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194  Unit 2   ■   Analyzing Comparisons and Representations                                                                     UNIT 2

                       In the last stanzas, the tone shifts from jovial to judgmental as the   topic sentence: loss   PREPARING FOR THE AP  EXAM  WORKSHOP OVERVIEW
                      young girl enters the confines of her home and is questioned by her   of freedom signified by   Free-Response Question:  PREPARING FOR THE AP ®  EXAM  This workshop introduces the Poetry Analysis
                      mother, representing the societal norms of being well-behaved girls and   tone shift from playful          Free-Response Question that students will
                      women have to follow. As she walks into the house, her carefree nature   to reserved  Poetry Analysis      encounter on the AP  Exam. For this early unit,
                      already dissipates. As she notices the “clean linoleum,” she “smoothed                                     students should build on the defensible thesis
                      her skirt”: a gesture that contrasts with the dirty and playful tone from                                  work they did for an excerpt from short fiction
                      outside, instead shifting into a stricter environment inside. In this new   AP ®   Enduring Understanding (LAN-1)  and adapt it to a full poem. Next, students will
                        environment, she adjusts accordingly to please others by fixing her   Readers establish and communicate their interpretations of literature through   build their argument by focusing on developing a
                       Teaching the Preparing for the AP  Exam Section
                        clothing. She leaves behind the windblown hair and rumpled clothing   evidence: details and   ®          logical line of reasoning to support the thesis
                                                                                   arguments supported by textual evidence.
                      that represent her  freedom outside to look better adjusted for her mother   word choice illustrate        statement and connect to the idea and insight in
                                                       the loss of freedom
                                                                                                                                 the claim.
                      and others. She is berated by her mother with questions about her time   experienced within the
                      outside. Her mother represents the judgment and questioning women   rules of society  Justifying a Thesis through a Line
                      often get by others when acting against the societal norms of a perfect,
                Test prep is built right into the student book               of Reasoning                                        COMMON MISCONCEPTION
                      well- mannered lady. The little girl is carefree and playful, just like a child
 194  Unit 2   ■   Analyzing Comparisons and Representations  should be, but in this new environment she is more reserved and   The first free-response essay prompt on t ®he AP® English Literature and Compo-  UNIT 2   Some students miss the mark by simply
                                                                                  PREPARING FOR THE AP  EXAM
                The practice questions in Ideas in Literature are spiraled and   sition Exam requires you to write a literary argument analyzing a poem. In this   PREPARING FOR THE AP ®  EXAM reasoning and the thesis so that they do not
                        obedient to please and  conform to those standards of women even as a
                                                                                                                                 identifying literary techniques and elements
                                                                                  Free-Response Question:
                                                                                                                                 rather than analyzing how the author’s use of
                      child. When her mother asks about what is in her pocket she answers
                                                                             workshop, you will continue to develop the skills you need to complete this task
                       Copyright (c) 2023 Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Uncorrected proofs were used with this sample chapter.
                                                  PREPARING FOR THE AP  EXAM
                sequenced in the same way as the skills are in the AP® Framework.
 In the last stanzas, the tone shifts from jovial to judgmental as the   obediently that it is her knife and notices how it “weighted [her] pocket   ®  with a specific focus on establishing a line of reasoning.  WORKSHOP OVERVIEW  these elements and techniques contributes to an
                          topic sentence: loss
                                                                                  Poetry Analysis
                                                                                                     This workshop introduces the Poetry Analysis
                                                  Free-Response Question:
 young girl enters the confines of her home and is questioned by her   and stretched [her] dress awry.” This object associated with her brother   Read the following practice prompt and the accompanying poem, which is   interpretation of the text. Students should focus
                          of freedom signified by
                Questions are aligned to the skills taught in the unit and get
                                                                                                     Free-Response Question that students will
                          tone shift from playful
 mother, representing the societal norms of being well-behaved girls and  and the playful  rambunctious nature of boys, the knife, is weighing on   an adaptation of the type of prompt you may see on the exam. Please note that on   on developing the link between the line of
                                                  Poetry Analysis
                                                                                                     encounter on the AP
                          to reserved
 women have to follow. As she walks into the house, her carefree nature  her as she tries her hardest to conform to the perfect little girl her mother   the actual exam, you will be required to write a full analytical essay about multiple   Exam. For this early unit,
                progressively more challenging as the units advance. As students
                                                                                   AP ®   Enduring Understanding (LAN-1) students should build on the defensible thesis
 already dissipates. As she notices the “clean linoleum,” she “smoothed  expects and wants. The knife also messes up her dress, showing how   poetic elements and techniques.  merely summarize the poem instead of explaining
                                                                                                     work they did for an excerpt from short fiction
 her skirt”: a gesture that contrasts with the dirty and playful tone from   this object that represents her freedom from outside is messing with the   Readers establish and communicate their interpretations of literature through   how the author’s literary choices link to the idea
                build skills over the units, the test questions build in complexity and
                                                                                               PREPARING FOR THE AP ®  EXAM
                                                                                                     and adapt it to a full poem. Next, students will
                                                  AP ®
