Achieve for Interactive General Chemistry 2.0 Reactions First (2-Term/Twelve-Months Online; International Edition)

Second Edition

Publication Date: April 30, 2023

Achieve ISBN: 9781319514952

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Achieve for Interactive General Chemistry 2.0 is the result of content and functionality working in tandem to provide an unparalleled learning experience It provides the flexibility to create a course that aligns with your individual needs and a wealth of resources that set...

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ISBN: 9781319514952
Achieve for Interactive General Chemistry 2.0 Reactions First (2-Term/Twelve-Months Online; International Edition)



   0 Math Review
0.1 Using a Calculator
0.2 Exponents and Scientific Notation
0.3 Order of Operations
0.4 Algebra
0.5 Logarithms and Antilogs
0.6 Percentage
0.7 Interpreting a Graph
0.8 Proportionality
0.9 Weighted Average
0.1 The Quadratic Formula
   1 Science and Measurement
1.1 Classification of Matter
1.2 Properties of Matter
1.3 Matter and Energy
1.4 The Scientific Method, Hypotheses, Theories, and Laws
1.5 The International System of Units
1.6 Significant Digits
1.7 Dimensional Analysis
1.8 Density
1.9 Temperature Scales
   2 Atoms and the Periodic Table
2.1 Chemical Symbols
2.2 The Laws of Chemical Combination
2.3 The History of the atom
2.4 Subatomic Particles, Isotopes, and Ions
2.5 Atomic Mass
2.6 The Periodic Table
   3 Compounds and the Mole
3.1 Chemical Formulas
3.2 Naming Binary Covalent Compounds
3.3 Formulas for Ionic Compounds
3.4 Naming Ionic Compounds
3.5 Naming Acids
3.6 Nomenclature Review
3.7 The Mole
3.8 Molar Mass
3.9 Percent Composition
3.1 Empirical Formulas
3.11 Molecular Formulas
3.12 Combustion Analysis
   4 Chemical Reactions
4.1 Chemical Equations
4.2 Types of Chemical Reactions
4.3 Compounds in Aqueous Solution
4.4 Precipitation Reactions
4.5 Acid–Base Reactions
4.6 Oxidation States and Redox Reactions
4.7 Predicting Products of Redox Reactions
   5 Stoichiometry
5.1 Mole Calculations for Chemical Reactions
5.2 Mass Calculations for Chemical Reactions
5.3 Problems Involving Limiting Quantities
5.4 Theoretical Yield and Percent Yield
5.5 Definition and Uses of Molarity
5.6 Molarities of Ions
5.7 Calculations Involving Other Quantities
5.8 Calculations with Net Ionic Equations
5.9 Titration
   6 Thermochemistry
6.1 Energy and Energy Units
6.2 Energy, Heat, and Work
6.3 Energy as a State Function
6.4 Energy and Enthalpy
6.5 Specific Heat
6.6 Calorimetry: Measuring Energy Changes
6.7 Enthalpy in Chemical Reactions
6.8 Standard Enthalpies of Formation
   7 Gases
7.1 Gas Pressure
7.2 Boyles Law
7.3 Charless Law
7.4 The Combined Gas Law
7.5 Avogadros Law
7.6 The Ideal Gas Law
7.7 Daltons Law of Partial Pressures
7.8 Molar Mass and Density in Gas Law Calculations
7.9 Gases in Chemical Reactions
7.1 Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases
7.11 Movement of Gas Particles
7.12 Behavior of Real Gases
   8 The Quantum Model of the Atom
8.1 A Brief Exploration of Light
8.2 Bohr Theory of the Atom
8.3 Electron Shells, Subshells, and Orbitals
8.4 Energy Level Diagrams
8.5 Electron Configurations
8.6 Quantum Numbers
   9 Periodicity and Ionic Bonding
9.1 Valence Electrons
9.2 Atomic and Ionic Sizes
9.3 Ionization Energy and Electron Affinity
9.4 Ionic Bonding
9.5 Lattice Energy
   10 Covalent Bonding
10.1 Formation of Covalent Bonds
10.2 Lewis Structures
10.3 Resonance and Formal Charges
10.4 Exceptions to the Octet Rule
10.5 Polar Bonds and the Bonding Continuum
10.6 Bond Enrthalpy
   11 Molecular Shape and Bonding Theories
11.1 VSEPR and Molecular Geometry
11.2 Polar and Nonpolar Molecules
11.3 Valence Bond Theory: Hybrid Orbitals and Bonding
11.4 Using Valence Bond Theory
11.5 Molecular Orbital Theory
   12 Liqiuds and Solids
12.1 Intermolecular Forces
12.2 Properties of Liquids
