.indd   26                                                                    10/11/23   2:39 PM
                Use the table to find the derivative of the

                            3  3  f (x)
                function h(x) =    for x = 6.
                      4       10       4
                (A) −     (B)      (C)     (D) 4
                      3       9        3
   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17