The Latest Enhancements in Achieve
Discover the latest updates in Achieve, aimed at optimizing student success and streamlining course management. Achieve continues to evolve to support diverse educational needs, boost efficiency, and prioritise accessibility for inclusive learning.

New for Spring 2025
Blackboard Content Deployment
With improved Achieve-Blackboard integration, content deployment and folder selection can now be managed directly within Achieve, ensuring a more seamless course setup.

Completion Timestamps in Gradebooks
Gradebooks now include enhanced "Date Completed" timestamps for students and instructors, clarifying when a student finishes an activity, and improving understanding of progress and accountability.
In LearningCurve: You'll see a "Target Score Reached" timestamp, even if the goal is met after the due date.
Assessment Clarity: The "Date Completed" will not change after the due date, regardless of any actions taken (like reviewing problems).

Create a Course in the Correct Template
By displaying the template name in the "My Courses" list and throughout course creation workflows, instructors can avoid errors during course setup. This update ensures that courses are created or copied with accuracy and efficiency.

LMS Grade Sync for Post-Due Date Reporting
This updated grade sync process from Achieve to the LMS allows grades to be reported only after the assignment's due date (instructors must select this option). This improvement aligns with user expectations and resolves the current issue of syncing grades based on individual student completion instead of the main assignment due date.
Maintain Assignment Order in LMS Sync
(Coming Soon)
With this update, Achieve will ensure the assignment order matches the order of content when synced to the LMS, making course setup simpler and faster. This update eliminates the need to reorder content after syncing, reducing the time spent on administrative tasks.

Reset and Reopen Assessments When Granting Extensions
(Coming Soon)
Instructors can now directly reopen or reset assignments when granting due date extensions, eliminating manual resets later. This update simplifies assessment management, reduces confusion, and streamlines the extension process.

Weekly Course Home View
A new weekly assignment view makes it easier for instructors and students to navigate their course home. This update streamlines progress tracking and introduces a more intuitive design for easier organisation.

GRS: Insight Card Improvements
The enhanced GRS Insight cards streamline access to aggregated student feedback, helping instructors quickly identify student challenges and gain actionable insights. Key enhancements include:
- Keyword search function for student responses
- The option to expand or collapse views
- Updated "Challenges" card featuring student comments and email addresses
- Faster loading times for larger courses

Insight Cards Redesign
The updated Insights tab now pre-loads all Insight cards and organises them into three key areas:
- Assignment Performance
- Course Performance
- Goal-Setting/Reflection Surveys (with GRS already included)
This streamlined layout enables instructors to quickly access important data, saving time and effort in managing insights.

iClicker: RGS Participation/Performance Syncing
Enhanced options for iClicker’s Roster & Grade Sync (RGS) allow separate syncing for participation and performance points. This update, previously in Classic integrations, improves grade management in the Cloud, giving instructors better control and transparency over grades.
AI Tutor Enhancement
Enhancements have been made to the user interface of the Student Homework experience for the AI Tutor. These user-informed improvements are designed to optimise both the user experience and the tutor's pedagogical approach, ensuring students receive the right support at the right time—without creating overreliance on the AI. See the AI Student in action in your free Achieve sample course, or schedule a demo with a Learning Solutions Specialist.
Access a Sample CourseSign Up for a Demo
AI Tutor: Expanded Availability
By popular demand, the AI Tutor will be available in open beta in Spring 2025 for additional disciplines. Instructors will be able to opt-in for all current versions of templates in these disciplines:
- Analytical Chemistry
- Astronomy
- Biochemistry
- Environmental Science
- Evolution
- Genetics
- Geography
- Non-Majors Biology
- Nutrition
- IGOB Pilots
iClicker: AI Question Creator Updates
Instructors can now upload files as context for question creation, streamlining the development of customised course content. New question management tools include:
- Copying question sets
- Adding descriptions
- Multi-delete
- Adding more questions to individual sets
Create a free instructor account today to try it out!
Create an iClicker AccountiClicker: Instructor Desktop Timer
A new timer tool is now available for any timed classroom activity, adding another layer of interactivity to the teaching and learning experience. Accessible via the app toolbar, the Desktop Timer can be used anytime, improving functionality and supporting effective classroom management.

iClicker: Student Access and Subscriptions
(Coming Soon)
The latest improvements to iClicker Student Access and Subscriptions simplify navigation and understanding of subscription requirements for each course. Students can now easily differentiate between:
- Attendance-only
- Achieve-covered
- Site-licensed subscriptions
This update clarifies which subscription is required for each course and when it’s needed, helping students make informed purchasing decisions.

iClicker: Student Reactions
(Coming Soon)
New emoji reactions let students share their thoughts in real-time during class, expressing feelings like confusion or excitement. Accessible via the floating toolbar, this feature enhances student engagement and helps instructors better understand students’ emotions and understanding.

