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Mom gave me when I first learned to drive.   I look at the bonds between the carbon and   4
                The taxi driver makes small talk. He says he is   nitrogen, then the carbon and oxygen; I see that
                from Mexico.                     there can be movement. The lone pair of elec-  DIFFERENTIATION              chapter 4
                  “My mother’s family is from Mexico,” I say.  40 trons on the nitrogen (blue) can form a bond
                                                                                            Collaborative Learning
                  “¿En serio? ¿Pues, hablas español, no?”   6  with the carbon. Because carbon can only have   Collaborative Learning
                                                                                            The vignette with the taxi driver (pars.
                There is an awkward pause.       four bonds total, that would push one pair of   The vignette with the taxi driver (pars.
                  “Solo un poco,”  I say too slowly. “We didn’t   electrons shared between the carbon and   Other Voices  /  Ariana Remmel  39–43) might be a good place to talk about
                                                                                            39–43) might be a good place to talk about
                speak it at home growing up, but I’m trying to     oxygen (red) — currently tied up in the double   juxtaposition, structure, and line of reason-
                                                                                                           e, and line of r
                                                                                            juxtaposition, structur
                                                                                            ing since it comes between two sections in
                learn now.”                      bond with the oxygen — back to being a lone   ing since it comes between two sections in
                Copyright (c) 2023 Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Uncorrected proofs have been used for this sample chapter.
                  “Psh, you’re not Mexican,” the driver tells me   pair on the oxygen alone. You can also draw the   the science classroom with diagrams. You
                                                                                            the science classr
                                                                                                        oom with diagrams. Y
                                                                                            might have partners look at those thr
                in English. “You can’t be Mexican without   structure like this.            might have partners look at those three
                                                                                            sections and discuss how they fit together
                speaking Spanish.”                                                          sections and discuss how they fit together,
                  I laugh, but it feels like the wind has been   O  R  O   R                aside fr om adhering to the chr onological
                                                                                            aside from adhering to the chronological
                                                                                            order of Remmel’s experiences. Ask
                knocked out of me. I don’t know what else to do                             or der of Remmel’ s experiences. Ask
                                                 H 2 N  C         H 2 N  C
                                                                                                          espondences and
                                                                                            students to find corr
                besides change the subject. I don’t want to start                           students to find correspondences and
                                                        N  CO 2 H         N  CO 2 H
                   Distributed by Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Strictly for use with its products. Not for redistribution.
                                                                                            tensions, and then write a thesis
                crying in a city cab, so we talk about the weather.                         tensions, and then write a thesis
                                                    R   H            R    H
                                                                                            statement–like claim about the purpose of
                              • •   •                                                       statement–like claim about the purpose of
                                                                                            juxtaposing the taxi driver vignette with the
                                                   I realize that the electrons aren’t just stuck in   juxtaposing the taxi driver vignette with the
                                                                                                oom experiences.
                The lecture hall is one of the biggest on campus   45  one bond. Both diagrams describe the exact   classroom experiences.
                because all the biology and chemistry majors   same molecule, but my peptide bond can be
                are taking organic chemistry — the study of   drawn with the electrons in different positions
                  carbon-based molecules. We are finally learning   and bonds.
                about the molecules that make up our bodies.  “That’s called resonance,” the instructor   50  CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING
                  Today’s lecture is about proteins. The profes-  says. He starts to draw a special arrow with one
                                                                                            Maybe some of your science-oriented
                sor draws a special type of bond between amino   head in each direction (purple).  Maybe some of your science-oriented
                                                                                            students will value Remmel’s discussion of
                acids, the building blocks that make proteins. It’s                         students will value Remmel’ s discussion of
                                                                                            “resonance” in organic chemistry (it might
                called a peptide bond. In this first drawing, there   O  R  O  R            “r esonance” in or ganic chemistry (it might
                                                                                                            ou might ask stu-
                                                                                            esonate with them?). Y
                is a double bond between the carbon and an                                  resonate with them?). You might ask stu-
                                                  H 2 N  C         H 2 N  C
                                                                                            dents to explain the meaning of resonance,
                oxygen. That same carbon is single-bonded to a                              dents to explain the meaning of r esonance,
                                                        N   CO 2 H       N   CO 2 H
                                                                                            based on either Remmel’
                                                                                                             s explanation or
                nitrogen that has a lone pair of electrons.                                 based on either Remmel’s explanation or
                                                    R   H             R  H
                                                                                            with some research or their own knowl-
                                                                                            with some r
                                                                                                        ch or their own knowl-
                                                                                            edge. Since the concept is central to Rem-
                           O                       “Both structures are true, but they are   edge. Since the concept is central to Rem-
                                R                                                           mel’ s self-discovery , it merits some extra
                                                                                            mel’s self-discovery, it merits some extra
                       H 2 N  C                  not the whole truth,” the instructor explains.   focus and clarity. The term “resonance” also
                                                                                                       . The term “r
                                                                                            focus and clarity
                                                                                                                esonance” also
                                                 “When you draw resonance structures on
                                                                                            connects to the language of paragraph 21
                              N  CO 2 H          paper, you are drawing multiple, partial   connects to the language of paragraph 21
                          R        Peptide                                                  and the essay’s conclusion.
                                                                                            and the essay’
                                                                                                      s conclusion.
                              H                    representations of a molecule’s single, three-
                                                 dimensional form.”
                                                   I look back and forth between the two
                  “Look closely at the lone pair of electrons on
                the nitrogen,” the instructor says. “What else can     drawings. I don’t understand what it means
                                                 for a pair of electrons to be bonded in one dia-
                they do?”
                                                 gram but a lone pair in the other — and yet still
                                                 represent the same molecule. Nor do I under-
                6  Spanish for Really? You speak Spanish, no? — Eds.  stand why this is important. My professor has
                7  Spanish for Only a little. — Eds.  anticipated this thought.
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