12.3 Phase Changes and Heating Curves
12.4 Vapor Pressure, Boiling Point, and the Clausius–Clapeyron Equation
12.5 Phase Diagrams
12.6 Classification of Solids
12.7 The Unit Cell and the Structure of Crystalline Solids
   13 Solutions
13.1 The Solution Process
13.2 Saturated Unsaturated, and Supersaturated Solutions
13.3 Concentration Units
13.4 Colligative Properties of Nonelectrolytes
13.5 Colligative Properties of Electrolytes
   14 Chemical Kinetics
14.1 Rates of Reactions
14.2 Reaction Rates and Concentration: Rate Laws
14.3 Integrated Rate Laws and Half-Lives
14.4 Reaction Rates and Temperature: Activation Energy
14.5 Reaction Mechanisms
14.6 Catalysis
   15 Chemical Equilibrium
15.1 Introduction to Equilibrium
15.2 Equilibrium Constants
15.3 Using Equilibrium Expressions
15.4 The Reaction Quotient
15.5 Calculations Using ICE Tables
15.6 Le Châteliers Principle
   16 Acids and Bases
16.1 Ionizaiton Reactions of Acids and Bases
16.2 Brønsted–Lowry Theory
16.3 Autoionization of Water
16.4 pH Calculations
16.5 Weak Acids and Bases
16.6 Polyprotic Acids
16.7 Acid–Base Properties of Salts
16.8 Relating Acid Strength to Structure
16.9 Lewis Acids and Bases
   17 Aqueous Equilibria
17.1 Introduction to Buffer Solutions
17.2 The Henderson–Hasselbalch Equation
17.3 Titrations of Strong Acids and Strong Bases
17.4 Titrations of Weak Acids and Weak Bases
17.5 Indicators in Acid–Base Reactions
17.6 Solubility Product Constant, Ksp
17.7 The Common Ion Effect and the Effect of pH on Solubility
17.8 Precipitation: Ksp versus Q
17.9 Qualitative Analysis
17.1 Complex Ion Equiliria: Kf
   18 Chemical Thermodynamics
18.1 Entropy and Spontaneity
18.2 Entropy Changes–Both Chemical and Physical
18.3 Entropy and Temperatures
18.4 Gibbs Free Energy
18.5 Free Energy Changes and Temperature
18.6 Gibbs Free Energy and Equilibrium
   19 Electrochemistry
19.1 Redox Reactions
19.2 Balancing Redox Equations
19.3 Redox Titrations
19.4 Voltaic Cells
19.5 Cell Potentials
19.6 Free Energy and Cell Potential
19.7 The Nernst Equation and Concentration Cells
19.8 Voltaic Cell applications: Batteries, Fuel Cells, and Corrosion
19.9 Electrolytic Cells and Applications of Electrolysis
   20 Nuclear Chemistry
20.1 Natural Radioactivity
20.2 Nuclear Stability
20.3 Half-life
20.4 Radiometric Dating
20.5 Nuclear Fission and Fusion
20.6 Energetics of Nuclear Reactions
20.7 Nuclear Binding energy
   21 Organic Chemistry
21.1 Introduction to Hydrocarbons
21.2 Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
21.3 Introduction to Isomerism
21.4 Organic Halides, Alcohols, Ethers, and Amines
21.5 Aldehydes, Ketones, Carboxylic Acids, Esters, and Amides
21.6 Polymers
   22 Coordination Chemistry
22.1 Review of Using Oxidation Numbers in Naming Compounds
22.2 The Properties of Transition Metals
22.3 Introduction to Coordination Compounds
22.4 Nomenclature of Coordination Compounds
22.5 Isomerism in Complex Ions
22.6 Crystal Field Theory
22.7 Color, Magnetism, and the Spectrochemical series
   23 Biochemistry
23.1 Introduction to Biomolecules
23.2 Carbohydrates
23.3 Lipids
23.4 Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins
23.5 Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis
A Appendix
A.1 Periodic Table of the Elements
A.2 Thermodynamic Properties at 298 K
A.3 Ionization Constants for Acids and Bases
A.4 Solubilitiy-Product Constants at 298 K
A.5 Standard Reduction Potentials at 298 K

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Test Bank for Interactive General Chemistry 2.0 Atoms First (Online Only)

Macmillan Learning | Second Edition | ©2023 | ISBN:9781319423193

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Test Bank for Interactive General Chemistry 2.0 Reactions First (Online Only)

Macmillan Learning | Second Edition | ©2023 | ISBN:9781319423209

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