Behavioral Genetics
Seventh Edition
Publication Date: October 02, 2016
Hardcover ISBN: 9781464176050
Pages: 528
Authored by leading experts in the field, the new seventh edition of this classic text provides the most up-to-date and comprehensive introduction to behavioral genetics available today
With its clear and concise presentation, Behavioral Genetics, 7th edition introduces students to the field’s underlying principles, defining experiments, ongoing controversies, and most recent discoveries. The text provides students with an understanding of heredity, it’s DNA basis,...
ABOUT THE AUTHORSPREFACECHAPTER 1 Overview CHAPTER 2 Historical PerspectiveThe Era of DarwinCharles DarwinFrancis GaltonBox 2.1 Francis GaltonPre-Mendelian Concepts of Heredity and VariationHeredityVariationSummaryCHAPTER 3 Mendels Laws and Beyond Mendel’s LawsMendel’s First Law of HeredityBox 3.1 Gregor Mendel’s LuckMendel’s Second Law of HeredityBox 3.2 How Do We Know That 1 in 50 People Are Carriers for PKU?Beyond Mendel’s LawsComplex TraitsMultiple Gene InheritanceQuantitative GeneticsBox 3.3 Liability-Threshold Model of DisordersX-Chromosome: An Extension to Mendel’s LawsSummaryCHAPTER 4 The Biological Basis of HeredityDNABox 4.1 The "Central Dogma" of Molecular GeneticsChromosomesSummaryCHAPTER 5 Animal Models in Behavioral GeneticsQuantitative Genetic Experiments to Investigate Animal BehaviorSelection StudiesInbred Strain StudiesAnimal Studies for Identifying Genes and Gene FunctionsCreating MutationsQuantitative Trait LociSynteny HomologySummaryCHAPTER 6 Nature, Nurture and Human Behavior Investigating the Genetics of Human BehaviorAdoption DesignsBox 6.1 The First Adoption Study of SchizophreniaBox 6.2 Issues in Adoption StudiesTwin DesignBox 6.3 The Twin Method Combination SummaryCHAPTER 7 Estimating Genetic and Environmental Influences HeritabilityBox 7.1 Estimating Heritability Directly from DNAInterpreting HeritabilityEnvironmentality Shared EnvironmentNonshared EnvironmentEstimating Shared and Nonshared Environmental InfluencesIdentifying Specific Nonshared EnvironmentIdentifying Specific Nonshared Environment That Predicts Behavioral OutcomesMultivariate AnalysisSummaryChapter 8 The Interplay between Genes and EnvironmentBeyond HeritabilityGenotype-Environment CorrelationThe Nature of NurtureThree Types of Genotype-Environment Correlation Three Methods to Detect Genotype-Environment Correlation ImplicationsGenotype-Environment InteractionAnimal ModelsAdoption Studies Twin StudiesDNASummaryCHAPTER 9 Identifying Genes MutationsExpanded Triplet RepeatsDetecting Polymorphisms Box 9.1 DNA MarkersHuman Behavior Linkage: Single-Gene Disorders Linkage: Complex Disorders Box 9.2 Affected Sib-Pair Linkage DesignAssociation: Candidate Genes Association: Genomewide Box 9.3 SNP MicroarraysSummaryCHAPTER 10 Pathways between Genes and BehaviorBox 10.1 Levels of Analysis
Gene Expression and the Role of EpigeneticsThe Transcriptome: Gene Expression throughout the Genome Gene Expression Profiles: RNA Microarrays and Sequence-Based Approaches Gene Expression and Genetics Gene Expression as a Biological Basis for Environmental InfluenceThe Proteome: Proteins Coded throughout the TranscriptomeThe Brain Box 10.2 Endophenotypes Learning and Memory Neuroimaging SummaryCHAPTER 11 Cognitive Abilities Animal ResearchGeneral Cognitive AbilitySpecific Cognitive AbilitiesNeurocognitive Measures of Cognitive AbilitiesSchool AchievementThree Special Genetic Findings about Cognitive AbilitiesHeritability Increases During DevelopmentAssortative