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158 Unit 2 ■ Analyzing Comparisons and Representations Nafissa Thompson-Spires ■ Fatima, the Biloquist: A Transformation Story 159 UNIT 2
165 At the moment she was especially into lis- she kicked him in the face once, delighting in phrase fit her about as bulkily as the puffy Fatima’s suggestions that “Heavens to 10 SHIFT Fatima and Violet’s relationship is
Differentiating Instruction
tening to Daniel Johns whine, reading his fat lip and his inability to hit girls who powder-blue FUBU jacket she found in a 290 Murgatroid” and “Oh my gosh, he is so hot” much like that of a teacher-student or mentor-
Charles Brockden Brown, and daydreaming weren’t his girlfriend or baby mama. thrift store in downtown Rialto. be added to the list as numbers 11 and 12 IDEAS IN LITERATURE 174 Unit 2 ■ Analyzing Comparisons and Representations
mentee relationship for Fatima. When she gets
Still, she was happy when Violet looked
of a sickly boyfriend like Arthur Mervyn, for 210 “I’m kidding,” Violet said. “We don’t all get 250 Still, she was happy when Violet looked respectively, were met with a frown and a external validation from Violet, Fatima feels like
reasons limited omniscience can’t or won’t locked up.” 10 approvingly at it. Pale Violet became the INTRODUCING THE TEXT she is making progress toward her goals.
threat from Violet that she would revoke
approvingly at it. Pale Violet became the
Fatima’s study-guide privileges if she
or of
arbiter of Fatima’s blackness, the purveyor of
s b
arbiter of F
arbiter of Fatima’s blackness, the purveyor of
the purv
170 explain. If black people wouldn’t accept her, Fatima stuttered. Differentiation is challenging, but we have provided layers of resources to help you
Ask students to think about how much control
all things authentic. Though she was barely
she would stick to what she knew. “I can see I’ma have to teach you a lot of all things authentic. Though she was barely 295 persisted with lame interjections. Fatima 11 WORD CHOICE The list of words and
Cloud Nine
glossaries show that language is an important
they had over their lives in childhood (how they
stifled her joke about the rain in Spain falling
stifled her joke about the rain in Spain falling
But Violet’s judgment held more heft in things. You ready?” Violet meant ready to make the best instructional decisions for your students based on their needs.
5’1 and chunky by most standards — nearly
lived, what they ate, how they spent their free
her critique — a possibility for transforma- 215 leave the food court, but Fatima meant more 255 obese by Fatima’s — you would think Violet 12 mostly on the plains and practiced on, facet of social standing and participating in a
mostly on the plains and practiced on,
Copyright (c) 2023 Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Uncorrected proofs were used with this sample chapter.
Sofia T. Romero
culture, which is why Fatima studies slang as
168 Unit 2 ■ Analyzing Comparisons and Representations tion. When a black girl with natural green when she said, “Yeah, I’m ready.” And thus Andrew Marvell ■ To His Coy Mistress 169 time). Depending on students’ responses, you UNIT 2
assured that Violet’s tutelage would confer
assured that Violet’s tutelage would confer
was Pamela Anderson, the way she walked,
may ask them about the moments or conditions
upon her, like Carwin, “a wonderful gift” of
175 eyes and blonde hair and a big chest and began her transformation. like a hula doll on a dashboard swinging hips upon her, like Carwin, “a wonderful gift” of if it were a completely different language (like
that allowed them to feel the most free. (For
bubble butt that wiggle independently of 7 25 Th y beauty shall no mor e be found; Pathways by preparation level THE TEXT IN CONTEXT UNIT 2
and breasts.
300 biloquism.
Thy beauty shall no more be found;
7 SPEAKER The speaker attempts to persuade
• • •
Unit 2 ■ Analyzing Comparisons and Representations
Glossaries soon followed.
