Living Physical Geography Digital Update
Second Edition
Publication Date: April 15, 2024
Paperback ISBN: 9781319545291
Pages: 720
Focused on interactions between people and physical geography.
The second edition digital update of Bruce Gervais’ Living Physical Geography offers a fresh approach to the study of physical geography, combining print and digital media to create a scientifically substantive work that is written for students. Living Physical Geography focuses on...
Online course materials that will help you in this class. Includes access to e-book and iClicker Student. Learn more about Achieve
ISBN: 9781319445584
Achieve for Living Physical Geography (2-Term/Twelve-Months Online; International Edition)
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Combine the printed textbook with the online course in Achieve for a blended learning experience. Includes access to e-book and iClicker Student.
The Geographer’s Toolkit
1. This introduction covers the traditional and modern tools and foundational concepts in wide use in geography.
Part I Atmospheric Systems: Weather and Climate
Part I explores how solar energy in the atmosphere creates atmospheric phenomena and organized systems. One chapter is devoted to the topic of climate change.
2. Portrait of the Atmosphere
3. Solar Energy and Seasons
4. Water in the Atmosphere
5. Atmospheric Circulation and Wind Systems
6. The Restless Sky: Severe Weather and Storm Systems
7. The Changing Climate
Part II The Biosphere and the Geography of Life
Part II is contextualized around solar energy’s work in the biosphere. Major ecological units and human modification of the biosphere are emphasized. One chapter is devoted to marine ecosystems.
8. Patterns of Life: Biogeography
9. Climate and Life: Biomes
10. Ocean Ecosystems
11. Soil and Water Resources
Part III Tectonic Systems: Building the Lithosphere
Part III explores uplift and building topographic relief via geothermal energy.
12. Earth History, Earth Interior
13. Drifting Continents: Plate Tectonics
14. Building the Crust with Rocks
15. Geohazards: Volcanoes and Earthquakes
Part IV Erosion and Deposition: Sculpting the Earth’s Surface
Part IV examines the work of solar energy, water, chemical reactions, and gravity in grading the Earth’s surface.
16. Weathering and Mass Movement
17. Flowing Water: Fluvial Systems
18. The Work of Ice: The Cryosphere and Glacial Landforms
19. Water, Wind, and Time: Desert Landforms
20. The Work of Waves: Coastal Landforms
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Test Bank for Living Physical Geography
Bruce Gervais | Second Edition | ©2019 | ISBN:9781319258955
Test Bank for Living Physical Geography, Digital Update
Bruce Gervais | Second Edition | ©2024 | ISBN:9781319556242