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P. 161
2. AP FRQ Argument. In their 2021 essay “Organic Chemistry Taught Me to Fully Inhabit My 4
Mixed Identities,” Ariana Remmel examines their evolving elements of self through the lens of
science, writing, “I also deserve the same tender consideration I give to the molecules in my DIFFERENTIATION
flasks. Perhaps I need to practice different ways of knowing myself so that I too can move chapter 4
and break and reform.” Write an essay that argues your position on the most important Scaffolding
factors to consider for people who aim to know themselves differently.
Composing Q2. You might have students
3. Multimodal. Create a collage or playlist that encapsulates and brings together multiple Composing Q2.
s title at the end and
n to the essay’
aspects of your identity. What facet of your identity does each image or song you chose return to the essay’s title at the end and
represent? How do these different images and songs relate to each other? How do they, Other Voices / Viet Thanh Nguyen have them define what it means to “Fully
have them define what it means to “Fully
cumulatively, create coherence — or do they reflect dissonance? Explain. Inhabit” one’ s identity (or identities). Stu-
Inhabit” one’s identity (or identities). Stu-
Copyright (c) 2023 Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Uncorrected proofs have been used for this sample chapter.
dents can start by considering what
dents can start by considering what
Remmel means by that phrase. Organic
Advice for Artists Whose Parents Remmel means by that phrase. Or ganic
chemistry gave them a lens to identify their
chemistry gave them a lens to identify their
Want Them to Be Engineers nonbinary gender; what did the process
nonbinary gender; what did the pr
teach them about their mixed-race iden-
Viet Thanh Nguyen teach them about their mixed-race iden-
tity? Asking students to start from Rem-
tity? Asking students to start fr
om Rem-
Distributed by Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Strictly for use with its products. Not for redistribution.
mel’s title could be a good way to have
Viet Thanh Nguyen (b. 1971) was born in Vietnam, and his family mel’ s title could be a good way to have
them articulate one potential tactic for
emigrated to the United States in 1975 after the fall of Saigon at the Mimmo Frassineti/Agf/Shutterstock them articulate one potential tactic for
“people who aim to know themselves
end of the Vietnam War. After three years in a refugee camp in “people who aim to know themselves
Pennsylvania, his family settled in San Jose, California. After high dif fer ently .”
school, Nguyen received a BA in English and ethnic studies from the
University of California at Berkeley and stayed there for a PhD in TRM ELL Essential Guide Handout
English. He is a professor at the University of Southern California in Los
An ELL Essential Guide for this reading
Angeles and is the author of Nothing Ever Dies: Vietnam and the Memory of An ELL Essential Guide for this r eading
can be found in the Teacher’s Resource
War (2016) and the short story collection The Refugees (2017). He is best can be found in the T eacher’ s Resour ce
known for his novel The Sympathizer (2015), which won a Pulitzer Prize for Materials.
Fiction, and its sequel, The Committed (2021).
TRM Vocabulary Handout
hen I give lectures on college campuses, them that I wanted to be a writer. That would Vocabulary in Context exercises based on
ocabulary in Context exer
cises based on
W the most difficult question I am asked is have been going too far. My day job was being a challenging words from this reading can be
om this r
challenging wor
ds fr
eading can be
this: “I want to pursue my dream, but my par- professor, and my dream job was being a writer, found in the Teacher’s Resource Materials.
s Resour
ce Materials.
found in the T
ents want me to do something different. What which consumed my nights, weekends and
should I do?” summers. It was exhausting, but so were the
I can relate. What would have made me sacrifices that my parents made for us.
happy as a young person was to be a writer and I did not expect my parents to read my SCAFFOLDING S
study literature. What would have made my par- books. Their acceptance of my choice to become Connections to Self
Connections to Self
ents happy was for me to become a doctor like my a professor was enough for me. And then one
ou might begin this essay by asking stu-
brother, who went to Harvard and Stanford. How day I presented them with what they had not You might begin this essay by asking stu-
espond to the question Nguyen
dents to r
could I come home to my refugee parents, who been expecting: a novel. Surprise! dents to respond to the question Nguyen
esses in paragraph 1: “I want to pur
worked seven days a week in their grocery store, • • • addresses in paragraph 1: “I want to pur- -
sue my dream, but my parents want me to
and tell them that I wanted to read Jane Austen sue my dr eam, but my par ents want me to
do something different. What should I do?”
and the Romantic poets, and major in English, a What happens when our parents’ definition of 5 do something dif fer ent. What should I do?”
You could ask them to journal or freewrite
language they didn’t speak in their own home? happiness makes our happiness impossible? On Y ou could ask them to jour nal or fr eewrite
about the relationship between their
Eventually I did tell my parents I was major- college campuses, the young people who ask me about the r elationship between their
eer goals, or the r
eams and their car
ing in English, but I wasn’t ready at first to tell this question are often Asian American, as I am, dreams and their career goals, or the rela-
tionship between their dreams and what
267 tionship between their dr eams and what
they per ceive as their par ents’ expecta-
they perceive as their parents’ expecta-
tions. You could also use the question that
tions. Y ou could also use the question that
begins paragraph 5, or give students a
begins paragraph 5, or give students a
choice: “What happens when our parents’
05_sheatlc4e_40925_ch04_170_315.indd 267 12/10/22 2:37 PM definition of happiness makes our happi-
DIFFERENTIATION ness impossible?”
Speaking and Listening
You might ask your students to imagine the rhetorical situation? (The essay was first pub-
essay as a direct address to young “artists,” lished in the New York Times in July 2021.)
as the title suggests. What might be lost or Could the essay be effective as a commence-
gained by writing the essay using the second ment address? You could raise this question
person, telling the reader what “you” could early on, and then have students return to it
do? Why is Nguyen’s choice effective for the as they finish the essay.
Other Voices / Viet Thanh Nguyen 267
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