each other tells you that you, with your sable Nor, in thy marble vault, shall sound She lived in Fontana, and the distance example, perhaps during recess or on field trips). 12 CHARACTER Again, Fatima understands her Sofia T. Romero ■ Cloud Nine 175
Writer Sofia T. Romero (b. 1972) is a native of Wellesley,
You may ask students how families balance
the subject in this stanza of the urgency and
skin and dark hair, are not black enough, If only Baratunde Thurston had been writing As mentioned previously, we offer three basic pathways through the book, one
between their respective houses was fifteen
1. Hella = a more intense “hecka”
relationship with Violet is to achieve the purpose
Massachusetts. She received her undergraduate degree
children’s need for independence while also
My echoing song; then worms shall try
value of enjoying their youth in the present
sometimes you listen. when Fatima came of age, she could have minutes, but only seven if they met halfway, 2. Hecka = a lot / really; Fatima preferred from Wellesley College and her graduate degree from Boston 90 Yeah, no one calls me that, I said. Some- 4 CHARACTER The first time the reader is
Lourdes, I said. My name is Lourdes.
of being able to engage in a language or culture
I could not be Jo.redistribution.
That long-preserved virginity,
keeping them safe.
moment by arguing that before too long, they will
Fatima borrowing her father’s alternate car
To His Coy Mistress 180 “It’s not that I’m trying to be white. It’s 220 learned how to be black from a book instead for underprepared students, one for adequately prepared students, and one for Tina, she can’t be Jo because she is, Susie times my family calls me Luli. But not Lulu. introduced to Lourdes’s mother, Lourdes is
this to “hella.”
Fatima feels is different from the ones she
College. Her fiction has appeared in literary journals such as
both perish.
And your quaint honour turn to dust,
And your quaint honour turn to dust,
just that’s what I’m around.” of from Violet’s charm school. Even a quick (the 1993 Beamer, so as not to look ostenta- 305 3. Fisshow = for sure, or as Fatima used to Blue Mountain Review, Waterwheel Review, Rigorous, and Leon Christina nodded and said, Hey, I’m going IDEAS IN LITERATURE
already understands and participates in.
paused, well, she’s portorican that’s why and
Andrew Marvell “You don’t have no church friends? You glance at Ellison could have saved her a lot of accelerated students. IDEAS IN THE TEXT Literary Review. Romero is an editor, as well as the proprietor to race you to the top. recalling a behavioral rule from her mother (which
And into ashes all my lust;
30 And into ashes all my lust;
pronounce it, fer shure.
tious) and Violet getting a ride from one of
Cloud Nine
Jo is not portorican.
8 COMPARISON The speaker compares the
The grave’s a fine and private place,
13 WORD CHOICE Not only does Fatima feel
adopted? Your parents white, too?” Violet trouble, but she wasn’t ready for that, caught 265 her brothers or occasionally driving her 4. Crunk = crazy, as in “we bout to get crunk of the blog The Mighty Red Pen, which focuses on issues of Courtesy of Sofia T. Romero is certainly not enacted in the home as revealed
I opened my mouth again but the words
up in here.” [Fatima already knew what
rage when Wally uses the n-word, but she
didn’t seem to want a response. “Where do up, as she was, in the dramas of Arthur mother’s old Taurus. They never met at each Immigrationsubject’s “quaint honor” and his own “lust” to language and grammar. In “Cloud Nine,” she skillfully captures What do you mean? later in the text). The saying translates to “in a
Sofia T. Romero
But none, I think, do there embrace.
would not come. En boca cerrada no entran
would not come. En boca cerrada no entran
THE TEXT IN CONTEXT 185 you stay?” 225 Mervyn and Carwin the Biloquist and all of outhful hue other’s houses, lest Fatima’s upper-middle Trauma this meant from an *N’Sync chatroom, the complex thoughts and emotions of the young protagonist. 95 I’m on Cloud Five, she said. I’m going to closed mouth, no flies will enter” synonymous
represent their corporeal bodies, which eventually
feels uncomfortable using it herself. Including
while the y
w ther
Now therefore, while the youthful hue
Now therefore, while the youthful hue
moscas, I heard Mami say. I stood up from
moscas, I heard Mami say. I stood up from
opulence embarrass Violet, and because Childhood decompose to dust or are burned to ashes.