 outside, instead shifting into a stricter environment inside. In this new  mask she is putting on with orderly clothing and hair. It instead rumples    Enduring Understanding (LAN-1)    arguments supported by textual evidence.  and insight. Teachers should practice this skill by
                         Distributed by Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Strictly for use with its products. Not for redistribution.
                                                                                                                                 having students record annotations that link the
   environment, she adjusts accordingly to please others by fixing her   her dress and depicts her true nature as a playful child, but her mother’s  Readers establish and communicate their interpretations of literature through   build their argument by focusing on developing a   author’s literary choice to the unifying idea.
                                                                                                     logical line of reasoning to support the thesis
                          evidence: details and
   clothing. She leaves behind the windblown hair and rumpled clothing   judging eyes do not accept that, so the little girl conforms to the     arguments supported by textual evidence.  In the following poem by William Shakespeare (published in 1609), the speaker addresses a loved
                                                                                                     statement and connect to the idea and insight in
                          word choice illustrate
                                                                                 Justifying a Thesis through a Line
 that represent her  freedom outside to look better adjusted for her mother  well-mannered stereotype that society wants her to be, instead of being   one who has noticed that he is growing old and closer to death. Write a paragraph in which you
                          the loss of freedom
                                                                                                     the claim.
 and others. She is berated by her mother with questions about her time  her true self. The tone shift contrasts the freedom she feels playing out-  make a defensible claim regarding how Shakespeare uses metaphors to convey the complex rela-
                          experienced within the
                                                                                 of Reasoning
 outside. Her mother represents the judgment and questioning women   side as a horse with her mother’s questioning and  judgment.  Justifying a Thesis through a Line    tionship between the aging speaker and the loved one.  WORKSHOP RESOURCES
                          rules of society
                FRQ writing workshops prepare students
 often get by others when acting against the societal norms of a perfect,   In Swenson’s poem “The Centaur,” the speaker depicts the societal   conclusion: articulates   In your paragraph, you should incorporate at least one piece of evidence from the text to sup-  TRM  All of the following resources for this
                                                                                 The first free-response essay prompt on the AP® English Literature and Compo-
                                                 of Reasoning
                                                                                 sition Exam requires you to write a literary argument analyzing a poem. In this
 well- mannered lady. The little girl is carefree and playful, just like a child  pressures placed on girls to be obedient and well-mannered. She uses   the desire for freedom   port your claim.  COMMON MISCONCEPTION  section can be found in the Teacher’s Resource
                                                                                 workshop, you will continue to develop the skills you need to complete this task
 should be, but in this new environment she is more reserved and   metaphors and similes to create a tonal shift from the carefree indepen-  from societal pressures  In your response, you should do the following: Some students miss the mark by simply   Materials on the digital platform and individually
                for exam day
                                                 The first free-response essay prompt on the AP® English Literature and Compo-
                                                                                 with a specific focus on establishing a line of reasoning.
   obedient to please and  conform to those standards of women even as a  dence of a child playing outside alone to the constraints and judgments   •  Respond to the prompt with a claim that presents a defensible interpretation  at point of use.
                                                                                                     identifying literary techniques and elements
                                                 sition Exam requires you to write a literary argument analyzing a poem. In this
                                                                                                     rather than analyzing how the author’s use of
 child. When her mother asks about what is in her pocket she answers   of social expectations.  workshop, you will continue to develop the skills you need to complete this task  Read the following practice prompt and the accompanying poem, which is       Handout: Some Literary Techniques and
                                                                                •  Select and use evidence to support your line of reasoning
                This section is where the test prep lives in the book, but it’s also more
                                                                                                     these elements and techniques contributes to an
 obediently that it is her knife and notices how it “weighted [her] pocket   with a specific focus on establishing a line of reasoning.  an adaptation of the type of prompt you may see on the exam. Please note that on   Elements
                                                       Unit 2   ■   Analyzing Comparisons and Representations the actual exam, you will be required to write a full analytical essay about multiple
                                                                                •  Use appropriate grammar and punctuation in communicating your argument
 and stretched [her] dress awry.” This object associated with her brother   Read the following practice prompt and the accompanying poem, which is   interpretation of the text. Students should focus       Graphic Organizer: Organizing a Poetry
                                                                                 poetic elements and techniques.
                than that. In each unit, we focus on a type of FRQ and help students
 and the playful  rambunctious nature of boys, the knife, is weighing on   an adaptation of the type of prompt you may see on the exam. Please note that on   on developing the link between the line of    Analysis I
                                                                             2.  The pronoun “him” (italicized in the original
                                                    They were deeply encrusted with rust. Looking
 her as she tries her hardest to conform to the perfect little girl her mother   the actual exam, you will be required to write a full analytical essay about multiple   reasoning and the thesis so that they do not       Scored Student Sample AP Essays
                understand how to be successful when writing that particular type
                                                    about, he found a bit of iron and began to pry.
 expects and wants. The knife also messes up her dress, showing how   poetic elements and techniques.  story) in line 24 refers to  merely summarize the poem instead of explaining
 this object that represents her freedom from outside is messing with the   The rust had eaten a hundred years, and it had   (A)  Jim, the messenger, who is the main   how the author’s literary choices link to the idea
                of essay. The workshops are spiraled and scaffolded to align with the
