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Organic Chemistry Taught Me to
               TRM  ELL Essential Guide Handout               Fully Inhabit My Mixed Identities
               An ELL Essential Guide for this reading   Identity  Ariana Remmel
               can be found in the Teacher’s Resource
               Materials.                                     Ariana Remmel (b. 1991) is a science journalist with an MA in
                                                              chemistry from the University of California, San Diego who is currently   Ariana Remmel, photo by Erin Malsbury.
                                                              pursuing an MA in science communication from the University of
               TRM  Vocabulary Handout                        California, Santa Cruz. Named a 2020 Diversity Fellow by the National
                Copyright (c) 2023 Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Uncorrected proofs have been used for this sample chapter.
               Vocabulary in Context exercises based on       Association of Science Writers, they have produced work for KQED
               challenging words from this reading can be     Public Radio, Catapult, Science News, and other publications around
               found in the Teacher’s Resource Materials.     the world. The following essay was published in Catapult magazine in 2021.
                                                            he splashes of children playing in the pool   too?” There are tears welling up in my eyes,
               BUILDING CONTEXT                          T echo through the hot summer air. I’m not   which my mother cannot see because my
                   Distributed by Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Strictly for use with its products. Not for redistribution.
                                                         allowed in the deep end yet, not without my   brother is now naked and waddling toward
               The link to this essay on Catapult’s site   floaties. Even then, I am afraid that a shark will   the pool.
               includes hand-drawn diagrams of the pro-  sneak up and eat my toes because Dad told me   “Ariana Maria Remmel! You are a girl, and
               fessor’s equations, and you might show    that this is what happens to little girls who go   this is what girls wear. End of discussion!” She
               them to your students as you discuss the   to the deep end without a grown-up. I am five   has said it in that voice that feels like a punch in
               essay. Remmel also talked to NPR about    years old.                       the gut, that steals the air out of me. I do not
               the essay in June 2021; the eleven-minute    My brother has just turned one. He toddles   dare tell her that I do not want to be a girl. I don’t
               interview is available on NPR’s website   with the help of my mother’s hand. Normally,   know how to say that yet.
               with the title “Organic Chemistry Helped   she would have dressed him in a swim diaper
               Me Embrace My Identities.” You could play   that swells like a balloon once he submerges in   • •   •
               some of the beginning of it as a prelude, or   the kiddie pool. Today, Mom has put him in a   I hate going to church. Dad never comes, so it is
               you could recommend it to students after   pair of baby-blue swim trunks.  just me, my siblings, and my mother at St.
               they read the essay. Remmel’s website        “I want to wear swim trunks,” I tell my   Edward’s Cathedral. The Mass is entirely in
               also has links to many other articles they   mother.                       Spanish. I do not speak Spanish. No one speaks
               have written: some are more technical        “Swim trunks are for boys, honey. You get to   Spanish to me.
               than others, and you could ask students to   wear a one-piece.” She is curt because my   Mom tried to teach us when we were little,
               consider the rhetorical situations and com-  brother is crying. He has thrown his chupón   1  but I am twelve now and I’ve learned to hate the   10
               pare Remmel’s writing styles for different   onto the concrete and she is trying to find a   sound of it. It is the sound of a priest who tells
                                                         clean one.                       me that a woman’s hair is her glory. It is the
                                                            “But I want to wear swim trunks.” 1  5  sound of our housekeeper Elizabeth who nags
                                                            “Sweetie, girls have to cover up. You can’t   me about putting away my toys. It is the sound of
               DIFFERENTIATION                           walk around bare chested. It’s just not right.” She   my mother saying something on the phone to a
                                                         is trying to be reasonable, but my brother has   relative I’ve never met that she doesn’t want me
               Collaborative Learning                    begun to remove the swim trunks altogether.  to hear.
               You might have students examine Rem-         I look at my brother’s chest, then tug at my   But it is also the only language my abuelita   2
               mel’s syntax in the opening section. You   swimsuit to look down at my own. “But, Mama, I   understands. Mama has named me after her
               could ask students to consider the choices   look just like him! Why can’t I wear swim trunks   own mother — Maria — but Lita can no longer
               Remmel makes that are appropriate for the
               content (and have them notice how the     1  Spanish for pacifier. — Eds.  2  Spanish for grandma. — Eds.
               simple sentences convey a five-year old’s   260
               experience). You could also ask them to
               compare Remmel’s syntax to some other
               texts they have read: perhaps choose
               another essay that begins with an anecdote
               (such as Kaminsky’s or Staples’s) and to   05_sheatlc4e_40925_ch04_170_315.indd   260                      12/10/22   2:36 PM
               contrast their syntax. How does the syntax
               in the introduction help to engage the audi-
               ence? Partners could come up with several
               statements of commentary, and then the
               class could discuss them. You could also
               suggest to students that they pay attention
               to Remmel’s syntax throughout the essay:
               when do they use more complex
               sentences, and why?

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