The poetry of Andrew Marvell (1621–1678), like the work of “With my parents,” Fatima wondered if them. With Violet’s help, Fatima absorbed the Differentiation by text 310 where she lurked while girls discussed it in the glossary demonstrates a contrast of race you to Cloud Nine. with the English equivalent, “if you don’t have
Sits on thy skin like morning dew,
Sits on thy skin like morning dew,
the grass, brushing dust off my Toughskins.
other metaphysical poets, brims with vivid imagery, gaudy something was wrong with Violet for asking sociocultural knowledge she’d missed, not there was no space for Violet to carve out for Justin Timberlake’s frequent use of the perspectives on the historical background of the I started pumping my legs. No way! I anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”
Distributed by Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Strictly for use with its products. Not for
And while thy willing soul transpires
Cloud Nine
term.] SHIFT Each stanza serves as a component of
n-word versus its reappropriation by the African
herself at her house.
metaphors, and brainy wit. In his most famous work, “To His such a stupid question. through osmosis or through more relevant We have intentionally made the texts in the required Big Idea workshops briefer, 55 screamed. I’m going to get to Cloud Nine Combined with other scenes and dialogue in
Writer Sofia T. Romero (b. 1972) is a native of Wellesley,
At every pore with instant fires,
a persuasive argument. While the first two stanzas
Culture Club/Getty Images
Violet made Fatima a study guide of
C’mon, Lulu, said Susie. Say something in
5. A grip = a lot, as in “I just found a grip of
After a grey, drizzly morning, the sun finally
I like being Beth, said Christina.
Coy Mistress,” he uses a traditional form: the carpe diem (“seize “I mean where do you live?” Violet said. literature, but through committed, structured 11 Violet made Fatima a study guide of LITERARY CONCEPTS American community. 5 C’mon, Lulu, said Susie. Say something in faster than you! the text, this is indicative of the hard relationship
Massachusetts. She received her undergraduate degree
Now let us sport us while we may,
Now let us sport us while we may,
the top-ten black expressions for rating Character present hypothetical scenarios, the final stanza
marshmallows in the cupboard.”
We pumped our legs faster and faster.
the top-ten black expressions for rating
portorican. Ooono, dossss, tress, quatrrrro,
the day”) poem. This form has a long history, dating back over 190 “Upland,” Fatima said. 230 ethnographical study. more engaging, and more straightforward rhetorically. These texts offer an entry portorican. Ooono, dossss, tress, quatrrrro, 100 We pumped our legs faster and faster. Lourdes has with her mother.
broke through. Outside on the playground for
And you’re good at it, I said, trying to be
from Wellesley College and her graduate degree from Boston
And now, like amorous birds of prey,
And now, like amorous birds of prey,
6. Peeps = those cute little marshmallows
attractive men, and they worked over the
indicates a shift through this signal phrase in which
2,000 years to the work of the Roman poet Horace. Carpe diem “They got black people there. My cousin She immersed herself in slang as rigor- attractive men, and they worked over the Perspectiveuch as Word Choice recess, we divvied up the roles. Everyone encouraging. 7 I’m on Cloud Six! Cloud Seven! Cloud Eight!
I’m on Cloud Six! Cloud Seven! Cloud Eight!
she started counting.
she started counting.
College. Her fiction has appeared in literary journals s
Rather at once our time devour
Rather at once our time devour
the speaker issues a claim and a call to action.
pronunciations together.
pronunciations together.
and also people / folks
poems, like the following poem, urge an implied listener (almost Frankie lives there,” Violet said, chewing the ously as she would later immerse herself in point for all students to develop the skills necessary to do well on the AP® Exam. It’s not called Puerto Rican, I muttered. We were gasping, swinging so high that 5 WORD CHOICE Susie’s argument that
You can’t be Jo because Jo had brown hair
view, Rigorous, and Leon
You can’t be Jo because Jo had brown hair
wanted to be Jo, of course. I called dibs.
Blue Mountain Review, Waterwheel Re
We were gasping, swinging so high that
Than languish in his slow-chapped power.
1. Foine
7. Whoadie = ? [Violet wasn’t sure either, but
always a woman) to live in the present and enjoy immediate dots of ice cream in a way that upset Spanish for her foreign language exam in The texts in the Ideas in Literature sections represent the range of time periods, 60 Say something in portorican! she insisted sometimes the chain went slack. Lourdes cannot play the role of Jo is centered on
You can’t be Jo, Susie said.
sometimes the chain went slack.
and you have black hair, said Susie to me,
and you have black hair, said Susie to me,
Literary Review. Romero is an editor, as well as the proprietor
10 SIMILE The speaker compliments the subject’s
Let us roll all our strength and all
Let us roll all our strength and all
pleasures. Fatima’s teeth. Violet wore a tight white grad school; she pored over VIBE Magazine 2. Dang Foine Contrast you were supposed to say it.] Courtesy of Sofia T. Romero Why not? I said, kicking the damp dirt a seizing on what she thought was some kind the belief that Lourdes is different from herself
of the blog The Mighty Red Pen, which focuses on issues of
There was a cheer from the blacktop.
and started to laugh.
