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178  Unit 2   ■   Analyzing Comparisons and Representations  Sofia T. Romero   ■   Cloud Nine  179                             UNIT 2

 • • •  • • •   19    Cloud Two, I said softly. Cloud Three.   385  legs, the swing going higher and higher. I   19   REPETITION  Like at the beginning of the text,
                      Cloud Two, I said softly. Cloud Three.
                                                        s, the swing going higher and higher. I
                    Cloud Four. Cloud Five. Cloud Six.
                                                      could feel the mist wrapping around me,
 While we are driving home, I told Mami    At dinner, Mami and Papi were fighting   Cloud Four. Cloud Five. Cloud Six.  20  could feel the mist wrapping around me,   IDEAS IN LITERATURE  Lourdes finds escape from the tension in her life
                      Cloud Seven. Cloud Eight.
                                                      bathing my arms and my legs, my face.
 what I told Mrs. Phillips while I was waiting   again, but this time they were fighting about   Cloud Seven. Cloud Eight.  bathing my arms and my legs, my face.   by swinging as powerfully as she can, steadily
                                                      When I opened my eyes, I couldn’t see
 300  to be picked up. How Mrs. Phillips asked me   me. You won’t believe what Luli did today,   The wind swept my hair, forward and   When I opened my eyes, I couldn’t see   counting up to Cloud Nine, hoping to feel peace
                                                      inches in front of me from the fog, chilling
 how everything was going, in a voice that   340  she said to him, putting dinner on the table.   380  then backward. When it blew back, I   inches in front of me from the fog, chilling   of mind, belonging, fulfillment, affection, and
                                                      and damp. I opened my mouth, tasted the
 was warm and made me want to tell her   My father started to eat while Mami got     imagined I was a princess, my long hair   390 and damp. I opened my mouth, tasted the   safety.
                                                      cool cotton.
 everything.    dinner together for the rest of us, her and me   blowing over my face, and my swing was my   cool cotton.  20   TENSION  Given the ambiguity of the
                                                        I had arrived. I was sure of it. Cloud Nine.
 I told Mami what I told Mrs. Phillips, how   and Mateo.  horse and we were running away. I had 17   I had arrived. I was sure of it. Cloud Nine.   description, the Cloud Nine that Lourdes arrives
                       Copyright (c) 2023 Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Uncorrected proofs were used with this sample chapter.
                                                      I waited for the happiness to come.
 305  when I told her that when I came downstairs   She told the teacher about what   dollars in my pocket. I kept pumping my   I waited for the happiness to come.  at may be immaterial or even beyond death. It’s
 on Saturday, Papi was holding Mami by the   345    happened yesterday, she says. How do you    also possible to interpret this as Lourdes literally
 wrist at the top of the steps that led out of   like that?                                     is enveloped in a fog/cloud and finds release
 the house. How she was turning away from   My father had no expression, but I could            from an imaginary state of being during the rush
                         Distributed by Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Strictly for use with its products. Not for redistribution.
 him, pulling away from him, and finally he   tell he was getting mad by the way his neck       of the physical activity in swinging.
 310  let go of her and how she fell. How they told   was turning red.
 me to get out. How he pushed her away, how   350  I slid to the floor so that Papi wouldn’t see
 she fell, stumbled down the few steps to the   me. If he did, he might pinch my nalga,
 bottom.  twisting my skin between my fingers so that                                             SUGGESTED ANSWERS
                                                                                                  TO THE QUESTIONS
 My mother’s black eyebrows were jagged   it really hurt. Or he might make me kneel in
 315  on her face. Her mouth was like a bruise,   the corner for a long time. Maybe fifteen   Swing Life Away II by Nicole Roggeman   1. Lourdes’s identity as a child of Puerto Rican
 angry and hard. She could see me in the   355  minutes, maybe thirty minutes. Really kneel-  is an oil painting of two best friends   immigrants and her experiences with students
 rearview mirror. I looked out the side win-  ing, like in church, without my bum resting   swinging as high as they can.  and school staff influence her desire to
 dow, as though she couldn’t see me if I   on my feet. If he caught me resting my bum             escape. By contrast, even as a child, Susie
 couldn’t see her.  on my feet, he would give me another fifteen   Do you remember swinging on a swing   understands that race and economic status
 320  She was already annoyed she had to pick   minutes, with my back to the clock, with no   as an escape that you shared with child-  impact social standing, and she follows suit
                                                            hood friends? How did swinging feel?
 me up. She said I didn’t even look sick. Luli,   360  way to tell what time it was except for when   © Nicole Roggeman  Why do you think  children find such joy   by enacting those unspoken guidelines when
