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180   Unit 2   ■   Analyzing Comparisons and Representations

                SUGGESTED ANSWERS                                             FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE: Word Choice, Imagery, and Symbols
                TO THE QUESTIONS
                                                                               5.  The narrator’s word choice reveals the tension within the story and within
                5. Responses may vary. The author’s choice                      herself. Give an example of a specific word or phrase that highlights this
                  for the character Susie to use the word                       underlying tension within Lourdes or the text.
                  “portorican” first in line 50 reflects how                   6.  The story’s conclusion includes a range of images. How do these images
                  Lourdes perceived others’ insensitivity to her                contribute to the story’s figurative meaning?
                  heritage. Moreover, when both Susie and
                  Mrs. Phillips misconstrue Lourdes’s (and                    FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE: Comparisons
                       Copyright (c) 2023 Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Uncorrected proofs were used with this sample chapter.
                  Christina’s) names, the author communicates
                  that Lourdes is not seen, understood, or                     7.  There are many comparisons in the text. Choose one example and then explain
                  accepted truly as she is because she is poor                  how the comparison contributes to your interpretation of the story.
                  and not white.                                               8.  “Cloud Nine” is often defined as a feeling of elation. Explain how the title
                6. Responses may vary. The poster in Mrs.                       functions as a metaphor for the story.
                         Distributed by Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Strictly for use with its products. Not for redistribution.
                  Phillips’s room (described in lines 234–263)
                  is a representation of the feelings/concepts                IDEAS IN LITERATURE: Opportunity and Loss
                  that Lourdes wants: she seeks the feeling of
                  an idyllic family, belonging (as represented                 9.  How does this story dramatize a struggle with opportunity and loss? What
                                                                                elements represent opportunity? What aspects represent loss? How does the
                  by the children with blond hair), sustenance                  relationship between these two ideas create tension within the story?
                  (the sandwiches), and leisure/participation
                  in American popular culture (watching The                   PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER
                  Brady Bunch). She wishes to “Be Healthy, Be
                  Happy” as the poster instructs, but finds it to             10.  The story functions on both the literal and figurative levels. What happens
                  be unattainable, which is why she yearns for                  in “Cloud Nine,” literally? How do the actions and dialogue contribute to the
                  Cloud Nine.                                                   ambiguous and more figurative ending of the story?
                7. Responses may vary. In lines 315–316,
                  Mami’s mouth is “like a bruise, angry and
                  hard.” Comparing her mouth to a bruise is
                  a clear indication that Lourdes associates
                  her mother with pain (physical pain inflicted
                  upon Mami by her father, as well as the
                  emotional pain Mami inflicts upon her
                  daughter Lourdes). Lourdes’s relationship
                  with her parents (and with her mother) is
                  characterized by anger, rigidity, and difficulty.
                8. Lourdes seeks Cloud Nine because she
                  seeks peace of mind, belonging, fulfillment,
                  affection, and safety in her life. Because
                  she is so young, she believes that if she can
                  run away and to another place (much like a
                  perfect imaginary world), she’ll experience
                  what she’s yearning for.
                9. The American Dream is a belief that all
                  people can find opportunities for a better
                  life in the United States. The Martinez
                  family likely came from Puerto Rico to
                  pursue opportunities (economic mobility,
                  for example) and now experience personal
                  loss within the family, social standing
                  within the community, and potentially in
                  economic standing as well. Immigration is an   03_williamlit1e_46174_ch02_116_207.indd   180                    22/09/22   9:47 AM
                  experience of both opportunity for a potential
                  of a brighter future and loss of one’s identity
                  at the same time.
               10. On Cloud Nine, the sources of Lourdes’s
                  pain cease to exist and are instead replaced
                  with sources of happiness and fulfillment.
                  This may be interpreted to mean that the
                  perfect state of being that Lourdes longs
                  for is immaterial or even beyond death.
                  Lourdes’s interactions with Bambi support
                  this interpretation; however, it’s possible to
                  interpret the end of the selection as Lourdes
                  literally being enveloped in a cloud and
                  seeking release from an imaginary state of
                  being given the rush of the physical activity in

               180        Unit 2     Analyzing Comparisons and Representations

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