8. Shawty = like, your girl, or your boo
beauty while also acknowledging the inherent
3. Hella Foine
Our sweetness up into one ball,
Our sweetness up into one ball,
195 top, cream Dickies, and white Adidas 235 and watched Yo MTV Raps and The Parkers, complexity, and diversity represented on the AP® Exam and expected in comparable It’s called Spanish, I said, and then I ran. I I could see the ball dribbling past the dia- and the other girls. The author uses “portorican”
language and grammar. In “Cloud Nine,” she skillfully captures
of reason. Down the hill, the boys were playing
bit with my sneakers. We were all wearing
bit with my sneakers. We were all wearing
And tear our pleasures with rough strife
tennis shoes. trying to turn her mouth around phrases 4. Bout it, bout it [as in “Oooh, he bout it, 320 9. Boo = your shawty or your girl 105 and the numbers in Spanish to show how
temporality of it (just as morning dew is beautiful
the complex thoughts and emotions of the young protagonist.
sneakers, but I was the only one who didn’t
To His Coy Mistress “Yes, but not on my street.” Fatima wore a with the same intonation that Countess college courses. 10. Playa = One who gets a lot of women sneakers, but I was the only one who didn’t kickball on the blacktop. Another group of Lourdes hears Susie mispronounce the words
ran to the swings and climbed on and started
mond, just out of reach of one of the boys,
but quickly evaporates in the midday sun).
bout it.” This phrase especially required
Through the iron gates of life:
Through the iron gates of life:
get nice white sneakers that year. Mami
get nice white sneakers that year. Mami
the one wearing a striped top. He was
to swing and swing.
or men [Fatima thought this was a beach,
Thus, though we cannot make our sun
45 Thus, though we cannot make our sun
Had we but world enough and time, pink cardigan, black Dickies, and skater Vaughn used — a sort of combination of a 280 the Countess Vaughn intonation and TEXT RESOURCES 10 made me get Zips. They were navy blue so girls was playing on the swings and Kimberly (all the while ignoring the issue that the language
was upside down on the jungle gym again.
made me get Zips. They were navy blue so
Cloud Nine
Swinging, I could see the foursome had
running toward us to catch it.
at first].
11 PRONOUNS The speaker returns once again
This coyness, lady, were no crime. shoes, Kastels. Jersey accent and a speech impediment. often included spontaneous bouts of rais- The following reusable graphic they wouldn’t get dirty. Susie had white Everyone could see her underpants. that they speak is Spanish, not Puerto Rican).
Stand still, yet we will make him run.
Stand still, yet we will make him run.
they wouldn’t get dirty. Susie had white
11. Playahata = Wally the Wigger
After a grey, drizzly morning, the sun finally to referring to himself and the subject together as
I like being Beth, said Christina.
We would sit down, and think which way 200 Violet paused her crunching and talking 240 When she couldn’t get into those texts, she ing the roof ]. organizers can be found in the Teacher’s Nikes, the leather kind. fallen apart. Christina had walked away. Hey, Lulu! he shouted when he saw us.
Nikes, the leather kind.
The whistle. A teacher spotted Kimberly
Resource Materials on the digital platform.
for a moment. “You have a boyfriend?” encouraged herself with old episodes of Differentiation strategies 325 12. **Nigga = [a word Fatima could not bring Susie kicked the dirt. I kept swinging. 110 Lulu’s a loser! He snickered and ran back to 6 CHARACTER Lourdes finds companionship
**Nigga = [a word Fatima could not bring
5. Hot Diggity, said with a scowl
To walk, and pass our long love’s day. broke through. Outside on the playground for he issues a call to action. Because, she started. And then she and ordered her to sit upright. She did, but
And you’re good at it, I said, trying to be
Fatima shook her head. “Do you?” Fresh Prince that played in constant 6. Dizam! Describing a Character’s Perspective I closed my eyes, felt the breeze on my the game. with Christina because she and Christina are
herself to say or embrace, no matter how
herself to say or embrace, no matter how
recess, we divvied up the roles. Everyone
5 Thou by the Indian Ganges’ side “I’m in between options right now. Any- early-morning and late-afternoon rotation, 7. Hot Diggity Dizam 13 much Violet, VIBE, or others insisted that paused. Why don’t you be Meg? stuck her tongue out at the teacher first.
