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               228     Chapter 2 • The Derivative and Its Properties

                   • Theorem  If a function f has a derivative at a number c,                      d          d
                    then f is continuous at c. (p. 184)                                              f  g − f  g
                                                                                        d   f     dx         dx
                   • Corollary  If a function f is discontinuous at a number c,  • Quotient Rule  dx  g  =  g 2
                    then f has no derivative at c. (p. 185)                (p. 206)
                                                                                            f    f g − f g ′
               2.3 The Derivative of a Polynomial Function;                                 g  =   g 2
                  The Derivative of y = e and y = ln x
                                                                           provided g(x) 6= 0
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                                  dy   d    d
                   • Leibniz notation  =  y =  f (x) (p. 192)                                       d  g
                                  dx  dx    dx                                            d  1
                                                                          • Reciprocal Rule     = −  dx
                   • Basic derivatives                                                   dx  g      g 2
                                                                           (p. 207)
                     d                            d                                            ′   g ′
                       A = 0  A is a constant (p. 192)  x = 1 (p. 193)
                    dx                            dx                                         g  = − g 2
                     d                 d       1
                      e = e (p. 198)     ln x =    (p. 199)                provided g(x) 6= 0
                    dx                dx       x
                                                                          • Simple Power Rule  x = nx n − 1 , n an integer (p. 208)
                                    d                                                      dx
                   • Simple Power Rule  x = nx n − 1 ,  n ≥ 1, an integer
                                    dx                                    • Higher-order derivatives  See Table 3 (p. 209)
                    (p. 193)
                                                                          • Position Function  s = s(t) (p. 210)
                   Properties of Derivatives
                                d         d     d                                          ds
                   • Sum Rule     [ f + g] =  f +  g                      • Velocity  v = v(t) =  (p. 210)
                    (p. 195)   dx        dx    dx                                          dt
                                 ( f + g) = f + g  ′                                          dv   d s
                                                                          • Acceleration a = a(t) =  =  (p. 210)
                                                                                               dt  dt 2
                                 d         d     d
                   • Difference Rule  [ f − g] =  f −  g
                    (p. 196)    dx        dx    dx                    2.5 The Derivative of the Trigonometric Functions
                                  ( f − g) = f − g ′
                                                                          Basic Derivatives
                   • Constant Multiple Rule (p. 194)  If k is a constant,
                                                                          d                    d
                                                                            sin x = cos x (p. 218)  sec x = sec x tan x (p. 221)
                                     d        d                          dx                    dx
                                       [k f ] = k  f
                                     dx      dx                           d                    d
                                      (k f ) = k · f  ′                     cos x = −sin x (p. 219)  csc x = −csc x cot x (p. 221)
                                                                         dx                    dx
               2.4 Differentiating the Product and the Quotient of         d         2          d          2
                   Two Functions; Higher-Order Derivatives               dx  tan x = sec x (p. 221)  dx  cot x = −csc x (p. 221)
                   Properties of Derivatives

                   • Product Rule  d       d       d
                                  ( f g) = f  g +    f  g
                    (p. 204)    dx         dx     dx
                                  ( f g) = f g + f g
                                                                                                        Preparing for the
                OBJECTIVES                                                                                    R
                                                                                                           AP Exam
                                                                                                        AP Review Problems
               Section  You should be able to ...                    Examples  Review Exercises
               2.1     1 Find equations for the tangent line and the normal line  1  67–70                   7, 10
                         to the graph of a function (p. 168)
                       2 Find the rate of change of a function (p. 169)  2, 3  1, 2, 73 (a)                    6
                       3 Find average velocity and instantaneous velocity (p. 170)  4, 5  71(a), (b); 72(a), (b)  12
                       4 Find the derivative of a function at a number (p. 173)  6–9  3–8, 75                5, 11
               2.2     1 Define the derivative function (p. 179)     1–3       9–12                          2, 13
                       2 Graph the derivative function (p. 181)      4, 5      9–12, 15–18
                       3 Identify where a function is not differentiable (p. 182)  6–8  13, 14, 75             4
                       4 Explain the relationship between differentiability  9, 10  13, 14, 75                 4
                         and continuity (p. 184)
               2.3     1 Differentiate a constant function (p. 192)  1
                       2 Differentiate a power function; the simple  2, 3      19–22
                         power rule (p. 192)
                       3 Differentiate the sum and the difference of two  4–6  23–26, 33, 34, 40, 51, 52, 67  6, 8, 12
                         functions (p. 195)
                       4 Differentiate the exponential function y = e  x  7, 8  44, 45, 53, 54, 56, 59, 69   6, 7, 9
                         and the natural logarithm function y = ln x (p. 197)
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                                                 For Review Purposes Only, all other uses prohibited
                                                        Do Not Copy or Post in Any Form.
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