Psychology and the Real World

Second Edition

Publication Date: June 15, 2022

E-book ISBN: 9781319515584

“As you read through the essays you will, I imagine, be struck by the sheer breadth of topics to which modern psychology has applied itself—from human perception to the use of memory in the courtroom, to teaching children how not to hate, and on and on.“
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ISBN: 9781319515584
Psychology and the Real World


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ISBN: 9781464173950
Psychology and the Real World


Foreword by Malcolm Gladwell
CHAPTER 1: Introduction
James R. Pomerantz and Morton Ann Gernsbacher
Psychology and the Real World: An Introduction
CHAPTER 2: Methods of Psychology
John H. Krantz
Can the World Wide Web Be Used for Research?
Paul R. Sackett
Integrity Testing for Personnel Selection: The Role of Research Methods
CHAPTER 3: Neuroscience
Bruce S. McEwen
Neurobiology of Stress and Adaptation: Implications for Health Psychology,
Behavioral Medicine, and Beyond
Emanuel Donchin
Can the Mind Be Read in the Brain Waves?
CHAPTER 4: Sensation and Perception
Donald D. Hoffman
Human Vision as a Reality Engine
Jeremy M. Wolfe
Visual Search: Is It a Matter of Life and Death?
CHAPTER 5: Learning
Elizabeth Ligon Bjork and Robert A. Bjork
Making Things Hard on Yourself, But in a Good Way: Creating Desirable
Difficulties to Enhance Learning
Henry L. Roediger, III, Kathleen B. McDermott, and Mark A. McDaniel
Using Testing to Improve Learning and Memory
CHAPTER 6: Memory
Fergus I. M. Craik
Levels of Processing in Human Memory
Elizabeth F. Loftus
Crimes of Memory: False Memories and Societal Justice
CHAPTER 7: Language and Thought
Susan Goldin-Meadow
Creating and Learning Language by Hand
Herbert S. Terrace
Thinking without Language
CHAPTER 8: Consciousness
Bernard J. Baars
Thinking About Consciousness
Daniel M. Wegner
When You Put Things Out of Mind, Where Do They Go?
CHAPTER 9: Intelligence
Howard Gardner
The Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Robert J. Sternberg
The Rainbow Project: Using a Psychological Theory of Intelligence to
Improve the College Admissions Process
CHAPTER 10: Emotion and Motivation
Paul Ekman and David Matsumoto
Reading Faces: The Universality of Emotional Expression
E. Tory Higgins
Human Self-Regulation and Emotion
CHAPTER 11: Development
Barbara Rogoff, Maricela Correa-Chávez, and Katie G. Silva
Cultural Variation in Children’s Attention and Learning
Carolyn Rovee-Collier
Preserving Infant Memories
CHAPTER 12: Personality
Mark Snyder
Products of Their Personalities or Creatures of Their Situations? Personality and Social Behavior Have the Answer
H. Hill Goldsmith
The Functional Significance of Temperament
CHAPTER 13: Psychological Disorders
Irving I. Gottesman
Predisposed to Understand the Complex Origins of Behavioral Variation
Susan Nolen-Hoeksema
Lost in Thought: The Perils of Rumination
CHAPTER 14: Treatment of Psychological Disorders
David H. Barlow
The Development and Evaluation of Psychological Treatments for Panic Disorder
Alan E. Kazdin
Treatments for Children with Severe Aggressive and Antisocial Behavior
CHAPTER 15: Stress and Health
Barbara Fredrickson
Positive Psychology: Cultivating Resilience and Health through Everyday
Positive Emotions
Shelley E. Taylor
Positive Illusions: How Ordinary People Become Extraordinary
CHAPTER 16: Social Psychology
Elliot Aronson
Reducing Prejudice and Building Empathy in the Classroom
Harry T. Reis
When Good Things Happen to Good People: Capitalizing on Personal
Positive Events in Relationships
CHAPTER 17: Psychology at Work
Adam M. Grant
Work and the Art of Motivation Maintenance
Ruth Kanfer
Work Motivation: From Processes to Purpose
Mark A. Costanzo
Lie Detection in the Interrogation Room and Courtroom
Steven Pinker