much Violet, VIBE, or others insisted that
12 SIMILE Birds of prey are carnivorous birds
Analyzing Shifts and Contrasts
You can’t be Jo because Jo had brown hair
wanted to be Jo, of course. I called dibs.
Shouldst rubies find; I by the tide way the last one is locked up in Tehachapi.” feeling assured that if Ashley Banks could, In addition, we offer ideas for differentiating your instruction throughout this face, my hair flying backward behind me and Ignore him, said Christina, and we went both children of immigrants and both experience
No one wanted to be Meg. Meg is bossy.
I’m going to be Jo, I insisted.
8. Ooh, hurt me, hurt me
it was positive, or reappropriated.]
it was positive, or reappropriated.]
(such as vultures, falcons, and eagles) that actively
Explaining the Function of Words and Phrase
Of Humber would complain. I would 205 Fatima nodded. She had a cousin who had 245 after five seasons, become almost as cool as Teacher’s Edition in brief, point-of-use suggestions that can be found at the bottoms 70 then forward in front of me. back to our game. Six, seven, eight. I’m on discrimination and microaggressions by students
and you have black hair, said Susie to me,
You can’t be Jo, Susie said.
She flushed. You can’t be Jo, Lulu, and I
She’s the annoying big sister. We all wanted
9. Phat
13. *Gangsta = cool. But also gangster, as in
hunt other organisms; the speaker calls upon the
Can I swing with you? It was Christina.
Explaining the Function of Comparisons
Love you ten years before the flood, served time there. He called her bourgie, and Will, then she could, too. Her new turns of 10. Ooohweee Why not? I said, kicking the damp dirt a “You’s a gangsta / No I’m not / You’s a to be Jo because she was cool. I liked her 40 won’t play if you are. Cloud Nine! we yelled at the same time. And and school staff alike. They are both able to
seizing on what she thought was some kind
subject to “devour” their time with the initiative
And you should, if you please, refuse of pages. These ideas, written by experienced AP® teachers, fall into the following Sure, I said. I don’t care. 115 we swung and swung until the teacher whis- understand the unique challenges of immigrant
Why can’t she just be Jo, Christina put in.
bit with my sneakers. We were all wearing
because she wrote stories.
of reason. Down the hill, the boys were playing
and energy that birds of prey use when hunting.
families, and at the bare minimum, they both
Christina was different from the other
Christina was different from the other
tled for the end of recess.
10 Till the conversion of the Jews. sneakers, but I was the only one who didn’t kickball on the blacktop. Another group of You know what, said Christina. I’ll be Beth. Recess was almost over. We wouldn’t be able know what it’s like to be treated differently than
1 TENSION Lourdes recognizes that her family
girls. She has dark hair like me but her
girls. She has dark hair like me but her
My vegetable love should grow categories: get nice white sneakers that year. Mami 13 METAPHOR The speaker euphemistically 2 20 Phew. No one really wanted to be Beth, to play. • • • how others are treated.
Phew. No one really wanted to be Beth,
girls was playing on the swings and Kimberly
cannot afford the nice white sneakers; her mother
75 mom and dad came from someplace else,
mom and dad came from someplace else,
who did nothing inter
esting but be s
esting but be s
Vaster than empires and more slow; 10 made me get Zips. They were navy blue so alludes to combining his and his lover’s strength who did nothing interesting but be sweet to I looked over at Christina, who smiled
who did nothing inter
who did nothing interesting but be sweet to
eet to
eet to
was upside down on the jungle gym again.
gets navy because the shoe doesn’t show dirt
At home after dinner, I walked into the
too, from Greece. They spoke with even
too, from Greece. They spoke with even
they wouldn’t get dirty. Susie had white
Everyone could see her underpants.
