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156  Unit 2   ■   Analyzing Comparisons and Representations  Nafissa Thompson-Spires   ■   Fatima, the Biloquist: A Transformation Story  157  UNIT 2

 Fatima, the Biloquist: A Transformation Story  “The burgundy is pretty, but you could do   125  “It’s for you,” the girl said, following her.  5   CONTRAST  Fatima is quiet, studious, and
                                                        And like that, they were friends — or
                    something darker.”              6   And like that, they were friends—or
 In the ’90s you could be whatever you     articulate her wrath into something more     IDEAS IN LITERATURE  unwilling to assert herself in social situations.
                                                      something to that effect.
 wanted — someone said that on the   specific. Later in the morning when Wally   85  Fatima peripherally saw the hair first, so   something to that effect.  Violet is a direct contrast: she is confident in her
 news — and by 1998 Fatima felt ready to   asked her for the fourth time that semester   she didn’t expect the rest of the package. A   • • •  words and actions and is described as being
 become black, full black, baa baa black sheep   45  whether she listened to No Limit rappers,   voluptuous — really, that was the only word   “loud” with “jarring features and booming voice.”
 5  black, black like the elbows and knees on   she nearly lunged at his face. Mrs. Baker sent   that would work — girl with a wide nose and   It was Violet’s appraisal, “You’re, like, totally   6   CONFLICT  The narrator includes the
 praying folk black, if only someone would   her to the principal to “cool down” before   black features stood next to her. Fatima had   a white girl, aren’t you?” that set Fatima into   qualification “or something to that effect” in this
 teach her.    Fatima’s fingernails could scratch off any of   90  a friend with albinism before in preschool   130  motion. They were eating dots of ice cream   line to allude to the utilitarian nature of Fatima
                       Copyright (c) 2023 Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Uncorrected proofs were used with this sample chapter.
 Up to that point, she had existed like a   Wally’s freckles.  who wore thick red glasses and blushed   that same day at the food court after Violet   and Violet’s friendship.
 sort of colorless gas, or a bit of moisture,   50  It wasn’t fair, Fatima thought, that Wally   almost the same color when she wet her   showed Fatima how to get samples from
 10  leaving the residue of something familiar,   was praised, even mildly  popular for his   pants at nap time once. She recognized in   Estée Lauder, Elizabeth Arden, and MAC.   7   PERSPECTIVE  Despite being African
 sweat stains, hot breath on the back of a   FUBU shirts and Jordans with the tags still    Violet similar features.  Fatima felt a little like a gangster holding    American, Fatima experiences a disconnection
                  95  “But you could get the same stuff at   135  up the reluctant sales girls for their stash,
                         Distributed by Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Strictly for use with its products. Not for redistribution.
 neck, condensation rings on wood, but never   on them, yet Fatima was called “ghetto           from African American popular culture and
 a fullness of whatever matter had formed   supastar” the one time she outlined her lips   Claire’s for cheaper,” Violet said. “It’s not like   but she had a nearly full bag of swag by   community. She is not only insecure about
 them.  55  with dark pencil. Nor was it fair that she   old girl’s trying to help you anyway.”  then — perfume, lip-gloss, and oil-blotting   not fitting in around other Black people, but
 15  The week she met Violet, Fatima had   should get a warning from  Principal Lee for   The clerk, not chastened but amused,   papers — without spending any of her allow-  she also worries that African American culture
 recited “An Address to the Ladies, by their   “looking like she might become violent”   moved back to her post and said, “May    ance. It was already too good to be true, so   is inaccessible to her because her family is
 Best Friend Sincerity” before her eleventh-   when Wally said “nigger” and got applause.   100  I help you” in one of those voices that    140  she didn’t feel sad when Violet said “white   wealthier than many and because she attends
 grade AP English class. She blended her   She was still thinking about Wally when she   means “get lost.”  girl,” but almost relieved by the inevitable.  a private school (with a vast majority of white
                                                        Fatima had been accused of whiteness
 makeup to perfection that morning, but the   60  first encountered Violet.  “I’m still — ” Fatima started.  7  Fatima had been accused of whiteness   students). These feelings motivate Fatima’s
                                                      and race traitorism before, whenever she
 20  other  students barely looked at her, instead   They met at the Montclair Plaza, where   But the blonde girl spoke again, “We’d    and race traitorism before, whenever she   desire to transform herself by learning from
                                                      spoke up in Sunday school at her AME
 busying themselves by clicking and replacing   Fatima had been dropped off by her mother,   like some free samples of some of the   spoke up in Sunday school at her AME   Violet about how to be “fully black” (as Fatima
                                                      church or visited her family in Southeast San
 the lead in mechanical pencils or folding    Monica, along with the warnings that she   105    lipsticks, that color,” she pointed, reaching   145 church or visited her family in Southeast San   references in the opening lines of the text).