Mating is SubstantialThe same genes affect diverse cognitive and learning abilitiesIdentifying GenesSummaryCHAPTER 12 Cognitive Disabilities General Cognitive Disability: Quantitative GeneticsGeneral Cognitive Disability: Single-Gene Disorders Phenylketonuria Fragile X Syndrome Rett Syndrome Other Single-Gene DisordersGeneral Cognitive Disability: Chromosomal Abnormalities Down Syndrome Sex Chromosome AbnormalitiesSmall Chromosomal DeletionsSpecific Cognitive Disabilities Reading Disability Communication Disorders Mathematics Disability Comorbidity among Specific Cognitive DisabilitiesSummaryCHAPTER 13 Schizophrenia Box 13.1 The Beginnings of Psychiatric Genetics: Bethlem Royal and Maudsley HospitalsFamily Studies Twin StudiesAdoption StudiesSchizophrenia or Schizophrenias?Identifying GenesSummaryCHAPTER 14 Other Adult Psychopathology Mood Disorders Family Studies Twin Studies Adoption StudiesSNP-Based Heritability Identifying GenesAnxiety DisordersOther DisordersCo-Occurrence of DisordersIdentifying GenesSummaryCHAPTER 15 Developmental PsychopathologyAutism Family and Twin Studies Identifying GenesAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Twin Studies Identifying GenesDistruptive Behavior DisordersAnxiety DisordersOther DisordersOverview of Twin Studies of Childhood DisordersSNP-Based Heritability Findings for Childhood DisordersSummaryCHAPTER 16 Personality and Personality DisordersSelf-Report QuestionnairesOther Measures of PersonalityOther Findings Situations Development Nature-Nurture InterplayPersonality and Social Psychology Relationships Attitudes and Political BehaviorBehavioral EconomicsPersonality Disorders Schizotypal Personality DisorderObsessive-Compulsive Personality DisorderAntisocial Personality Disorder and Criminal BehaviorIdentifying GenesSummaryChapter 17 Substance Use Disorders Alcohol Dependence Twin and Adoption Research on Alcohol-Related Phenotypes Animal Research on Alcohol-Related PhenotypesMolecular Genetic Research on Alcohol-Related PhenotypesNicotine Dependence Twin Research on Smoking-Related Phenotypes Molecular Genetic Research on Smoking-Related PhenotypesOther DrugsComplexities of Studying the Genetics of Substance UseSummaryCHAPTER 18 Health Psychology Health Psychology Body Weight and Obesity Subjective Well-Being and Health Health Psychology and Genetic CounselingSummaryCHAPTER 19 AgingCognitive AgingGeneral Cognitive AbilitySpecific Cognitive AbilitiesDementiaGenes and Normal Cognitive AgingHealth and AgingPhysiological FunctioningBehavioral and Physical FunctioningSelf-Rated HealthMolecular Genetics and Physical HealthLongevitySummaryCHAPTER 20 The Future of Behavioral Genetics Quantitative GeneticsMolecular GeneticsImplications of Nature and NurtureAppendix Statistical Methods in Behavioral Genetics1. IntroductionBox A.1 Behavioral Genetic Interactive Modules1.1 Variation and Covariation: Statistical Descriptions of Individual Differences2. Quantitative Genetics2.1 The Biometric Model2.2 Estimating Variance Components3. Molecular Genetics3.1 Linkage Analysis3.2 Association Analysis