An hundred years should go to praise • Scaffolding as easily (as it would likely be some time before everyone and then die at the end. Where’s 45 softly at me. Christina was always on 7 IMAGERY Here and at the end of the text,
everyone and then die at the end. Where’s
and sweetness together and describes a
more accent than Mami and Papi did. She
my side.
Thine eyes, and on thy forehead gaze; Nikes, the leather kind. they could afford a replacement for Lourdes). the fun in that? more accent than Mami and Papi did. She kitchen and when I saw them there, looking Lourdes swings on a swing set vigorously while
The whistle. A teacher spotted Kimberly
tumultuous, pleasurable romp like a boulder
never asked me to say things in Puerto
03_williamlit1e_46174_ch02_116_207.indd 158 The Swing (oil on canvas)/Fragonard, Jean-Honore (1732–1806) (after)/Musee Lambinet, 22/09/22 9:45 AM 03_williamlit1e_46174_ch02_116_207.indd 159 22/09/22 9:45 AM never asked me to say things in Puerto sharply at each other, stabbing the air with
tearing through a gate.
and ordered her to sit upright. She did, but
Because, she started. And then she
15 Two hundred to adore each breast, • Cooperative Learning This recognition indicates the Martinez family counting up to Cloud Nine. She’s able to block
Rican or made fun of my hair when it got
But thirty thousand to the rest; Look closely at Jean-Honoré Fragonard’s painting is economically disadvantaged (or at least very Rican or made fun of my hair when it got 120 their gestures and with the sound of their out the sources of distress and focus on bliss for
paused. Why don’t you be Meg?
stuck her tongue out at the teacher first.
• Speaking and Listening
frizzy. And I didn’t make fun of the t-shirt
No one wanted to be Meg. Meg is bossy. 14 METAPHOR The iron gates of life may refer to the
An age at least to every part, The Swing (1767), which depicts a woman in a financially conservative). I’m going to be Jo, I insisted. 80 frizzy. And I didn’t make fun of the voices. a little while.
Connections to Self
She’s the annoying big sister. We all wanted rigid traditional values or expectations within their
And the last age should show your heart. billowing dress kicking her heel up as the men Author Thompson-Spires writes directly from her that her mom made her wear that said Foxy Today, Mami stood over the sink, trying to
She flushed. You can’t be Jo, Lulu, and I
• Mode of Expression
2 CONTRAST Christina volunteers to play
lives (perhaps referring to pre-Renaissance Christian
For, lady, you deserve this state, Versailles, France/Bridgeman Images surround her and push her on the swing. the role of Beth because to Lourdes, Christina Lady all over it. stuff something down the drain, the disposal
to be Jo because she was cool. I liked her
won’t play if you are.
own childhood experience, creating the story she
own childhood experience, creating the story she
customs of piety and purity). The gates may also
Why can’t she just be Jo, Christina put in.
20 Nor would I love at lower rate. because she wrote stories. already is Beth in real life. Though Lourdes 03_williamlit1e_46174_ch02_116_207.indd 174 Your mom made you wear Foxy Lady was running, the water was running. She got
always wanted to read when she was a kid. Ask
always wanted to read when she was a kid. Ask
22/09/22 9:47 AM
• Connections to Self
generally refer to the rest of their lives together.
students what is the poem, or book, that they
You know what, said Christina. I’ll be Beth.
Recess was almost over. We wouldn’t be able
But at my back I always hear What does coy mean? How is the woman in the is not content to play the role of Beth, both today, I said. 125 something down there, and I could hear
students what is the poem, or book, that they
want to read and haven’t found yet.
to play.
Time’s wingèd chariot hurrying near; painting being coy? How are the men reacting Christina and Lourdes downplay, shrink, or CRITICAL APPROACHES 85 She rolled her eyes. Frowned. She doesn’t something grinding, grinding, and then stop-
Phew. No one really wanted to be Beth,
• Connections to Other Texts
15 COMPARISON The speaker closes by noting
And yonder all before us lie to her? who did nothing interesting but be sweet to that while he and the subject cannot stop the really get what it means, she said. ping. Papi had flicked the disposal switch.