 why would you tell her that, she asked,   the clock boinged at the end of each fifteen   in swinging as high as they can?  playing with the other girls on the playground.
 finally.  minutes.                                                                               Mami urges Lourdes to not speak of the
 I don’t know, I said. She asked.  I kept expecting someone to say some-                          abuse happening within the home because
 325  She was angry. She was silent. We don’t   thing but now my parents were fighting about      of a cultural and social belief that whatever
                                                                                                  happens within one’s home is one’s own
 talk about that, she said, finally. It’s private.  365  what happened yesterday. Papi put his fork   CHARACTER  business and is not to be made public; Mami
 But she asked, I said. She asked how   and knife down, stopped eating his  dinner.               may also fear repercussions from Papi if the
 everything was going at home.  I slipped out the door, into the backyard.      1.  Explain how background, history, and culture motivate the characters’ actions.  school or law enforcement gets involved in
 But nada, Mami said. It’s private.  I could hear their voices, her high-pitched     2.  How do Lourdes and Christina’s actions together reveal their shared experience?  their home life.
 330  We were quiet in the car after that. Before   one getting higher and higher, his low-     2. Lourdes and Christina are both children of
 we got home, I said, I wish you didn’t give   370  pitched one getting louder and louder.  STRUCTURE  immigrants and both experience discrimination
 me such a dumb name, I wish you named   In the backyard, the light was still grey,      3.  “Cloud Nine” begins and concludes in a similar setting and situation. What is   and microaggressions by students and school
 me something else.  I could just make out the outline of the   different at the end of the story? How does the contrast contribute to your   staff alike. Moreover, both individuals attempt
 Oh? said Mami.  swingset. From inside the house, a door   interpretation of the text?            to make themselves smaller or less noticeable
 335  Yeah, something like Beth . . . or Amy . . .    slammed. I sat down on the swing and     4.  What is the tension between Lourdes and Susie? How do the details of the text   as a response to how they are treated.
 I said. Lourdes is a stupid name.  375  started to pump my legs.  reveal this tension? Does the story ultimately resolve it? Explain.  3. At the beginning and end of the text, Lourdes
                                                                                                  attempts to experience joy and freedom by
                                                                                                  swinging as high as she can. By the end of the
                                                                                                  text, Lourdes so desperately wants release
                                                                                                  from what feels like an inescapably bleak life
                                                                                                  at home and school that she’s willing to run
                                                                                                  away; without Christina, Lourdes is alone
                                                                                                  in her pursuit of Cloud Nine, and while she
                                                                                                  believes that Cloud Nine is a real place, its
                                                                                                  description is vague enough that it may be
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                      COMPREHENSION CHECK                                                         interpreted as the bliss of an imaginary world
                                                                                                  or even an afterlife.
                      1. Lourdes and her family are from __________. [Puerto Rico]              4. Susie sees Lourdes as someone who is unfit to
                      2. Christina and Lourdes count up to Cloud Nine by doing what activity? [Swinging]  play a certain lead character because Lourdes
                      3. Lourdes speaks with what named imaginary cartoon character? [Bambi]      looks different from Susie and the other white
                      4. Why does Lourdes leave school after visiting Mrs. Phillips? [Lourdes complains of a stomach-  girls. Susie also does not call Lourdes or
                        ache and Mrs. Phillips calls home to see if Lourdes can be taken home.]   Christina by their actual names, which upsets
                      5. What show is Lourdes not allowed to watch at home (although she wants to)? [The Brady   them both. The tension is unresolved by the
                        Bunch]                                                                    end of the text, but readers may assume that
                                                                                                  Susie and the other kids at school will continue
                                                                                                  to bully Lourdes and Christina.
                      TRM  Unit 2: Comprehension Check    Digital Comprehension Check

                                                                                                Sofia T. Romero     Cloud Nine  179

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