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                                                                                               Chapter 2 • Review Exercises  231
                        Break It Down                                                        Preparing for the AP Exam

                          Let’s take a closer look at AP Practice Problem 12 from Section 2.2 on page 191.
                             12.  Oil is leaking from a tank. The amount of oil, in gallons, in the tank is given by G(t) = 4000 − 3t ,
                                 where t, 0 ≤ t ≤ 24 is the number of hours past midnight.
                                 (a) Find G (5) using the definition of the derivative.
                                                                                              = limOnly - Do Not Copy.
                                 (b) Using appropriate units, interpret the meaning of G (5) in the context of the problem.
                          Step 1    Identify the underlying structure and the  The problem is asking for G’(5), the derivative of G at the
                                    related concepts.                     number 5.
                          Step 2    Determine the appropriate math rule or  Because we want the derivative of G at a number, we use
                                    procedure.                            Form (1) of the Definition of a Derivative (see p. 179).
                          Step 3    Apply the math rule or procedure.     Using Form (1),
                    © 2024 BFW Publishers PAGES NOT FINAL - For Review Purposes
                                                                                    G(t) − G(5)    (4000 − 3t ) − (4000 − 3 · 5 )
                                                                          G (5) = lim
                                                                                 t→5   t − 5    t→5         t − 5
                                                                                    − 3(t − 25)    − 3(t − 5)(t + 5)
                                                                               = lim          = lim
                                                                                 t→5   t − 5    t→5     t − 5
                                                                               = lim[− 3(t + 5)] = − 30
                          Step 4    Clearly communicate your answer.      (a) G (5) = − 30
                                                                          (b) A derivative is a rate of change. In this problem, G (t) equals
                                                                          the rate of change of G with respect t, that is, the rate of change
                                                                          of the amount of oil, in gallons, with respect to the time in hours.
                                                                          Because G (5) = − 30, we say the amount of oil in the tank is
                                                                          decreasing at the rate of 30 gallons per hour when t = 5 hours past
                                                                          midnight, or at 5AM.

                       AP Review Problems: Chapter 2                                         Preparing for the AP Exam
                      Multiple-Choice Questions

                         1. If f (x) = sec x, then f  ′  =                    4. The graph of the function f is shown below.
                               √                                                 Which statement about the function is true?
                                 2                      √
                            (A)      (B) 2   (C) 1   (D)  2                               y
                                                                                              y 5 f(x)
                         2. If a function f is differentiable at c, then f (c) is given by
                                   f (x) − f (c)
                             I. lim                                                 22          2    x
                                x→c  x − c
                                   f (x + h) − f (x)
                             II. lim                                             (A) f is differentiable everywhere.
                                x→c      h
                                                                                 (B) 0 ≤ f (x) ≤ 1, for all real numbers.
                                   f (c + h) − f (c)
                            III. lim                                             (C) f is continuous everywhere.
                                h→0      h
                                                                                 (D) f is an even function.
                            (A) I only     (B) III only
                            (C) I and II only  (D) I and III only             5. The table displays select values of a differentiable
                                                                                 function f . What is an approximate value of f (2)?
                                   3       dy
                         3. If y =  2  , then  =
                                 x − 5     dx                                      x   1.996  1.998  2.002  2.004
                                  6x              6x                              f (x)  3.168  3.181  3.207  3.220
                            (A)           (B) −
                               (x − 5) 2       (x − 5) 2
                                                                                (A) 6.5   (B) 0.154  (C) 0.013  (D) 1.5
                                 6x             2x
                            (C)           (D)
                                x − 5         (x − 5) 2
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                                                 For Review Purposes Only, all other uses prohibited
                                                        Do Not Copy or Post in Any Form.
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