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Gene Expression and the Role of EpigeneticsThe Transcriptome: Gene Expression throughout the Genome Gene Expression Profiles: RNA Microarrays and Sequence-Based Approaches Gene Expression and Genetics Gene Expression as a Biological Basis for Environmental InfluenceThe Proteome: Proteins Coded throughout the TranscriptomeThe Brain Box 10.2 Endophenotypes Learning and Memory Neuroimaging SummaryCHAPTER 11 Cognitive Abilities Animal ResearchGeneral Cognitive AbilitySpecific Cognitive AbilitiesNeurocognitive Measures of Cognitive AbilitiesSchool AchievementThree Special Genetic Findings about Cognitive AbilitiesHeritability Increases During DevelopmentAssortative Mating is SubstantialThe same genes affect diverse cognitive and learning abilitiesIdentifying GenesSummaryCHAPTER 12 Cognitive Disabilities General Cognitive Disability: Quantitative GeneticsGeneral Cognitive Disability: Single-Gene Disorders Phenylketonuria Fragile X Syndrome Rett Syndrome Other Single-Gene DisordersGeneral Cognitive Disability: Chromosomal Abnormalities Down Syndrome Sex Chromosome AbnormalitiesSmall Chromosomal DeletionsSpecific Cognitive Disabilities Reading Disability Communication Disorders Mathematics Disability Comorbidity among Specific Cognitive DisabilitiesSummaryCHAPTER 13 Schizophrenia Box 13.1 The Beginnings of Psychiatric Genetics: Bethlem Royal and Maudsley HospitalsFamily Studies Twin StudiesAdoption StudiesSchizophrenia or Schizophrenias?Identifying GenesSummaryCHAPTER 14 Other Adult Psychopathology Mood Disorders Family Studies Twin Studies Adoption StudiesSNP-Based Heritability Identifying GenesAnxiety DisordersOther DisordersCo-Occurrence of DisordersIdentifying GenesSummaryCHAPTER 15 Developmental PsychopathologyAutism Family and Twin Studies Identifying GenesAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Twin Studies Identifying GenesDistruptive Behavior DisordersAnxiety DisordersOther DisordersOverview of Twin Studies of Childhood DisordersSNP-Based Heritability Findings for Childhood DisordersSummaryCHAPTER 16 Personality and Personality DisordersSelf-Report QuestionnairesOther Measures of PersonalityOther Findings Situations Development Nature-Nurture InterplayPersonality and Social Psychology Relationships Attitudes and Political BehaviorBehavioral EconomicsPersonality Disorders Schizotypal Personality DisorderObsessive-Compulsive Personality DisorderAntisocial Personality Disorder and Criminal BehaviorIdentifying GenesSummaryChapter 17 Substance Use Disorders Alcohol Dependence Twin and Adoption Research on Alcohol-Related Phenotypes Animal Research on Alcohol-Related PhenotypesMolecular Genetic Research on Alcohol-Related PhenotypesNicotine Dependence Twin Research on Smoking-Related Phenotypes Molecular Genetic Research on Smoking-Related PhenotypesOther DrugsComplexities of Studying the Genetics of Substance UseSummaryCHAPTER 18 Health Psychology Health Psychology Body Weight and Obesity Subjective Well-Being and Health Health Psychology and Genetic CounselingSummaryCHAPTER 19 AgingCognitive AgingGeneral Cognitive AbilitySpecific Cognitive AbilitiesDementiaGenes and Normal Cognitive AgingHealth and AgingPhysiological FunctioningBehavioral and Physical FunctioningSelf-Rated HealthMolecular Genetics and Physical HealthLongevitySummaryCHAPTER 20 The Future of Behavioral Genetics Quantitative GeneticsMolecular GeneticsImplications of Nature and NurtureAppendix Statistical Methods in Behavioral Genetics1. IntroductionBox A.1 Behavioral Genetic Interactive Modules1.1 Variation and Covariation: Statistical Descriptions of Individual Differences2. Quantitative Genetics2.1 The Biometric Model2.2 Estimating Variance Components3. Molecular Genetics3.1 Linkage Analysis3.2 Association Analysis
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Valerie S. Knopik; Jenae M. Neiderhiser; John C. DeFries; Robert Plomin | Seventh Edition | ©2017 | ISBN:9781319083342
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