Instructor Pages: Highlights and Annotations
(Coming Soon)
Students can make private highlights and annotations on course materials, while instructors can easily share their notes. This private note-taking enhances effective studying, while instructor-shared notes boost engagement with the material.

Short-Form Writing Assignments
Short-form writing assignments empower students to reflect on prompts and content, enabling instructors to focus on the substance of their writing instead of the mechanics. These new low-stakes assignments help educators assess students' true understanding of the topic.

Achieve Product Release
Check out our previous product releases and explore the past enhancements we've made to Achieve.
AI-powered Tutor*: The AI chatbot-embedded Assessment homework offers instant guidance and personalised support, promoting meaningful learning without giving away answers. It reduces reliance on external resources (such as Google or Chegg) and allows students to ask questions anytime, leading to better preparation and more productive discussions during office hours.
*Limited to specific courses in Fall 2024.
Content-First Assessments: Enhance understanding of core concepts with short, interactive activities that merge multimedia content with assessment. These assessments empower students to self-evaluate progress, fostering metacognition and self-reflection in an engaging, low-pressure environment.
Contextualised Student Assessments: This feature streamlines grading settings for instructors and clarifies assessment criteria for students, enhancing the assessment experience by improving grading settings creation and offering clear assessment guidelines. Feature 3: iClicker: AI Question Creator
iClicker: AI Question Creator: This AI-powered tool enables educators to seamlessly create engaging questions for classroom activities, effectively addressing the challenge of fostering active learning while significantly reducing the time spent on devising questions. Learn More
iClicker: Formula/Symbol Question Type: The new iClicker Formula/Symbol question type enables students to answer with equations, mathematical expressions, symbols, and Greek letters. This feature provides instructors, especially those in STEM fields, with the ability to ask more complex polling questions, presenting a more engaging challenge beyond the typical Multiple Choice.
Achieve's Support Community Search: Access curated help content seamlessly through Achieve's Help Center search, designed to provide quick and easy answers within the platform.
Content Collection: Consolidate all instructor resources onto a single page, streamlining access to prebuilt publisher materials and custom content to easily search and filter.
Create Pages with HTML Editor: This feature introduces a new user-friendly HTML editor, making it easy for instructors to create an HTML page and integrate it with other Achieve course content. With centralised updates, changes to one document automatically apply across all courses, streamlining content management.
Enhanced Gradebook Export: Instructors can optimise their workflow by exporting only the Course Total and Category Totals for each course. Select your preferred grading format from the export dialog box, offering a simpler view of grades and enhanced flexibility to accommodate your needs.
iClicker Events for Site Licenses: Now available for site license institutions, iClicker Events transforms audience engagement at meetings and events. With easy-to-use live polling and insightful data gathering, it enhances interactivity and fosters connections, making every gathering a success. The best part is that participants don't need an iClicker account to join, making engagement easy and accessible. Learn More
iClicker's Mobile Quick Join: Enroll in courses or join events on the go with a simple scan of a QR code, a join code, or a quick search (for courses). This feature streamlines the iClicker app experience, making it faster, more convenient, and reducing errors.
Printable Assessments (Beta): Printable Assessmenprovidedes a convenient option to print Assessments (exams and homework) with unanswered questions, simplifying the process of accommodating student needs, administering exams, and meeting departmental requirements.
Side Panel for Gradebook: Simplify your workflow and manage assignment details, student notes, and due date extensions directly within the Gradebook. This pop-up side panel feature ensures a seamless experience across Achieve, allowing instructors to effortlessly extend due dates, update scores, and annotate within the context of real-time Gradebook data.
Student Activity Launch Log Export: Instructors can now download logs detailing each time a student initiates an activity in Achieve, providing crucial insights into students' work habits and verifying their system usage times. This feature enhances instructors' understanding and oversight of student engagement.
Topic Selector for Course Setup: When creating a new course, instructors can easily customise the course by reviewing, reordering, removing, or adding chapters/modules right from the start. This streamlined process enhances the course setup experience, making it simpler for instructors to personalise prebuilt courses to their liking.
Enhanced LTI Advantage: Seamlessly deploy ungraded content in Canvas with LTI 1.3 (LTI Advantage). We've expanded LTI 1.3 capabilities to bridge the gap with our current integrations, ensuring a superior user experience with more flexibility and improved functionality.
Streamlined Content Deployment to Canvas: Enhance content deployment to Canvas by utilising the LTI 1.3 (LTI Advantage) update, ensuring a seamless Achieve-Canvas integration. This upgrade simplifies the transition to LTI 1.3 for institutions, offering a smoother, more intuitive experience for users.
Experience Our New Features in a Demo!
Join a live demo to learn about what’s new and see how Achieve and iClicker can work in your classroom.