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178   Unit 2   ■   Analyzing Comparisons and Representations

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               15   COMPARISON  Lourdes associates her mother
               with pain (physical pain inflicted upon Mami by   While we are driving home, I told Mami    At dinner, Mami and Papi were fighting
               her father, as well as the emotional pain Mami   what I told Mrs. Phillips while I was waiting   again, but this time they were fighting about
               inflicts upon her daughter Lourdes). Lourdes’s   300  to be picked up. How Mrs. Phillips asked me   me. You won’t believe what Luli did today,
               relationship with her parents (and with her      how everything was going, in a voice that   340  she said to him, putting dinner on the table.
               mother) is characterized by anger, rigidity, and   was warm and made me want to tell her   My father started to eat while Mami got
               difficulty.                                      everything.                          dinner together for the rest of us, her and me
                                                                  I told Mami what I told Mrs. Phillips, how   and Mateo.
               16   PERSPECTIVE  Like many other economically   when I told her that when I came downstairs   She told the teacher about what
                       Copyright (c) 2023 Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Uncorrected proofs were used with this sample chapter.
               disadvantaged families or families with histories   305  on Saturday, Papi was holding Mami by the     happened yesterday, she says. How do you
               of abuse, Mami likely believes that no matter    wrist at the top of the steps that led out of   345  like that?
               what goes on in someone’s home, it is their own
               personal business to manage. She may also fear   the house. How she was turning away from   My father had no expression, but I could
                         Distributed by Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Strictly for use with its products. Not for redistribution.
               repercussions from Papi or law enforcement if    him, pulling away from him, and finally he   tell he was getting mad by the way his neck
               they were to intervene.                        310  let go of her and how she fell. How they told   was turning red.
                                                                me to get out. How he pushed her away, how   350  I slid to the floor so that Papi wouldn’t see
               17   CONFLICT  Lourdes has no way to             she fell, stumbled down the few steps to the   me. If he did, he might pinch my nalga,
               communicate her frustration and pain from        bottom.                            twisting my skin between my fingers so that
               being treated like an outsider at school, so she   My mother’s black eyebrows were jagged   18  it r eall y hurt.  Or he might make me kneel in
                                                                                                   it really hurt. Or he might make me kneel in
                                                                                                   it really hurt. Or he might make me kneel in
               uses external identifiers (such as her hair and   315  on her face. Her mouth was like a bruise,   the corner for a long time. Maybe fifteen
                                                                                                   the corner for a long time. Maybe fifteen
                                                                   er face. Her mouth was like a bruise,
               her name) to represent this part of her identity.   15  angry and hard. She could see me in the   355 minutes, maybe thirty minutes. Really kneel-
                                                                                                   minutes, maybe thirty minutes. Really kneel-
                                                                angry and hard. She could see me in the
               Notably, the name Beth is repeated from the      rearview mirror. I looked out the side win-  ing, like in church, without my bum resting
                                                                                                   ing, like in church, without my bum resting
               beginning of the text.                           dow, as though she couldn’t see me if I   on my feet. If he caught me resting my bum
                                                                                                   on my feet. If he caught me resting my bum
                                                                couldn’t see her.                  on my feet, he would give me another fifteen
                                                                                                   on my feet, he would give me another fifteen
               18   IMAGERY  This particular form of punishment   She was already annoyed she had to pick   minutes, with my back to the clock, with no
                                                                                                   minutes, with my back to the clock, with no
               mirrors Lourdes’s experience in the rest of her   320  me up. She said I didn’t even look sick. Luli,   360 way to tell what time it was except for when
                                                                me up. She said I didn’t even look sick. Luli,
                                                                                                   way to tell what time it was except for when
               life: she is vulnerable and stuck between her   16  why would you tell her that, she asked,   the clock boinged at the end of each fifteen
                                                                                                   the clock boinged at the end of each fifteen
                                                                why would you tell her that, she asked,
               home life and her life at school with no way to
               tell when the suffering and difficulties will end,   finally.                       minutes.
                                                                  I don’t know, I said. She asked.
               except for brief glimpses of hope when she is      I don’t know, I said. She asked.   I kept expecting someone to say some-
                                                                  She was angry. She was silent. We don’t
               swinging or planning to run away.              325  She was angry. She was silent. We don’t   thing but now my parents were fighting about
                                                                talk about that, she said, finally. It’s private.  365  what happened yesterday. Papi put his fork
                                                                talk about that, she said, finally. It’s private.
                                                                  But she asked, I said. She asked how   and knife down, stopped eating his  dinner.
                                                                everything was going at home.        I slipped out the door, into the backyard.
                                                                  But nada, Mami said. It’s private.  I could hear their voices, her high-pitched
                                                              330  We were quiet in the car after that. Before   one getting higher and higher, his low-
                                                            17  we got home, I said, I wish you didn’t give   370  pitched one getting louder and louder.
                                                                                         t g
                                                                                         t g
                                                                                   ou didn’
                                                                                   ou didn’
                                                                               I wish y
                                                                 e got home
                                                                 e got home
                                                                w w
                                                                we got home, I said, I wish you didn’t give
                                                                          I said,
                                                                               I wish y
                                                                          I said,
                                                                me such a dumb name, I wish you named
                                                                me such a dumb name, I wish you named   In the backyard, the light was still grey,
                                                                me something else.                 I could just make out the outline of the
                                                                me something else.
                                                                  Oh? said Mami.                   swingset. From inside the house, a door
                                                                  Oh? said Mami.
                                                                  Yeah, something like Beth . . . or Amy . . .
                                                              335  Yeah, something like Beth . . . or Amy . . .    slammed. I sat down on the swing and
                                                                I said. Lourdes is a stupid name.
                                                                I said. Lourdes is a stupid name.  375  started to pump my legs.
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