 mask she is putting on with orderly clothing and hair. It instead rumples   gone deep. Slowly, wearily, the old lid lifted, and   character.   and insight. Teachers should practice this skill by   AP  CLASSROOM RESOURCES
                                                                                   In the following poem by William Shakespeare (published in 1609), the speaker addresses a loved
                                                                                                     having students record annotations that link the
                                                    with a last, low groan lay bare its treasure —
                AP® Framework, and the question types align with AP® Classroom
 her dress and depicts her true nature as a playful child, but her mother’s   Prompt:  (B)  the bank president.   author’s literary choice to the unifying idea.
                                                                                   one who has noticed that he is growing old and closer to death. Write a paragraph in which you
                                                                             (C)  the junior clerk who accompanies the
                                                    and he saw the dull sheen of gold!
                                                                                   make a defensible claim regarding how Shakespeare uses metaphors to convey the complex rela-
 judging eyes do not accept that, so the little girl conforms to the   In the following poem by William Shakespeare (published in 1609), the speaker addresses a loved   195      AP  Daily Videos
                                                                               bank president.
                Personal Progress Checks.
                                                                                   tionship between the aging speaker and the loved one.
 well-mannered stereotype that society wants her to be, instead of being   one who has noticed that he is growing old and closer to death. Write a paragraph in which you       AP  Topic Questions
                                                                             (D)  any of the people referred to in the
                                                      A low, grinding, reverberating crash struck
                                                                                     In your paragraph, you should incorporate at least one piece of evidence from the text to sup-
 her true self. The tone shift contrasts the freedom she feels playing out-  make a defensible claim regarding how Shakespeare uses metaphors to convey the complex rela-      AP  Personal Progress Check Unit 2
                                                    upon his ear. He started up and looked about.
                                                                                   port your claim.
 side as a horse with her mother’s questioning and  judgment.  Every workshop includes the same four-step process to create a   “human river” in the first sentence.  WORKSHOP RESOURCES
                                                  tionship between the aging speaker and the loved one.
                                                    All was black and still. He groped for his light
                                                                             (E)  no one in particular as it is intended to be
                                                                                     In your response, you should do the following:
                                                                                     In your response, you should do the following:
 In Swenson’s poem “The Centaur,” the speaker depicts the societal   In your paragraph, you should incorporate at least one piece of evidence from the text to sup-  TRM  All of the following resources for this
                                                    and swung it about him. Then he knew! The
                routine that promotes student confidence for exam day. These four
                03_williamlit1e_46174_ch02_116_207.indd   194
                                                                                                                         22/09/22   9:47 AM
 pressures placed on girls to be obedient and well-mannered. She uses   conclusion: articulates   port your claim.  22/09/22   9:47 AM  03_williamlit1e_46174_ch02_116_207.indd   195 R es p o n d t o t h e p ® o m p t w i t h a c l a im t section can be found in the Teacher’s Resource
                                                                                                          ts a def
                                                                                                      t p
                                                                                     •  Respond to the prompt with a claim that presents a defensible interpretation
                                                                                                               le in
                          the desire for freedom
                                                    great stone door had swung to. He forgot the
 metaphors and similes to create a tonal shift from the carefree indepen-  from societal pressures  80 In your response, you should do the following:  RELATED RELEASED AP  EXAM  u p p o r t y Materials on the digital platform and individually
                                                                                        t a
                                                                                           e e
                                                                                         d u
                                                                                     •  Select and use evidence to support your line of reasoning
                                                                                                        e o
                                                                                                         f r
                                                                                               e t
                                                                                                      r l
                                                                                                o s
                steps include the following:
                                                    gold and looked death squarely in the face.
                                                                             3.  Which of the following details BEST illustrate
 dence of a child playing outside alone to the constraints and judgments   •  Respond to the prompt with a claim that presents a defensible interpretation •  Use appropriate grammar and punctuation in communicating your argument t
                                                                                                     at point of use.
                                                                                                r a
                                                                                                  d p
                                                                                            e g
                                                                                                               ng y
                                                                                                                  r a
                                                                                                        n i
                                                                                                         n c
                                                                                       e a
                                                                                 2004B Q2 – “Crossing the Swamp” by Mary
 of social expectations.                            Then with a sigh he went methodically to   Jim’s bitter annoyance with his task?    Handout: Some Literary Techniques and

