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158   Unit 2   ■   Analyzing Comparisons and Representations

               8   CONTRAST  Violet is not only very different   165  At the moment she was especially into lis-  she kicked him in the face once, delighting in
               from Fatima in personality and disposition but   tening to Daniel Johns whine, reading   his fat lip and his inability to hit girls who
               also her physical features. It is ironic that Violet   Charles Brockden Brown, and daydreaming   weren’t his girlfriend or baby mama.
               is a pale Black girl (with natural green eyes and   of a sickly boyfriend like Arthur Mervyn, for   210  “I’m kidding,” Violet said. “We don’t all get
               blond hair) teaching Fatima, who has an overall   reasons limited omniscience can’t or won’t   locked up.”
               darker complexion, about what it means to      170  explain. If black people wouldn’t accept her,   Fatima stuttered.
               speak, act, and appear to be “black enough.”     she would stick to what she knew.    “I can see I’ma have to teach you a lot of
                                                             8    But Violet’s judgment held more heft in   things. You ready?” Violet meant ready to
                                                                  But Violet’s judgment held more heft in
               9   CHARACTER  Fatima values academic study      her critique — a possibility for transforma-  215  leave the food court, but Fatima meant more
                       Copyright (c) 2023 Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Uncorrected proofs were used with this sample chapter.
                                                                her critique—a possibility for transforma-
               and rigorous intellectual analysis. This is a skill   tion. When a black girl with natural green   when she said, “Yeah, I’m ready.” And thus
                                                                tion. When a black girl with natural green
               and habit that helps to serve Fatima’s overall   175 eyes and blonde hair and a big chest and   began her transformation.
                                                                eyes and blonde hair and a big chest and
               goals but reflects the inauthenticity of the     bubble butt that wiggle independently of
                                                                bubble butt that wiggle independently of
               endeavor.                                        each other tells you that you, with your sable   • • •
                                                                each other tells you that you, with your sable
                         Distributed by Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Strictly for use with its products. Not for redistribution.
                                                                skin and dark hair, are not black enough,
                                                                skin and dark hair, are not black enough,   If only Baratunde Thurston had been writing
                                                                sometimes you listen.
                                                                sometimes you listen.              when Fatima came of age, she could have
                                                              180  “It’s not that I’m trying to be white. It’s   220  learned how to be black from a book instead
                                                                just that’s what I’m around.”      of from Violet’s charm school. Even a quick
                                                                  “You don’t have no church friends? You   glance at Ellison could have saved her a lot of
                                                                adopted? Your parents white, too?” Violet   trouble, but she wasn’t ready for that, caught
                                                                didn’t seem to want a response. “Where do   up, as she was, in the dramas of Arthur
                                                              185  you stay?”                   225  Mervyn and Carwin the Biloquist and all of
                                                                                                   them. With Violet’s help, Fatima absorbed the
                                                                  “With my parents,” Fatima wondered if   9  them. With Violet’s help, Fatima absorbed the
                                                                something was wrong with Violet for asking   sociocultural knowledge she’d missed, not
                                                                                                   sociocultural knowledge she’d missed, not
                                                                                                   through osmosis or through more relevant
                                                                such a stupid question.            through osmosis or through more relevant
                                                                  “I mean where do you live?” Violet said.  literature, but through committed, structured
                                                                                                   literature, but through committed, structured
                                                                                                   ethnographical study.
                                                              190  “Upland,” Fatima said.       230 ethnographical study.
                                                                                                     She immersed herself in slang as rigor-
                                                                  “They got black people there. My cousin   She immersed herself in slang as rigor-
                                                                Frankie lives there,” Violet said, chewing the   ously as she would later immerse herself in
                                                                                                   ously as she would later immerse herself in
                                                                                                   Spanish for her foreign language exam in
                                                                dots of ice cream in a way that upset   Spanish for her foreign language exam in
                                                                  Fatima’s teeth. Violet wore a tight white    grad school; she pored over
                                                                                                   grad school; she pored over VIBE Magazine
                                                              195  top, cream Dickies, and white Adidas    235  and watched Yo MTV Raps and The Parkers,
                                                                tennis shoes.                      trying to turn her mouth around phrases
                                                                  “Yes, but not on my street.” Fatima wore a   with the same intonation that Countess
                                                                pink cardigan, black Dickies, and skater   Vaughn used — a sort of combination of a
                                                                shoes, Kastels.                      Jersey accent and a speech impediment.
                                                              200  Violet paused her crunching and talking   240  When she couldn’t get into those texts, she
                                                                for a moment. “You have a boyfriend?”  encouraged herself with old episodes of
                                                                  Fatima shook her head. “Do you?”  Fresh Prince that played in constant
                                                                  “I’m in between options right now. Any-    early-morning and late-afternoon rotation,
                                                                way the last one is locked up in Tehachapi.”  feeling assured that if Ashley Banks could,
                                                              205  Fatima nodded. She had a cousin who had   245  after five seasons, become almost as cool as
                                                                served time there. He called her bourgie, and   Will, then she could, too. Her new turns of
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               158        Unit 2     Analyzing Comparisons and Representations

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