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164 Unit 2 ■ Analyzing Comparisons and Representations Nafissa Thompson-Spires ■ Fatima, the Biloquist: A Transformation Story 165 UNIT 2
“I knew I saw you,” Violet said to Fatima Then she turned back to Violet, she CHARACTER 5. Responses may vary. While Fatima is not
once she got close. “Who is this?” couldn’t make any sounds, only open and outwardly confident in her identity, Violet
“Rolf, Violet. Violet, Rolf,” Fatima said, “and close her mouth several times. She didn’t 1. Explain what the description of Fatima reveals about her values. IDEAS IN LITERATURE is. Fatima may also represent a population
660 Mike.” 680 mean to hurt her; some things had just 2. When does Fatima’s perspective begin to change? Identify and explain an event of individuals who have economic security,
Mike smiled, and Rolf smiled, and they come out, and other things she hadn’t told in the story that reveals this change. whereas Violet represents those who are not
shook hands, but neither young woman saw Violet because she wasn’t sure which lip 3. What assumptions can we make about Fatima and Violet’s relationship? as financially stable. Fatima is concerned
the guys, their eyes deadlocked on each she was supposed to use, her voice was over 4. As Fatima and Rolf begin their relationship, what motivates Fatima’s choices? with academic reasoning, whereas Violet
other. there and then over there, and she was understands and participates in popular culture.
Copyright (c) 2023 Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Uncorrected proofs were used with this sample chapter.
665 “Ha, so this is Violet,” Rolf said, ignoring or 685 ventriloquizing what she’d learned all at STRUCTURE 6. Responses may vary. Fatima drifts away from
misreading Fatima’s firm grip on his arm. once, but from too many places and all at Violet when she finds a new relationship with
“Even your black friends are white, too,” Rolf the wrong time. 5. Think about what Fatima and Violet represent. How do they function as Rolf; this new relationship also reveals a breach
laughed. Violet didn’t say anything or make Fatima contrasts in the story? of trust between Fatima and Violet, which
causes the end of their friendship. Only after
“I was gonna tell you — ” Fatima started to wet her pants — and perhaps one of those 6. The story shifts to reveal tensions between the characters. Identify a tension Rolf meets Violet and demonstrates a personal
670 say to Violet. 690 options might have been better for Fatima; and explain how this tension contributes to a change in perspective for a and racial insensitivity does Fatima realize
“Wait, Patty Mayonnaise, I get it now,” Rolf she just grabbed Mike’s arm and walked character. that while Violet is albino, she is perhaps more
said aloud, then, “Oops, I,” and both women away. FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE: Word Choice, Imagery, and Symbols culturally Black than Fatima, and Fatima feels a
scowled at him. And like that, Fatima was a vapor again, deep sense of insecurity about this.
Fatima made a sound that could be but something darker, like a funnel cloud, or 7. How does the word choice at the beginning of the text reveal details about 7. Fatima reveals that not only is she
675 interpreted as either a guffaw or a deep 695 black smoke that mocked what had already Fatima? uncomfortable with using the n-word herself,
moan. been singed. 8. How do the lists of slang words further develop the conflict in the story? but she’s also very uncomfortable hearing
a white person say it. Additionally, the word
FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE: Comparisons choice used to explore Fatima’s thoughts and
9. The story both begins and ends with similes, but each evokes a different image attitudes is highly academic, which indicates
The image is taken from the Netflix of Fatima. What are the similes? How does the contrast between them affect that Fatima prioritizes intellectualism.
series Sexy Beasts. In every your interpretation of the text? 8. Fatima understands that language is indicative
episode, singles are expected to 10. What is being compared in the story? How does the comparison contribute to of social standing. Fatima commits herself
change into human-sized creatures your interpretation of the text? to learning from Violet about speaking and
through prosthetics and then go on acting how she believes should be authentic
dates with others, in the hopes of to herself based on her race as an African
finding a perfect match. IDEAS IN LITERATURE: Thought and Feeling American woman; however, somehow it
11. “Fatima, the Biloquist: A Transformation Story” reminds us of important cultural doesn’t feel authentic to Fatima despite her
How does this image bring to values. How does this story compare the thoughts and feelings of the characters
mind “you cannot judge a book in a way that sends a larger message? What is the larger message for all careful, detailed studies.
by its cover” or “beauty is in the communities? 9. At the opening of the text, Fatima considers
eye of the beholder”? Do these herself a “colorless gas.” By the end of the
adages hold true today? Do you PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER text, Fatima considers herself to be “a vapor
again, but something darker” as in that she is
believe that beauty is merely skin Distributed by Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Strictly for use with its products. Not for redistribution.
deep and that the essence of true 12. The characters in the story are contrasted in many ways. Explain how the more knowledgeable about African American
human connection goes beyond multiple contrasts combine to create an extended comparison. How do the culture, but perhaps also darker in that she
our appearance? contrasts contribute to the conflict of the story? feels guilt for having lost Violet as a friend.
10. Responses may vary. In the title, Fatima
herself is compared to a biloquist, which is
someone who has the ability to speak in two
different voices, especially as a ventriloquist.
Fatima engages with her life and social circle
at the private school separately from her
friendship with Violet.
11. Responses may vary. The historical, cultural,
and social implications of race are complex
and inextricably connected to language and
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03_williamlit1e_46174_ch02_116_207.indd 164 22/09/22 9:45 AM 03_williamlit1e_46174_ch02_116_207.indd 165 and more authentic to be herself and talk about economic class. Race goes beyond the
TO THE QUESTIONS things she was already interested in. She also appearance of one’s skin color (though skin
may realize after dating Rolf that she is not the
1. Fatima values academic study, independence, friend that she thought she was to Violet. color plays an obvious role in how individuals
her identity as a Black person, and emotional are perceived and treated even today).
expression. The narrator follows Fatima’s 3. It is materialistic, conditional, and perhaps 12. Responses may vary. As a Black girl who
thoughts closely, which reveal that Fatima benefits Fatima more than it benefits Violet. feels disconnected from the African American
rigorously analyzes the social and cultural Their friendship is not one that is characterized community/culture, Fatima feels insecure
contexts around her with great detail and care. as a “ride or die” (as the two discuss the term about her internal relationship to race, whereas
Fatima also befriends Violet not necessarily for in lines 336–338); rather, their friendship is Violet (as a Black girl who understands and
the sake of friendship but rather for the sake of utilitarian, especially for Fatima. participates in African American culture and
benefiting from her knowledge. 4. Fatima is motivated by external validation from is pale) feels insecure about her external
2. Responses may vary. Her perspective begins Rolf. Moreover, she is motivated to keep Rolf appearance as a Black person with albinism.
to change after she meets Violet and once and Violet apart by a deep-seated insecurity What the two girls have in common (their
again when she starts dating Rolf. When she about herself and her two (seemingly disparate) relationship with popular culture, experiences
meets Violet, she learns the different codes and identities; this uncertainty and anxiety are too with racism, insecurities about their own
expressions of African American culture that much to manage, so she avoids situations shifting identities) supersedes their differences;
were previously unknown to her; then, once where she would be confronted with conflict though, their similarities are not enough to
she starts dating Rolf, she finds that it’s easier between her two modes of operation. prevent their relationship from being damaged.
Nafissa Thompson-Spires Fatima, the Biloquist: A Transformation Story 165
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