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TIME PERIOD                                         IDEAS IN LITERATURE
               1485–1660                                            Opportunity and Loss
               English Renaissance

                                                                             The English civil wars of the fifteenth century saw competing royal families fight
                CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PERIOD                                for the English crown. When Henry VII ultimately became king in 1485, he
                   Monarchy                                                    ushered in a period of relative peace and prosperity that lasted for most of the
                       Copyright (c) 2023 Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Uncorrected proofs were used with this sample chapter.
                    King Henry VIII                           IDEA BANK      next two  centuries. But the war had exposed cracks in the static feudal order. The
                    Queen Elizabeth I                         Art            English government was gradually becoming more centralized, as the  monarch
                    King James I                              Carpe Diem     and   Parliament uneasily shared power. Rents to local lords were   increasingly
                                                                               superseded  by  taxes  paid  to  the  state. In  the  process,  the  status  and  wealth  of
                   Exploration and Colonization of the New World  Comfort      English noblemen declined.
                         Distributed by Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Strictly for use with its products. Not for redistribution.
                   Mercantilism, Capitalism, Commerce         Creativity        These historical developments opened a space for stock companies, entrepre-
                   Carpe Diem Protestant Reformation          Despair        neurs, and foundational elements of capitalism. Merchants and tradespeople moved
                    Calvinism                                 Development    to cities: new centers of commerce that were already becoming  overcrowded. Even
                    Church of England                         Education      peasants gained more freedom to sell their labor, which allowed them some social
                    King James Bible                          Empathy        and economic mobility. Most importantly perhaps, wealth increasingly derived
                   Printing Press                             Experience
                   Cavalier Poetry                            Fervor
                LITERATURE                                    Joy
               Cavalier Poets                                 Lust
                   Andrew Marvell                             Music
                   Robert Herrick                             Opportunity
                   Richard Lovelace                           Progress
                                                                                                                             Pictures Now/Alamy

                                                                             This is a map from 1482 based on the work of the second-century Roman
                                                                             mathematician Ptolemy. The rediscovery of Ptolemy’s maps revolutionized
                                                                             Renaissance mapmaking by suggesting that maps should be determined
                                                                             geographically and based on distance calculations. Previously, mapmakers
                                                                             relied on other sources, such as geographical references from biblical stories.
                                                                             What perspective on the world does this map suggest?


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