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128  Unit 2   ■   Analyzing Comparisons and Representations  John Crowe Ransom   ■   Janet Waking  129                         UNIT 2

 Snapping Beans  Guided Questions  We snapped beans into the silver bowl between us  Guided Questions  SUGGESTED RESPONSES
 (For Fay Whitt)    and when a hickory leaf, still summer green,                        STRUCTURE  TO GUIDED QUESTIONS
 I snapped beans into the silver bowl  skidded onto the porchfront,     7.  How does the        7. Grandma’s line can be interpreted to mean
 that sat on the splintering slats  45  Grandma said,                    last line reveal an      that she trusts and anticipates the narrator’s
                    It’s funny how things blow loose like that.
 of the porchswing between my grandma and me.  7  It’s funny how things blow loose like that.  understanding?  true thoughts to “blow loose” sometime in the
 I was home for the weekend,  1.  How do the actions                                              future. However, it may also indicate that
 5  from school, from the North,  and description                                                 Grandma knows the narrator has found
 of the characters
 Grandma hummed “What A Friend We Have In Jesus”  suggest a contrast?  PRACTICE TEXT              another place to live and be happy (having
 as the sun rose, pushing its pink spikes                                                         “blown loose” from home).
 through the slant of cornstalks,
 through the fly-eyed mesh of the screen.
 10  We didn’t speak until the sun overcame                                                       INTRODUCING THE TEXT
 the feathered tips of the cornfield  Janet Waking

 and Grandma stopped humming. I could feel  2.  What changed?                                    TRM Lit Links.  Consider introducing students
 the soft gray of her stare  What action of the   John Crowe Ransom                             to the website Does the Dog Die, a crowd
 Grandma indicates                                                                              sourced website that provides emotional
 against the side of my face  this change?
 15  when she asked, How’s school a-goin?  3.  How does this   THE TEXT IN CONTEXT              “spoilers” about a variety of topics, including the
                                                                                                issue that gives the site its name. Ask students
 I wanted to tell her about my classes,  change create a   An influential critic and educator, as well as a poet, John   what motivated the creators of the site and also
 the revelations by book and lecture  shift in the tone of   Crowe Ransom (1888–1974)  played a key role in the   what motivates audience members to visit the
 as real as any shout of faith,  the poem?    development of the “New Criticism”: a literary movement   site, especially regarding the death of animals
 potent as a swig of strychnine.  that took its name from Ransom’s 1941 book of that title.     represented in media. Alternatively, you may ask
 20  She reached the leather of her hand  4.  What does   The New Critics were poets and academics who argued that   students how they or their families honor beloved
 over the bowl and cupped  the action of   literary texts must be viewed as self-contained  aesthetic   pets after a pet’s passing.
 the Grandma
 my quivering chin;  reveal about her   artifacts, like sculptures or paintings. Largely avoiding
 the slick smooth of her palm held my face  intentions?    factors such as historical context, authorial intention, or   Bettmann/Getty Images
 the way she held cherry tomatoes under the spigot,    personal responses, these writers focused on close read-  IDEAS IN THE TEXT
 25  careful not to drop them,  ing the poem or story itself. This formalist approach valued
 and I wanted to tell her  5.  How does this set   tension, precision, paradox, ambiguity, and irony in litera-      Death
 about the nights I cried into the familiar  up the contrast   ture. It also asserted that a poem’s “meaning” could not be separated from the       Innocence

                 experience of reading it (i.e., it is impossible to paraphrase or summarize a good
 between the
 heartsick panels of the quilt she made me,  speaker’s inner   poem).  Ransom’s poetry reflects these aesthetic values, particularly in its irony and       Loss
 wishing myself home on the evening star.  thoughts and   its lack of sentimentality.               Mourning
 30  I wanted to tell her  external behavior?                                                       Awakening
 the evening star was a planet,  Copyright (c) 2023 Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Uncorrected proofs were used with this sample chapter.

 that my friends wore noserings and wrote poetry
 about sex, about alcoholism, about Buddha.  Distributed by Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Strictly for use with its products. Not for redistribution.
 I wanted to tell her
 35  how my stomach burned acidic holes
 at the thought of speaking in class,  6.  How does the
 short sentence
 speaking in an accent, speaking out of turn,  response create
 how I was tearing, splitting myself apart  a shift? What
 with the slow-simmering guilt of being happy  is the shift, and
 what does it
 40  despite it all.  reveal about the
 I said, School’s fine.  relationship?

 03_williamlit1e_46174_ch02_116_207.indd   128  22/09/22   9:43 AM  03_williamlit1e_46174_ch02_116_207.indd   129  22/09/22   9:43 AM
                    CRITICAL APPROACHES
                    New Criticism
                    As the author John Crowe Ransom was a pivotal   punctuation, and rhythm. Within these elements
                    literary theorist in New Criticism, readers are   of a poem, readers may uncover paradoxes of
                    well-served by interpreting his work through the   meaning, ambiguity, or irony. For example, one of
                    formalist approach: a method of interpretation   the most compelling parts of the poem is in its
                    based solely on a text’s inherent features. That   title: the word “waking” (a gerund or present
                    means interpreting “the text itself” without   participle) implies an active state of emerging
                    focusing on the author’s background or any   from sleep (as Janet does in the opening stanza).
                    external forces that affected its creation, such   But the word can also refer to the process of
                    as historical or cultural influences.   becoming aware of something (as Janet
                     Formalists often focus on the features innate   becomes aware of the effects of death).
                    to a text (or its “form”), such as precise word   Additionally, to hold a wake implies the ritual of
                    definition and placement, line structures,   viewing the body of someone who has died.

                                                                                           John Crowe Ransom     Janet Waking   129

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