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176 Unit 2 ■ Analyzing Comparisons and Representations
8 IMAGERY Abuela’s jewelry serves as a Let go of me, Mami said, but he held her Then I realized who it was.
representation of generational emotional abuse wrist tighter, and he pulled at something in Hi, I said.
and instability within the family, especially her hand, and what she was holding in her 175 Bambi nodded.
I hadn’t seen Bambi since I was five. He
between Mami and Papi. Lourdes refuses to take hands suddenly broke and dozens of tiny 10 I hadn’t seen Bambi since I was five. He
and all his friends used to live along the wall
the jewelry and literally runs away from it despite 135 beads fell to the floor. It was Abuela’s and all his friends used to live along the wall
of my bedroom then. Bambi, Thumper,
her mother trying to get rid of it and despite her necklace. of my bedroom then. Bambi, Thumper,
Flower. They were all there. I used to talk to
father trying to pass it on to her. They didn’t see me as Papi told her to go Flower. They were all there. I used to talk to
to el infierno and Mami said she would see 180 them at night about the things that hap-
9 CONFLICT As Lourdes has grown older over his Mama there, and my father saw me and pened to me that day and what I was
Copyright (c) 2023 Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Uncorrected proofs were used with this sample chapter.
the years, she realizes that she wants relief from 140 yelled come here come here. And in his hand thinking about. They were there every night,
here come here. And in his hand
the constant, inescapable strife she experiences I could see that he was holding Abuela’s until one night they just weren’t anymore.
I could see that he was holding Abuela’s
between school and home. 8 prendas, the ones he brought home after she When my mom asked me what happened,
prendas, the ones he brought home after she
died, and Mami was trying to throw them 185 I just said: They went to Florida.
died, and Mami was trying to throw them
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10 IMAGERY Bambi, Thumper, and Flower are
away. These are yours, he shouted at me and
characters from the 1942 American animated away. These are yours, he shouted at me and And now they were back. Well, at least
thrust them at me, but I couldn’t move my
film Bambi and typically represent imaginative 145 thrust them at me, but I couldn’t move my Bambi was.
hands, move my arms, and they fell to the
youthful innocence. Imaginary friends’ departure hands, move my arms, and they fell to the No Thumper? I said. No Flower?
ground in front of me.
is normal for very young children as they adjust ground in front of me. Bambi shook his head.
And finally I willed myself to leave, and
to the world around them and make friends in And finally I willed myself to leave, and 190 I told Bambi I was happy he came back.
I ran to my room, just as the jewelry, some
real life. Bambi’s return is a troubling sign that I ran to my room, just as the jewelry, some He bent down to nibble at something. I could
earrings and a necklace, crashed to the
Lourdes may be so desperate for relief that she 150 earrings and a necklace, crashed to the tell he was listening.
relies on coping techniques she’s outgrown. ground, the sound chasing me up the stairs. I don’t know what to do about Mami and
ground, the sound chasing me up the stairs.
My windows were open to let in a little bit Papi are fighting all the time, I said. Run away?
11 SHIFT To Lourdes, Bambi’s return is like the of air, and the breeze blew the curtains 195 I could tell from the look in his eye that he
visit of a ghost. The ambiguity of this dialogue is slightly. I could hear the rise and fall of my didn’t think it was a great idea.
unsettling as it can be interpreted that Lourdes 155 parents’ voices, not enough to know what I want them to stop fighting, I said. But
thinks her imaginary friend Bambi died and is they were saying, but enough to know they they don’t. So I just read my book and
visiting her from an afterlife version of Cloud Nine were still arguing. pretend I can’t hear them.
(where Lourdes wishes to be as well). I got the flashlight from my night table 200 Bambi thought this was a good plan.
and opened the drawer. I could see all the Bambi, can I tell you something?
160 tiny travel-sized things I had gathered: a Bambi nodded.
toothbrush, toothpaste, a bar of soap. What
toothbrush, toothpaste, a bar of soap. What When I’m on the swing and swinging
had started as a collection of things I
9 had started as a collection of things I super high, I sometimes pretend I go to
thought were cute because they were small 205 Cloud Nine, I told him. You know what Cloud
thought were cute because they were small
had turned into my running away stash. Nine is? Christina says it’s a place where
had turned into my running away stash.
165 There was an envelope, I knew it had 17 you’re really really happy.
There was an envelope, I knew it had 17
dollars in it. I wondered how much more Bambi seemed interested.
dollars in it. I wondered how much more
You’re not really in Florida, are you,
I would need before I could run away. 11 You’re not really in Florida, are you,
I would need before I could run away.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a brief 210 Bambi? I said. You’re on Cloud Nine, aren’t
Bambi? I said. You’re on Cloud Nine, aren’t
movement, but when I looked, there was you? Can I go there, too?
you? Can I go there, too?
I was crying a little bit now, and I closed
170 nothing but the blank yellow wall. The I was crying a little bit now, and I closed
my eyes. When I opened them again, Bambi
moonlight cast a strange shadow. And then my eyes. When I opened them again, Bambi
the shadow moved. had faded away.
had faded away.
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176 Unit 2 Analyzing Comparisons and Representations
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