Page 155 - The Language of Composition 4e Teacher Edition Sample.indd
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say my name or Mama’s. She is old and frail and   the periodic table to know how atoms like these   4
                speaks in the broken phrases of a woman whose   make up the world around us.”
                language center has been destroyed by multiple   I make a copy of the periodic table in the   20  CLOSE READING  chapter 4
                                                   I make a copy of the periodic table in the
                                                 front of my textbook. I carry it with me every-
                strokes. She has lived with us all my life, and   front of my textbook. I carry it with me every-  Key Passage.
                                                                                            Key Passage. The highlighted text is a
                                                 where I go. On a yellow legal pad, I write out the
                what words I have learned are meant for her.  where I go. On a yellow legal pad, I write out the   rich passage suited for close reading. Stu-
                                                                                                                 eading. Stu-
                                                                                            rich passage suited for close r
                                                 element names in order over and over. I’m trying
                  “Te amo, Lita,”  I tell her every night before   element names in order over and over. I’m trying   dents can annotate this key passage in the
                                                                                            dents can annotate this key passage in the
                                                 to memorize how many protons and electrons
                bed. She cannot say it back, but she always   to memorize how many protons and electrons   Other Voices  /  Ariana Remmel  book’s digital platform, or you can print it to
                                                                                                s digital platform, or you can print it to
                                                 each element has. I’m trying to figure out what
                smiles her good night.           each element has. I’m trying to figure out what   be annotated by hand.
                                                                                            be annotated by hand.
                                                 the world is made of.
                  I think Mom believes I will learn her language   the world is made of.
                Copyright (c) 2023 Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Uncorrected proofs have been used for this sample chapter.
                by immersion at Mass. But I am old enough not   • •   •
                to believe in God anymore. Old enough to have
                forgotten what it sounds like to hear my mother   I am at an art gallery for a high school field trip.   CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING
                                                 I am at an art gallery for a high school field trip.
                say she loves me in her native tongue.  I am sixteen. The exhibit is called Part Asian,   The word “resonates” in paragraph 21
                                                 I am sixteen. The exhibit is called Part Asian,
                                                                                                    esonates” in paragraph 21
                                                                                                 d “r
                                                                                            The wor
                                                        4 4
                                                 100% Hapa,  and it features portraits of mixed- and it features portraits of mixed-
                                                 100% Hapa,
                                                                                               ns later in the essay
                                                                                                             , in a dif
                              • •   •                                                       returns later in the essay, in a different
                                                 race people like me. They all look different, and   form, starting in paragraph 50 and in the
                                                 race people like me. They all look different, and
                                                                                            form, starting in paragraph 50 and in the
                   Distributed by Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Strictly for use with its products. Not for redistribution.
                                                 they are all beautiful. Each photograph has a
                I am reading my chemistry textbook in class. I   they are all beautiful. Each photograph has a   essay’s conclusion. You might ask students
                                                                                                s conclusion. Y
                                                                                                           ou might ask students
                                                 plaque with a handwritten note by the person in
                am fourteen years old, and none of the other   plaque with a handwritten note by the person in   to define “resonates” here, in anticipation
                                                                                            to define “r
                                                                                                             e, in anticipation
                                                                                                   esonates” her
                kids are paying attention to the teacher, who has   the picture. There is a woman with porcelain skin   of those later connections.
                                                 the picture. There is a woman with porcelain skin
                                                                                            of those later connections.
                                                 and flax-colored hair. Her note reads: “My mother
                mostly given up on lecturing for the day. We are   and flax-colored hair. Her note reads: “My mother
                learning how each element has a distinct num-  is a woman and my father is a man. That makes
                                                 is a woman and my father is a man. That makes
                                                 me half woman and half man.” I am astonished.
                ber of protons, but atoms of the same element   me half woman and half man.” I am astonished.
                                                 I read the note over and over again, but it will take
                can have a different number of neutrons and   I read the note over and over again, but it will take
                electrons. He draws an H on the board for   me years to fully understand why it resonates.
                                                 me years to fully understand why it resonates.
                hydrogen, then puts one dot on its right. The   • •   •
                dot is an electron.
                                                 I am cramped into one of those chairs with a tiny
                  “Hydrogen has one proton and one  electron,”  15 I am cramped into one of those chairs with a tiny
                                                 desk that slides out, used for standardized tests.
                the teacher explains.            desk that slides out, used for standardized tests.
                                                 This is one of the big ones—a college-admissions
                                                 This is one of the big ones — a college- admissions
                                                 test that will decide my future. But I am stuck on
                                                 test that will decide my future. But I am stuck on
                  Then he draws another H, next to the first,   the very first page. Sex: Female or Male. I check
                                                 the very first page. Sex: Female or Male. I check
                with a second dot.               “Female” with some remorse, but I still don’t
                                                 “Female” with some remorse, but I still don’t
                                                 have the words to describe my sadness. Race:
                              H      H           have the words to describe my sadness. Race:
                                                 White, Black, Latino, Pacific Islander, Asian. The
                                                 White, Black, Latino, Pacific Islander, Asian. The
                  “When two hydrogen atoms come together,
                                                 instructions say to check one. Only one.
                they will share their electrons to make a bond.”  instructions say to check one. Only one.
                                                   When I look in the mirror, I think I look
                  He draws a line from one dot to the next so   When I look in the mirror, I think I look
                                                 white. That is, until I gaze into my dark-brown
                that the Hs are connected.       white. That is, until I gaze into my dark-brown
                                                 eyes, which are my mother’s and my Lita’s and
                                                 eyes, which are my mother’s and my Lita’s and
                              H  H               her mother’s before her. I have my father’s pale
                                                 her mother’s before her. I have my father’s pale
                                                 skin and my mother’s round features. If I choose
                  “Every element is different, and not all of   skin and my mother’s round features. If I choose
                                                 white, no one will bat an eye. I will only feel the
                them will share electrons to form bonds like   white, no one will bat an eye. I will only feel the
                                                                         5 5
                                                 guilt of erasing my mother and abuelos
                                                                          and the
                this,” he tells the class. “But you have to study   guilt of erasing my mother and abuelos  and the
                                                 4  A Hawaiian term for someone with mixed ancestry. — Eds.
                3  Spanish for I love you, Grandma. — Eds.  5  Spanish for grandparents. — Eds.
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                    CLOSE READING
                    Remmel structures the essay in mostly short   how it can suggest something about human
                    sections and vignettes. You could suggest   identity. You could have students look for
                    to students to highlight key sentences from   key sentences on their first read, but then go
                    each section as they read the essay: they   back and reassess after they see where the
                    could try to find at least one important claim   essay ends up. Students can compare their
                    or insight or step in character development   choices as you discuss the different sections.
                    or in line of reasoning from each section. For   Then, ask them to notice any structural pat-
                    instance, you could point out for them this   terns: do the key sentences come more often
                    sentence in paragraph 19, “Every element is   at the beginning or end of a section? This
                    different, and not all of them will share elec-  work could help focus their reading and help
                    trons to form bonds like this,” and ask them   them trace the essay’s line of reasoning.
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