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202 Unit 2 ■ Analyzing Comparisons and Representations
TRM Handout: Organizing a Poetry Analysis I
Defensible Thesis Statement with Claim (idea + insight):
In [title], [poet] illustrates [idea + insight] through the use of [element/technique 1], [element/technique
INSTRUCTIONAL FOCUS 2], and [element/technique 3].
Poetry Analysis I This outline should be used at Topic Sentence 1 Topic Sentence 2 Topic Sentence 3
this point in the year. As students gain more (Identify the first aspect of the (Identify the second aspect of (Identify the third aspect of the
interpretive skills, the outline will grow in topic related to the unifying the topic related to the unifying topic related to the unifying
Copyright (c) 2023 Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Uncorrected proofs were used with this sample chapter.
complexity – see Poetry Analysis II in Unit 5 idea): idea): idea):
(p. 676) and Poetry Analysis III in Unit 8 (p. 1221). To begin, [poet] includes Next, [poet] includes [technique/ Finally, [poet] includes
[technique/element 1] to element 2] to [purpose connect [technique/element 3] to
[purpose connect to idea]. to idea]. [purpose connect to idea].
Textual Details Textual Details Textual Details
Distributed by Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Strictly for use with its products. Not for redistribution.
(Relevant and sufficient (Relevant and sufficient (Relevant and sufficient
evidence): evidence): evidence):
For example, the detail/image/ To illustrate, [poet] describes/ As an example of [technique/
comparison [text evidence], used compares [context] by element], the author includes
to describe [context] illustrates describing [text evidence] to [text evidence] to explain [link to
[link to topic sentence]. reveal [link to topic sentence]. topic sentence].
Additionally, the detail/image/ To continue, [author] describes/ Through another example, of
comparison [text evidence], used compares [context] by [technique/element], the author
to describe [context] illustrates describing [text evidence] to includes [text evidence] to
[link to topic sentence]. reveal [link to topic sentence]. explain [link to topic sentence].
Commentary Commentary Commentary
(Link evidence to reason and (Link evidence to reason and (Link evidence to reason and
idea): idea): idea):
The association of [text Through this choice, [poet] By including this [element/
evidence] with [topic sentence] develops [idea and insight]. technique] the author suggests
reveals [idea and insight]. that [idea and insight].
Poetry Analysis I This is a modified version of
the AP Rubric. In the early units, students should
not be expected to meet all the expectations on
the final AP Rubric. This version has been
modified to focus on the skills taught thus far.
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Needs Review Making Progress On Target Above Target
Row A Thesis that restates or Thesis with idea Thesis with idea and insight
Thesis summarizes the topic
Row B Summarizes or paraphrases Includes evidence related Selects at least one piece of Selects multiple pieces of
Evidence and details from the text to the idea relevant and specific evidence relevant and specific evidence
Commentary related to the idea and insight related to the idea and insight
Row C References the author and title Includes a statement that
Sophistication contextualizes the work in
some way
202 Unit 2 Analyzing Comparisons and Representations
03_williamlitte1e_47545_ch02_116_207_3pp.indd 202 08/12/22 5:49 PM