Page 156 - The Language of Composition 4e Teacher Edition Sample.indd
P. 156
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sacrifices they made for me to be here. In fact, , living organisms are made of organic molecules. .
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when I’ve told friends about this dilemma, they “It’s the hardest class I ever took,” Mom says.
“It’s the hardest class I ever took,” Mom says.
when I’ve told friends about this dilemma, they
BUILDING CONTEXT Identity say of course I should check “Latino” because “But you can’t learn about the body without
say of course I should check “Latino” because
“But you can’t learn about the body without
knowing what it’s made of.”
then I will get better scholarship offers.
then I will get better scholarship offers. knowing what it’s made of.”
The U.S. Census Bureau website has a And that has made the decision so much We look back at the boy whose liver is on the
We look back at the boy whose liver is on the
And that has made the decision so much
page called “About the Topic of Race,” worse because now I am afraid that I am stealing wrong side. Mom wonders if his discombobu-
worse because now I am afraid that I am stealing
wrong side. Mom wonders if his discombobu-
which explains their categories and the someone else’s opportunity by claiming my lated organs had something to do with why he
someone else’s opportunity by claiming my
lated organs had something to do with why he
options individuals have to self-identify. You mother’s heritage. Either way, I am sure that the died so young. I wonder what could be learned
options individuals have to self-identify
. Y
died so young. I wonder what could be learned
mother’s heritage. Either way, I am sure that the
could have students examine that page testing agency will find out I am lying. I am sure by peering into my own body. I want to figure
testing agency will find out I am lying. I am sure
by peering into my own body. I want to figure
and discuss whether they believe it offers that someone is going to come yell at me for out what I am made of.
Copyright (c) 2023 Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Uncorrected proofs have been used for this sample chapter.
out what I am made of.
that someone is going to come yell at me for
reasonable options for mixed-race indi- being an imposter. I fill the bubble for “Prefer
being an imposter. I fill the bubble for “Prefer
viduals. The Census site also includes an • • •
not to say.”
essay “New Household Pulse Survey Data not to say.”
Reveals Differences between LGBT and • • • I am a freshman in college sitting in a lecture
Non-LGBT Respondents during COVID-19 hall with a hundred other general chemistry
My family has decided to drive to the Mid-
Pandemic” that includes the census ques- My family has decided to drive to the Mid- 25 students. I have learned how to use the periodic
Distributed by Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Strictly for use with its products. Not for redistribution.
America Science Museum so that I can see the
tions about gender identity and several America Science Museum so that I can see the table to figure out how many electrons each
Body Worlds exhibit. The halls are filled with
graphs about results. Students could Body Worlds exhibit. The halls are filled with atom uses to bond. We have moved beyond the
dissected human cadavers, cut to show different
examine those questions to see how they dissected human cadavers, cut to show different two hydrogen atoms. Now we are looking at
views of their anatomy. I want to know what my
compare to Remmel’s experiences. If you views of their anatomy. I want to know what my carbon. Hydrogen can only make one bond, but
insides look like, and Mom and Dad think the
think it’s relevant, you might ask your stu- insides look like, and Mom and Dad think the carbon can make four. We learn to draw the
outing will convince me to declare a premed
dents about making their own choices for outing will convince me to declare a premed shape of carbon atoms with four single bonds.
track in college.
forms collecting this sort of data, including track in college. “Carbon doesn’t only make single bonds,” 35
We come to the body of a young boy whose
selecting “Prefer not to say” (par. 24). We come to the body of a young boy whose the professor explains.
abdominal cavity has been laid bare. I feel like
abdominal cavity has been laid bare. I feel like She draws a carbon bonded to two hydrogens
I’m looking into the window of a stranger’s
I’m looking into the window of a stranger’s and an oxygen. She draws two lines to the oxygen.
house. Mom gasps.
house. Mom gasps.
“His liver is on the wrong side!” she
“His liver is on the wrong side!” she
exclaims, searching for an explanation on the
exclaims, searching for an explanation on the
display plaque. I find the boy’s liver nestled
display plaque. I find the boy’s liver nestled H H
under the left side of his rib cage.
under the left side of his rib cage.
“Is it just his liver?” “In this molecule, the carbon and oxygen
“Is it just his liver?”
“No, honey. All of his organs are mirrored
“No, honey. All of his organs are mirrored share two electron pairs, making a double
from where they should be. I don’t know why
from where they should be. I don’t know why bond,” she tells us. “Double bonds are stronger
that isn’t written out more directly on this
that isn’t written out more directly on this than single bonds and more rigid.”
plaque.” I write this in my notes.
“Then how did you know?”
“Then how did you know?” 30 • • •
“I learned all about anatomy in medical
“I learned all about anatomy in medical
school. You will too, if you decide to become
school. You will too, if you decide to become My family is on vacation in New York City during
a doctor like your dad and me,” Mom says.
a doctor like your dad and me,” Mom says. winter break. I have called a taxi to explore the
“But of course, you’ll have to take organic
“But of course, you’ll have to take organic city on my own for the afternoon. I can’t see the
chemistry first.”
chemistry first.” driver’s face, but the radio is playing a talk show
She smiles at me, obviously aware of the in Spanish and I am trying to parse the few
She smiles at me, obviously aware of the
periodic table poster in my bedroom and my words I know. I think I see a rosary hanging
periodic table poster in my bedroom and my
stacks of chemistry notes. I already know that all around the rearview mirror, just like the one
stacks of chemistry notes. I already know that all
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You might ask students to analyze the con-
nection between “I want to figure out what I
am made of” (par. 33) and “I’m trying to figure
out what the world is made of” (par. 20). You
could ask them to compare the two vignettes
and decide whether Remmel’s statements are
two versions of the same desire or whether
they show a progression or development of
the speaker at a different point in their life.
Are they the same, or different, questions
about identity? Students should use textual
evidence to support their position.
262 chapter 4 / Identity
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