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198  Unit 2   ■   Analyzing Comparisons and Representations  Preparing for the AP  Exam   ■   Free-Response Question: Poetry Analysis  199  UNIT 2

 SOME LITERARY TECHNIQUES AND ELEMENTS  INSIDER  The author’s strategies justify the idea and
 Techniques  Elements  AP ®  TIP  insight. Topic sentences in each body paragraph serve   PREPARING FOR THE AP ®  EXAM
                               to develop the technique(s) in your thesis. You can use
 Imagery  connotation, allusion, personification, simile, motif  the following basic template to structure your topic
                   sentences. The author [technique] to illustrate [connection to insight
 Contrast  irony, juxtaposition, paradox, antithesis, imagery
                   and idea].
 Comparison  simile, metaphor, conceit, image, allusion, symbol
 Narration  point of view, perspective, speaker, tone
                       Copyright (c) 2023 Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Uncorrected proofs were used with this sample chapter.
 Pacing  sentence structure, flashback, foreshadowing, suspense, pause, variety  ➔  Step Three: Choose Relevant Evidence  INSTRUCTIONAL FOCUS
 Emphasis  subordination, coordination, cumulative sentence, periodic sentence, rhetorical   You have learned already that you must provide relevant evidence to support your   Step Three: Choose Relevant Evidence
 question, exaggeration, repetition, simple sentence, fragment  thesis and that you should choose this evidence carefully. Additionally, you must   Teachers should guide students to choose their
 Balance  coordination, parallelism, coordinating conjunction, repetition  include evidence to support each reason in your line of reasoning. In other words,   evidence based on their line of reasoning and
                         Distributed by Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Strictly for use with its products. Not for redistribution.
                 every body paragraph should include evidence.                                  the relevance to idea and insight in the thesis
                    In choosing textual evidence or details from the text, make sure that you   statement. You may wish to discuss how the
 misstep by organizing your analysis with focused reasons related to your unifying   arrange those details into the related body paragraphs. For example, in the     evidence from the model poem is arranged
 idea and insight.    paragraph dedicated to the speaker’s once youthful past, you could include   strategically or in some cases omitted from the
 While  an  argument must have  a  line  of  reasoning,  the  writer  may  choose   the detail of the season and location where “late the sweet birds sang,” and   analysis because it does not support the line of
 whether to preview the line of reasoning in the thesis statement. Review the fol-  in the  paragraph dedicated to the speaker’s approaching death, you could in-  reasoning.
 lowing examples of defensible thesis statements that omit and include a stated pre-  clude the detail that the ashes of the fire are now on “the death-bed whereon
 view of the line of reasoning:  it must expire.” As a general rule, you should include more than one piece of
                 evidence within each body  paragraph and represent multiple literary elements
 Sample Thesis   and  techniques within your literary argument.
 Statements  Notes Regarding Line of Reasoning Preview  Finally, when you incorporate evidence from a poem, you will need to  integrate
 In his poem “Sonnet   Defensible thesis with no stated line of reasoning:  the text into your argument properly. Quoting from poetry is a bit different than
 73,” Shakespeare   quoting from prose. When you are quoting directly, you must keep the original
 compares the speaker   This thesis refers to a technique (comparison) and   punctuation and capitalization intact and indicate line breaks as well.
 includes an interpretation (love grows stronger with the
 to objects near death   threat of loss); however, it does not directly state the   The following examples demonstrate three ways of incorporating textual evi-
 to suggest that love   dence from a poem.
 grows stronger with   line of reasoning that will guide the body paragraphs.
 the threat of loss.  Even so, the writer may successfully develop the literary
 argument with this thesis by stating the reasons in the   Original text  That time of year thou mayst in me behold
 topic sentences for the subsequent body paragraphs.  When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang
 In his poem “Sonnet   Defensible thesis with a stated line of reasoning:  Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
 73,” William                     Bare ruin’d choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.
 Shakespeare compares   This thesis focuses on one unifying strategy (comparison)   Paraphrasing  The speaker realizes that his loved one notices his aging
 the aging speaker to   and includes an interpretation (love grows stronger with   body and compares himself to the season of winter — a
 objects that were once   the threat of loss). This writer indicates a line of reasoning   cold season when birds no longer sing.
 youthful but are now   by further breaking down the qualities in the comparison   Using a signal phrase  Revealing his loved one’s perspective on his aging,
 near death to support   subjects into two categories: (1) once youthful and   Shakespeare’s speaker says, “That time of year thou
 the speaker’s final   (2) near death. The writer’s thesis suggests a line of   mayst in me behold / When yellow leaves, or none, or
 revelation that love   reasoning that focuses first on details related to youth   few, do hang / Upon those boughs.”
 grows stronger with   and then on details related to death. The order of these
 justifications is effective as well because life precedes
 the threat of loss.  Embedding the text  In describing his aging body, Shakespeare’s speaker
 death, and the speaker’s revelation at the end of the   compares himself to winter when the trees “shake” and
 poem is a response to impending death. By developing a   the “cold / Bare ruin’d choirs” are no longer inhabited by
 body paragraph for each of these observations, the writer   the “sweet birds.”
 can support the thesis and develop the literary argument.

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                                                                 Preparing for the AP  Exam     Free-Response Question: Poetry Analysis  199

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