                                                      Diego (Southeast a universal geographical
 and flicking paper footballs over finger   better not: 1. spend more than she had, 2.   over Fatima, to a pot of dark gloss, “and    Diego (Southeast a universal geographical
                                                      marker for the ghetto), or when a cute guy
   goalposts — even during the part she said   65  use her emergency credit card for non-   that one.”  marker for the ghetto), or when a cute guy
                                                      who was just about to ask her out backed
 25  with the most emphasis: “Ah! sad, perverse,   emergencies, or 3. pick up any riffraff,   “We only give samples,” the clerk said,   who was just about to ask her out backed
                                                      away saying, “You go to private school, don’t
 degenerate race / The monstrous head     ruffnecks, or pregnancies while she was   “to — .”  away saying, “You go to private school, don’t
                      “To everyone who asks, right?” Violet
                                                      you?” It was why she didn’t have any black
 deforms the face.” They clapped dull palms   there. Number three was highly unlikely —   5  5  110  “To everyone who asks, right?” Violet   150 you?” It was why she didn’t have any black
                                                      friends — and why, she worried, she would
 for a few seconds as Fatima sulked back to   and Fatima knew Monica knew it — but she   finished.  friends—and why, she worried, she would
                                                      never have a boyfriend, even a riffraff, to
                      The clerk frowned, looked back at her   never have a boyfriend, even a riffraff, to
                      The clerk frowned, looked back at her
 her desk. But they sat up, alert, when Wally   70  said it anyway as easily as “stand up
                                                      upset her mother.
                      colleague, looked at Violet and Fatima, and
 30  “the Wigger” Arnett recited “Incident” and   straight,” because she had to.  colleague, looked at Violet and Fatima, and   upset her mother.
                    frowned again. “I’ll get those ready for you,”
                                                        The allegations upset her but never
 said the word that always made the white   Fatima moped near the Clinique counter   frowned again. “I’ll get those ready for you,”   The allegations upset her but never
                    she said.
                                                      moved her to any action other than private
 kids pay attention.  with her heavy Discman tucked in a tiny   115 she said.  155 moved her to any action other than private
                      Fatima considered putting her  headphones
                                                      crying or retreating further into her melan-
 “You know, I identify with Countee Cullen   backpack and her headphones wrapped   Fatima considered putting her headphones   crying or retreating further into her melan-
                    back on and trying to float out of the depart-
                                                      choly belief that her school, Westwood Prep,
 and all,” Wally, with brown freckles and a   75  around her neck, trying to decide between   back on and trying to float out of the depart-  choly belief that her school, Westwood Prep,
                                                      and her parents’ high-paying jobs had made
                    ment store, away from this loud girl with the
 35  floppy brown haircut, finished up. “He was a   one shade of lipstick and another. The col-  ment store, away from this loud girl with the   and her parents’ high-paying jobs had made
                                                      her somehow unfit for black people. She
                    jarring features and booming voice.
 black man, and he was, like, oppressed for   lege student behind the counter ignored    jarring features and booming voice.  her somehow unfit for black people. She
 who he was and stuff.”  her, chatting with another colleague. In   120  “Here,” Violet said, handing her the dark   160    usually turned her Discman up louder, sink-
 The hands pounded a hero’s applause as     situations like this, Fatima usually bought   gloss in its tiny gloss pot.  ing into the distantly black but presently
 Wally headed back to his seat next to Fatima,   80  something expensive just to show the store   “You keep it,” Fatima said and started try-  white sounds of ska and punk, and sang
 40  looking like he expected a high five. She   clerk that she could. A blonde girl with a   ing to vaporize towards the shoe depart-  under her breath, “I’m a freak / I’m a freak”
 rolled her eyes at him, but she couldn’t   short bob sauntered up next to her and said,   ment.  (in the style of Silverchair, not Rick James).
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