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Exercises: Practice Makes Perfect!

                        Work the exercises assigned by your teacher. Watch the videos when you need extra help.

                            Time spent working exercises is key to success in this course.

                                                                                SECTION EXERCISES ORGANIZED BY TOPIC
                                                                            Use the handy headings to guide you to topics on which you
                                                                          need practice.

                           THE TPS “BACKWARD/FORWARD”
                        NAVIGATION SYSTEM
                          Do you read the text first, or do you
                        start with the assigned exercises?   SecTIoN 1c  Exercises   47
                        Either way,  TPS  is designed to
                        support you.
    Which of the following statements about the dotplot is
 not correct?           Look for the icons  that appear next to
                        selected exercises. They will guide you
 (A)  The center (median) of the distribution is    Interviewer 1
                           •  Back to the  example  that models the
 (B)  There are more North Carolina colleges and uni-
                                               Interviewer 2
                          exercise so that you can review the
 versities with tuitions less than $10,000 than with
 tuitions greater than $10,000.  worked solution, if you are confused.
 (C)  The tuitions vary from about $4000 to about
                            •  To a short  video  that provides step-
 $54,000.          © 2024 BFW Publishers PAGES NOT FINAL - For Review Purposes Only - Do Not Copy
                          by-step instruction for solving the
 (D) There are two obvious outliers — institutions with   Workout time per week (h)
 tuitions greater than $50,000.
 (E)  The distribution of tuition is skewed to the right.     Which of the following statements about the graph is    VIDEO SCREEN
 43.  When comparing the distribution of a quantitative vari-                                  TK
 able for two groups, it would be best to use relative fre-  (A)  For both interviewers, the distribution of workout
 quency histograms rather than frequency histograms    time per week is roughly symmetric.
 when                                       (B)  There is a similar amount of variability in
                        46    UNIT 1  Exploring One-Variable Data
                                               people’s reported workout times for both
 (A)  the distributions have different shapes.  interviewers.
 46   UNIT 1  Exploring One-Variable Data   (C) Interviewer 1’s distribution of workout time per
 (B)  the distributions have different amounts of variability.
                                                                       (b)  Do these data provide evidence that vitamin C helps
                        For Investigation Apply the skills from the section in a new
 (C) the distributions have different centers.  week has outliers; Interviewer 2’s distribution of
                                                                          teeth grow in guinea pigs similar to the ones used in
                        context or nonroutine way.
                                               workout time per week has no outliers.
 (D) the distributions have different numbers of data
                                                                                              Additional problem types in the Section
 For Investigation Apply the skills from the section in a new    (b)  Do these data provide evidence that vitamin C helps  this experiment? Justify your answer.
                        38.  Population pyramids The histograms show the age
 context or nonroutine way. values.  distribution of the population in Australia and Ethiopia   Exercises let you practice solving many
                                   teeth grow in guinea pigs similar to the ones used in
                                            (D) People who responded to Interviewer 2 tended
                                   this experiment? Justify your answer.
                                               to report a higher amount of workout time
 (E)  at least one of the distributions has outliers.
 38.  Population pyramids The histograms show the age   in a recent year from the U.S. Census Bureau’s interna-  Multiple Choice  Select the best answer for each question.
                                                                                            different types of questions, including:
                                                                       40.  Here are the amounts of money (cents) in coins carried
                           tional database.  (This type of graph is referred to as a
 distribution of the population in Australia and Ethiopia   59  per week than people who responded to
 44.  Which of the following is the best reason for choosing a
                                               Interviewer 1.
 in a recent year from the U.S. Census Bureau’s interna-  Multiple Choice  Select the best answer for each question.  by 10 students in a statistics class: 50, 35, 0, 46, 86, 0,
                                                                                                •  For Investigation  exercises that
                           population pyramid.)
 stemplot rather than a histogram to display the distribu-
 tional database.  (This type of graph is referred to as a   40.  Here are the amounts of money (cents) in coins carried   assess multiple skills and concepts,
                                                                          5, 47, 23, 65. To make a stemplot of these data, you
                                            (E)  For both interviewers, more than 75% of
 tion of a quantitative variable?
                                               people reported working out 10 or less hours
 population pyramid.)         100  by 10 students in a statistics class: 50, 35, 0, 46, 86, 0,  would use stems   and let you apply your knowledge in
 (A)  Stemplots allow you to split stems; histograms
                                               per week.
 don’t.                        90  5, 47, 23, 65. To make a stemplot of these data, you   (A)  0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8.  nonroutine ways.
                               80  would use stems     Ethiopia
 100  (B)  Stemplots allow you to see individual data   70  Recycle and Review  Practice what you learned in previous    ®
                                                                          (B)  0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.    •  AP -style Multiple Choice
 90  values.     Australia     60  (A)  0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8.
 80              Ethiopia    Age  50                                      (C) 0, 3, 5, 6, 7.  questions that give you regular
