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176 Unit 2 ■ Analyzing Comparisons and Representations Sofia T. Romero ■ Cloud Nine 177 UNIT 2
Let go of me, Mami said, but he held her Then I realized who it was. • • • But I saw it one time, I told him, so he 12 IMAGERY The poster is a representation of
wrist tighter, and he pulled at something in Hi, I said. wouldn’t think I was a total loser. One of the
215 Miss Matthews let me go to the nurse the feelings and ideas that Lourdes wants: she
her hand, and what she was holding in her 175 Bambi nodded. because my stomach hurt. I walked down girls was in trouble. I forget what else IDEAS IN LITERATURE seeks the feeling of an idyllic family, belonging
hands suddenly broke and dozens of tiny I hadn’t seen Bambi since I was five. He the hall. The door to the nurse’s office was happened, she got in trouble but her parents (as represented by the children with blond
135 beads fell to the floor. It was Abuela’s and all his friends used to live along the wall closed, and the sign said “knock, walk in.” I 260 weren’t that mad or anything. hair), sustenance (the sandwiches), and leisure/
necklace. of my bedroom then. Bambi, Thumper, knocked and politely waited outside. Come Marcia and Jan have long blond hair, just participation in American popular culture
They didn’t see me as Papi told her to go Flower. They were all there. I used to talk to 220 in come in, Mrs. Phillips shouted impatiently, like mine, said the girl. She tossed her hair to (watching The Brady Bunch). She wishes to “Be
to el infierno and Mami said she would see 180 them at night about the things that hap- don’t you see the sign says come in? You prove her point. Healthy, Be Happy” as the poster instructs, but
Copyright (c) 2023 Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Uncorrected proofs were used with this sample chapter.
his Mama there, and my father saw me and pened to me that day and what I was don’t have to wait outside. My hair was too frizzy to toss. At home knows it is unattainable, which is why Lourdes
140 yelled come here come here. And in his hand thinking about. They were there every night, Honey, what’s the matter, said Mrs. 265 sometimes when I changed into my pajamas wants the escape of Cloud Nine.
I could see that he was holding Abuela’s until one night they just weren’t anymore. Phillips. Her white hair framed her face. at night, I wouldn’t pull my shirt completely
prendas, the ones he brought home after she When my mom asked me what happened, 225 On her desk she had lots of photographs of off so it would make something like long 13 WORD CHOICE Mrs. Phillips incorrectly
died, and Mami was trying to throw them 185 I just said: They went to Florida. people who were smiling. smooth hair, good for tossing. assumes that Lourdes’s mother was the family’s
away. These are yours, he shouted at me and And now they were back. Well, at least My stomach hurts, I said. I don’t feel On Cloud Nine, I have long hair and I can housekeeper. The author’s word choice identifies
a central tension of the discrimination Lourdes
145 thrust them at me, but I couldn’t move my Bambi was. good. 270 toss it, too, I said. experiences as a child with an immigrant family.
hands, move my arms, and they fell to the No Thumper? I said. No Flower? Mrs. Phillips looked me over and asked You do not, said the girl.
ground in front of me. Bambi shook his head. I do, too, I said. Christina said on Cloud
230 some questions. Then she had me sit 14 CHARACTER Even as Mrs. Phillips makes
And finally I willed myself to leave, and 190 I told Bambi I was happy he came back. down. Well, let me call your mother, she Nine, everything makes us happy. an offensive and serious misunderstanding
I ran to my room, just as the jewelry, some He bent down to nibble at something. I could said, and disappeared into the room next Mrs. Phillips reappeared. Honey, she said. of Christina and Lourdes, Lourdes is still not
150 earrings and a necklace, crashed to the tell he was listening. door. 275 Did you say something? confident enough in herself to correct her without
ground, the sound chasing me up the stairs. I don’t know what to do about Mami and There was a pile of old books next to the No, I said. I looked back at the poster. The being quiet, mumbling, and using a soft voice.
My windows were open to let in a little bit Papi are fighting all the time, I said. Run away? 235 chair I was sitting in and I started to flip boy and girl were frozen, smiling, waiting.
of air, and the breeze blew the curtains 195 I could tell from the look in his eye that he through them but none of them was inter- Oh, she frowned. I thought I heard you say
slightly. I could hear the rise and fall of my didn’t think it was a great idea. 12 esting. I stared at the poster on the wall. “BE something. Anyway, your mom wasn’t home.
esting. I stared at the poster on the wall. “BE
But your housekeeper said she could come
HEALTHY, BE HAPPY” it said in really big,
155 parents’ voices, not enough to know what I want them to stop fighting, I said. But HEALTHY, BE HAPPY” it said in really big, 280 But your housekeeper said she could come
and get you.
they were saying, but enough to know they they don’t. So I just read my book and really red letters. There was a family sitting 13 and get you.
really red letters. There was a family sitting
were still arguing. pretend I can’t hear them. 240 around a picnic table, and the mom was giv- We don’t have a housekeeper, I said.
around a picnic table, and the mom was giv-
I got the flashlight from my night table 200 Bambi thought this was a good plan. ing out the lunch. The kids, a boy and a girl What do you mean? she said. I just called
ing out the lunch. The kids, a boy and a girl
and opened the drawer. I could see all the Bambi, can I tell you something? who both had blonde hair, were waiting your house and the housekeeper answered.
who both had blonde hair, were waiting
160 tiny travel-sized things I had gathered: a Bambi nodded. patiently for their sandwiches. Peanut butter 285 No housekeeper, I said.
patiently for their sandwiches. Peanut butter
toothbrush, toothpaste, a bar of soap. What When I’m on the swing and swinging and jelly, I thought. Mrs. Phillips couldn’t hear me. What’s
and jelly, I thought.
had started as a collection of things I super high, I sometimes pretend I go to that, Christina?
Yup, that’s right, said the boy in the pic-
245 Yup, that’s right, said the boy in the pic-
thought were cute because they were small 205 Cloud Nine, I told him. You know what Cloud ture, turning to me. Good old PB&J. And after I’m not Christina, I mumbled again. I’m
ture, turning to me. Good old PB&J. And after
had turned into my running away stash. Nine is? Christina says it’s a place where this, my dad and I are going to play catch. Lourdes Martinez.
this, my dad and I are going to play catch.
165 There was an envelope, I knew it had 17 you’re really really happy. Then we’ll go home and watch the Brady 290 Oh my goodness, she said. What a mis-
Then we’ll go home and watch the Brady
take! I always get you two confused.
dollars in it. I wondered how much more Bambi seemed interested. Bunch. Distributed by Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Strictly for use with its products. Not for redistribution.
I would need before I could run away. You’re not really in Florida, are you, 250 I’m not allowed to watch the Brady Bunch, 14 She’s Greek, I said, my voice soft. I’m not
She’s Greek, I said, my voice soft. I’m not
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a brief 210 Bambi? I said. You’re on Cloud Nine, aren’t I told the boy. Greek.
movement, but when I looked, there was you? Can I go there, too? Your parents won’t let you watch the What’s that, dear? Mrs. Phillips said.
What’s that, dear? Mrs. Phillips said.
Nothing, I said, looking away. I am not
170 nothing but the blank yellow wall. The I was crying a little bit now, and I closed Brady Bunch? he said, surprised. 295 Nothing, I said, looking away. I am not
Greek, I said, again, under my breath. I am
moonlight cast a strange shadow. And then my eyes. When I opened them again, Bambi No, I said. My mom doesn’t like it. I Greek, I said, again, under my breath. I am
the shadow moved. had faded away. Lourdes.
255 shrugged. I don’t know why.
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