I looked over at Christina, who smiled
quiet themselves to make others around them
softly at me. Christina was always on
happy (or to make themselves less noticeable as
Deserts of vast eternity. everyone and then die at the end. Where’s passing of time (making the sun stand still), they Susie called you Tina, I said. Carajo, he said to her, grabbing her wrist
Writer Sofia Romero often explores the
imagined. These moments of magic are often
Yeah, said Christina. No one else calls me
pivotal to the resolution of the story.” Like other
• Connections to the World immigrant children). my side. experiences of outsiders in her fiction, that. And she called you Lulu. and holding it tight. I can’t believe you would
the fun in that?
can stay up all night enjoying themselves and
do that.
• Using Technology 3 IMAGERY Here and elsewhere throughout the particularly as these characters try to interpret writers that she admires, Romero also focuses
each other (chasing the sun or making the sun
their own lives, thoughts, and emotions: “My
on the mystery and enchantment of ordinary
“run”). The speaker laments the passing of time
text, Lourdes’s hair (which she describes as frizzy writing often centers on characters like Lourdes life: “As a writer, I was inspired early on by
• Preparing for the AP® Exam but contrasts it with a call to enjoy the present
and black) is representative of her Puerto Rican
03_williamlit1e_46174_ch02_116_207.indd 168 22/09/22 9:45 AM 03_williamlit1e_46174_ch02_116_207.indd 169 22/09/22 9:47 AM moment now and in the future. who feel isolated or left out and what they do authors such as Edgar Allan Poe and Gabriel
identity. Lourdes rejects the hair she currently has to make sense of those feelings. Often, the García Márquez, who challenge readers to
COMPREHENSION CHECK • Creative Writing and instead wishes for long blond hair (to belong answer comes in a form that may leave the accept that extraordinary things happen in
answer comes in a form that may leave the
accept that extraordinary things happen in
answer comes in a form that may leave the
everyday life.”
eal or
eader wondering whether it was r
reader wondering whether it was real or
reader wondering whether it was real or
1. The speaker opens the poem by musing that if only he and the lady had an abundance of with the white girls in her school). Fatima, the Biloquist: A Transformation Story everyday life.” 22/09/22 9:47 AM
22/09/22 9:47 AM
Nafissa Thompson-Spires
03_williamlit1e_46174_ch02_116_207.indd 174
03_williamlit1e_46174_ch02_116_207.indd 175
• Critical Approaches
______, the lady’s coyness wouldn’t matter. [time] DIFFERENTIATION CREATIVE WRITING DIFFERENTIATION
2. Which creatures does the speaker describe as testing “that long-preserved virginity” after the
lady had died? [worms] Connections to Other Texts Silence Is Golden Mode of Expression
3. By the end of the poem, the speaker urges the woman that if she is young, willing, and able, Marvell addresses his poem to a young woman who At the beginning of “Cloud Nine” by Romero, Create illustrations of three to five scenes that
they should “_____” their time together rather than “languish” in it. [devour] has been playing “hard to get.” Ask students to Lourdes hears Mami say these words, “En boca depict the story’s beginning, middle, and end.
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4. Youth sits on the woman’s skin like what natural phenomenon? [Morning dew] 174 assume the role of the person being addressed cerrada no entran moscas.” Ask your students if The illustrations may be in any media (e.g., pen
Unit 2
Analyzing Comparisons and Representations
(“the coy mistress”) and consider pop songs that
and ink, watercolor, paint, digital, charcoal). Be
anyone can translate the Spanish words. If not,
5. The speaker describes that his “vegetable love should grow / vaster than ________ and more could be appropriate responses to Marvell’s ask them to use the internet to find out the sure to depict the initial tone or perspective as
slow.” [empires] invitation. Students might choose lyrics from artists English equivalent. (The translation is “Silence is well as any shifts in perspective in your
such as Miranda Lambert, Lizzo, Lady Gaga, Taylor golden.”) Discuss with students times in their illustrations.
TRM Unit 2: Comprehension Check Digital Comprehension Check Swift, Beyoncé, Billie Eilish, or others. Have students lives when they spoke but were later sorry they
explain the respondent’s perspective in the song and did. Ask them to write a story or poem in which a
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predict Marvell’s speaker’s reaction to the response. character decides it would be better to remain
silent and the events that followed that decision.
Andrew Marvell To His Coy Mistress 169
Sofia T. Romero Cloud Nine 175
Welcome to Ideas in Literature
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