                                   (B)  0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.s (1B) The side-by-side bar graph
 70  (C) Stemplots are better for displaying very large sets    46.  Marital Statu           practice for the AP  Statistics exam.
 Age  60  of data.             30  (C) 0, 3, 5, 6, 7.                     (D) 00, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90.
                                            compares the marital status of U.S. adult residents
 40  (D) Stemplots never require rounding of values.  (18 years old or older) in 1980 and 2020.        •  Recycle and Review  problems that
                                                                          (E)  None of these.
                                   (D) 00, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90.
 30  (E)  Stemplots make it easier to determine the shape of   Compare the distributions of marital status for these   refer back to concepts and skills
 20                              10    5    two years.  5  10  15      41.  The histogram shows the heights (in inches) of 300
                                                                                             learned in an earlier section, as noted
 10  a distribution.               (E)  None of these.                    randomly selected high school students. Which of the
 0                                        Percentage of population
 45.  For their final project, two statistics students designed   70                         in the references in parentheses (1B).
 10  5  0    5    10    15      41.  The histogram shows the heights (in inches) of 300   following is the best description of the shape of the dis-
 an experiment to investigate the effect of the inter-  randomly selected high school students. Which of the
                                                                          tribution of height?
    Percentage of population
 viewer on people’s responses to the question, “How  following is the best description of the shape of the dis-         xxi
                        (a)  The total population of Australia at this time was about
 many hours a week do you work out?” Interviewer 1  tribution of height?     70
                           26 million. Ethiopia’s population was about 111 mil-
                           lion. Why did we use percentages rather than counts
 wore jeans and a school T-shirt, while Interviewer 2
 (a)  The total population of Australia at this time was about   Percent  40  60
 wore athletic attire with the school logo. The two stu-
 26 million. Ethiopia’s population was about 111 mil- on the horizontal axis?  30
               © 2024 BFW Publishers PAGES NOT FINAL - For Review Purposes Only, all other uses prohibited - Do Not Copy or Post in Any Form.
 dents were each randomly assigned three 15-minute
 lion. Why did we use percentages rather than counts   60  20                50
                        (b)  What important differences do you see between the
 on the horizontal axis?   age distributions? Be specific.                   40
 time slots during a 90-minute period to serve as
 the interviewer. They asked the question of people   50  10                Frequency
          01_StarnesTPS7e_40934_fm_p1_i_xxvi_1pp.indd   21
 (b)  What important differences do you see between the   0                  30                                        17/10/23   5:01 PM
 who passed by their location near campus. Here
                        39.  Vitamin C and teeth Researchers performed an exper-
 age distributions? Be specific.       40         1980 2020  1980 2020  1980 2020  1980 2020
                           iment with 60 guinea pigs to investigate the effect of
 are parallel dotplots of the data obtained by each   Frequency  Never married  Married  Widowed  Divorced
                           vitamin C on tooth growth. Each animal was randomly
 39.  Vitamin C and teeth Researchers performed an exper-  30  Marital status
 iment with 60 guinea pigs to investigate the effect of  assigned to receive one of three dose levels of vitamin   10
 vitamin C on tooth growth. Each animal was randomly                          0
                           C (0.5, 1, or 2 mg/day). The response variable was
 assigned to receive one of three dose levels of vitamin  the length of odontoblast cells (responsible for tooth   52  56  60  64  68  72  76
 C (0.5, 1, or 2 mg/day). The response variable was   growth), in micrometers (µm). Here is a special type of   Height (in.)
 the length of odontoblast cells (responsible for tooth  dotplot that displays the data: 56 60  60  64  68  72  76
 growth), in micrometers (µm). Here is a special type of   Height (in.)   (A)  Roughly symmetric and single-peaked (unimodal)
 dotplot that displays the data: 60                                       (B)  Roughly symmetric and double-peaked (bimodal)
                                   (A)  Roughly symmetric and single-peaked (unimodal)
                                                                          (C)  Roughly symmetric and multi-peaked (multimodal)
                                   (B)  Roughly symmetric and double-peaked (bimodal)
                                                                          (D) Skewed to the left
 30                                (C)  Roughly symmetric and multi-peaked (multimodal) (E)  Skewed to the right
                                                                                 09/10/23   11:35 AM
 02_StarnesTPS7e_40934_un01_p1_001_086.indd   47  Cell length (µm)  (D) Skewed to the left  42.  The dotplot shows the tuition (to the nearest $1000) for
 Cell length (µm)  20           42.  The dotplot shows the tuition (to the nearest $1000) for   61
                                   (E)  Skewed to the right
                                                                          the 63 largest colleges and universities in North
                                                                          Carolina in a recent year.
                                   the 63 largest colleges and universities in North
 10                                Carolina in a recent year. 61
                                          0.5    1      2
                                              Dose (mg)
   0.5     1      2
        Dose (mg)       (a)  How does this dotplot differ from the ones shown in   5  10  15  20  25  30  35  40  45  50  55
                           this section?                                                 Tuition ($1000s)
 (a)  How does this dotplot differ from the ones shown in   5  10  15  20  Tuition ($1000s)  40  45  50  55
 this section?
                   02_StarnesTPS7e_40934_un01_p1_001_086.indd   46                                                   09/10/23   11:35 AM
 02_StarnesTPS7e_40934_un01_p1_001_086.indd   46                               09/10/23   11:35 AM
   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15