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184 Unit 2 ■ Analyzing Comparisons and Representations Composition Workshop ■ Writing about Tone 185 UNIT 2
Analyzing Tone through Figurative Elements • The structure of the text
• Shifts in tone
• Complexity of tone, perspectives, or ideas
• Literary techniques
Insights and Connections
Textual Details to Unifying Idea You must have a line of reasoning for your literary argument; however, you
may choose whether to preview this line of reasoning within your thesis statement.
Review the following templates that may help you write your thesis statement.
Copyright (c) 2023 Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Uncorrected proofs were used with this sample chapter.
TRM Handout: Writing a Thesis for Analysis of
Template 1: In [title of work], the author conveys a [adjective]
Thesis connects tone to the idea and previews tone using [literary technique] and [literary
the line of reasoning. technique], in order to reveal that [unifying idea
+ insight].
Template 2: In [title of work], the author/speaker/narrator
Tone(s): Thesis connects tone to the idea and insight. conveys a [adjective] tone to reveal that [unifying
idea + insight].
Template 3: In [title of work], the author/speaker/narrator shifts
Idea + insight: Thesis reveals complexity in tone and connects from a [adjective] to a [adjective] tone to illustrate
to the idea. that [unifying idea + insight].
Develop a Defensible Thesis Statement ® SKILLS LITERARY ARGUMENTATION TRM Graphic Organizer: Developing a Thesis
Statement for Tone Analysis
In Unit 1, you learned how to combine the unifying idea and an insight about that AP PRACTICE Developing a Thesis Statement for Tone
idea to write a defensible thesis statement that conveys your interpretation of a
literary text. You will continue to do this for every literary argument that you write.
In this workshop, you are analyzing tone, so in addition to your interpretation, Record the unifying idea and insight of the text you are analyzing in the following
your thesis statement should identify the tone in the text using precise adjectives. graphic organizer. Next, using the thesis templates as a guide, write a defensible
Your thesis can also preview the reasons that you will develop in your body para- thesis statement. You may choose whether or not to preview your line of
graphs for support. reasoning.
To determine these reasons, you need to pay attention to what is happening in Developing a Defensible Thesis Statement for Literary Argument
the text. In other words, you should take note of the author’s techniques. For exam- Topic Claim
ple, some texts shift from one distinct tone to another or from a concrete image to Distributed by Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Strictly for use with its products. Not for redistribution.
an abstract idea. Some present comparisons, contrasts, or repetitions. Likewise, the Title, Author, and Focus Unifying Idea + Insight
author may choose a series of closely related images and comparisons that work (author choices)
toward a common idea. Consider the following as you plan your literary argument:
• Concrete and abstract associations of figurative language
• Conflicts and tensions in the text
• Comparisons and contrasts of objects and images
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