                                                    work. The cold sweat stood on his forehead; f reasoning
                                                    •  Select and use evidence to support your line o  (A)  “. . . ‘nothing!’ as he said bitterly” (line 5).
                                                                                Oliver (Twentieth Century)
                    Plan the literary argument based on a unifying idea      (B)  “He smiled grimly and listened” (lines     Graphic Organizer: Organizing a Poetry
                                                    but he searched, pounded, pushed, and worked
                                                                                 2007B Q1 – “Here” by Philip Larkin (Twentieth
                                                    •  Use appropriate grammar and punctuation in communicating your argument

                                                   85  until after what seemed endless hours his   26–27).      Analysis I
                                                    hand struck a cold bit of metal and the great
                    Develop a defensible thesis statement and a unified line of   (C)  “. . . but the messenger passed silently       Scored Student Sample AP Essays
                                                                                 2009B Q1 – “Icarus” by Edward Field (Twentieth

                                                                               down the stairs” (lines 37–38).
                                                    door swung again harshly on its hinges, and
                   reasoning                        then, striking against something soft and   (D)  “. . . down into the blackness and silence
                                                                                 2013 Q1 – “The Black Walnut Tree” by Mary 2013 Q1 – “The Black Walnut Tree” by Mary

                                                    heavy, stopped. He had just room to squeeze
                                                                               beneath that lowest cavern” (lines 41–42).
                                                                                Oliver (Twentieth Century)
                                                                                 2015 Q1 – “XVI” by Derek Walcott (Twentieth 2015 Q1 – “XVI” by Derek Walcott (Twentieth  AP  CLASSROOM RESOURCES
                    Choose relevant evidence       90  through. There lay the body of the vault clerk,   (E)  “The cold sweat stood on his forehead . . .”      AP  Daily Videos  195

                                                    cold and stiff. He stared at it, and then felt sick
                                                                               (line 83).
                                                    and nauseated. The air seemed unaccountably       2017 Q1 – “Myth of Music” by Rachel Harper     ®
                                                                                2017 Q1 – “Myth of Music” by Rachel Harper
                    Develop your commentary         foul, with a strong, peculiar odor. He stepped     4.  In the context of the passage as a whole, the       AP  Topic Questions
                                                                                (Twentieth Century)
                                                                                                       AP  Personal Progress Check Unit 2
                                                                             introduction of gold in line 74 creates
                                                    forward, clutched at the air, and fell fainting   03_williamlit1e_46174_ch02_116_207.indd   195     22/09/22   9:47 AM
                                                                                 2022 Q1 – “Shaving” by Richard Blanco

                                                    across the corpse.
                                                                                (Twentieth Century)
                For the FRQ workshops, we have suggested several past AP® Exam   (A)  the turning point for Jim and his
 03_williamlit1e_46174_ch02_116_207.indd   194  22/09/22   9:47 AM  03_williamlit1e_46174_ch02_116_207.indd   195  (B)  an example of how others in the passage
                                                                                             22/09/22   9:47 AM
                FRQ questions for additional practice.    1.  In the context of the passage as a whole, which   are tempting Jim.  Preparing for the AP  Exam     Free-Response Question: Poetry Analysis  195
                                                   RELATED RELEASED AP  EXAM
                                                     of the following details about setting are most
                                                                               prosperity for Jim.
                                                      2004B Q2 – “Crossing the Swamp” by Mary   (C)  a symbol of impending wealth and
                                                   Oliver (Twentieth Century)  (D)  a conflict affecting the trust established
                                                     (A)  “. . . the human river that swirled down
                Plenty of practice for multiple-choice questions with answers
                                                     2007B Q1 – “Here” by Philip Larkin (Twentieth
                                                                               between Jim and the bank president.
                                                       Broadway” (lines 3–4).

                                                                             (E)  a contrast revealing a narrow window of
                                                     (B)  “. . . the dim light filtered through the feet
                                                                        03_williamlitte1e_47545_ch02_116_207_3pp.indd   195
                                                     2009B Q1 – “Icarus” by Edward Field (Twentieth
                                                       of hurrying men . . .” (lines 39–40).
                                                                               hope for Jim.
                We also have AP®-like multiple-choice practice items at the end of each unit to help                                                 08/12/22   3:17 PM

                                                     (C)  “A great rat leaped past him and cobwebs
                students practice the test-taking experience. Each unit contains two sets of questions,
                                                       crept across his face” (lines 48–49).
                                                     2013 Q1 – “The Black Walnut Tree” by Mary

                                                   Oliver (Twentieth Century)
                                                     (D)  “. . . a long, narrow room with shelves,
                one focused on a prose passage and one focused on a poem. These items are also
                                                       and at the far end, an old iron chest”
                                                     2015 Q1 – “XVI” by Derek Walcott (Twentieth

                                                       (lines 62–63).
                assignable in the book’s digital platform.   2017 Q1 – “Myth of Music” by Rachel Harper
                                                     (E)  “. . . the great door swung again harshly

                                                   (Twentieth Century)
                                                       on its hinges, and then, striking against
                   For all of the multiple-choice practice questions included in the student textbook,
                                                       something soft and heavy, stopped” (lines
                                                     2022 Q1 – “Shaving” by Richard Blanco

                                                   (Twentieth Century)
                the Teacher’s Edition contains the answer, as well as the alignment to the AP® Skill and
                Essential Knowledge for each question. Rationales for all answers can be found on   ®    Free-Response Question: Poetry Analysis  195
                                                                                Preparing for the AP  Exam
                the digital platform.
                                              03_williamlit1e_46174_ch02_116_207.indd   204        22/09/22   9:47 AM
                                            03_williamlitte1e_47545_ch02_116_207_3pp.indd   195                           08/12/22   3:17 PM
                   Question  Answer     AP  Skill                    AP  Essential Knowledge
                                1.A  Identify and describe what specific   CHR-1  A Description, dialogue, and behavior reveal characters to readers.
                                textual details reveal about a character, that
                     1     B    character’s perspective, and that character’s
                                5.B  Explain the function of specific words   FIG-1.A  An antecedent is a word, phrase, or clause that precedes its referent.
                     2     A    and phrases in a text.  Referents may include pronouns, nouns, phrases, or clauses.
                                6.B  Identify and explain the function of a   FIG-1.H  A metaphor implies similarities between two (usually unrelated)
                     3     B    metaphor.              concepts or objects in order to reveal or emphasize one or more things about
                                                       one of them, though the differences between the two may also be revealing.
                                3.D  Explain the function of contrasts within   STR-1.G  Contrast can be introduced through focus; tone; point of view;
                     4     E    a text.                character, narrator, or speaker perspective; dramatic situation or moment;
                                                       settings or time; or imagery.
               TE-xvi     Welcome to Ideas in Literature
                  204     Unit 2     Analyzing Comparisons and Representations
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