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each of us — then we find our path to true   affected us whether we were black or white,
                                                           solidarity. I may be brown, conservative in   Democrat or Republican, common man or pres-
               DIFFERENTIATION                      Identity  my politics, and Hindu. My colleague at work   ident of the United States. Diversity means
                                                         may be white, liberal, and Christian. But we   something only in the context of a unified whole.
               Collaborative Learning                    share a passion for unlocking the mysteries of   As Americans we say E pluribus Unum (“out of
               Throughout the essay, Ramaswamy makes     human biology to discover new medicines for   many, one”), rather than the reverse, for a rea-
               many provocative claims, often presenting   serious diseases. My neighbor may be black   son. Without a common creed, we are nothing
               them as truisms. You might give students a   and progressive, but we are both fathers of   more than a group of higher mammals sharing a
               list of them and ask them to choose one or   children who we hope can play sports together,   common space while staring at our iPhones.
                Copyright (c) 2023 Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Uncorrected proofs have been used for this sample chapter.
               two to defend, challenge, or qualify (in the   go to class together, and learn from one   Without the sense that we are all in this together,
               phraseology of old AP  Language argu-     another. We don’t need to have everything in   we cannot defend ourselves against the threats
               ment prompts). You should task them with   common with one another. We need to share   we face together — be it a virus or a terrorist
               finding specific and sufficient evidence to   only a few things that bind us together and   attack.
               support their views. Working in small     focus on those.                     This year’s election, which was imminent
                                                                                             This year’s election, which was imminent
               groups should prompt debate, too, as         Consider our vulnerability to COVID-19   when this article was being prepared, is
                                                                                          when this article was being prepared, is
               could a whole-class discussion afterward.   this year. Out of this tragedy, we have seen   another example of our commonality as a
                   Distributed by Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Strictly for use with its products. Not for redistribution.
                                                                                          another example of our commonality as a
               These could also turn into argument       many examples of shared sacrifice and   people. That might sound surprising, since
                                                                                            people. That might sound surprising, since
               prompts for essays. Here are a handful of     patriotism. My wife, Apoorva, is an airway   partisan division runs deep and the acrimony
                                                                                            partisan division runs deep and the acrimony
               claims from this page of the essay, and you   specialist who faced a difficult choice this   between our political leaders is painful. It
                                                                                          between our political leaders is painful. It
               could find many more throughout the       spring — whether to head to the front lines to   reminds me of the misguided feeling that I
                                                                                          reminds me of the misguided feeling that I
               essay, or ask students to find their own:  treat patients or stay at home to begin raising   sometimes had as a kid when I heard my par-
                                                                                          sometimes had as a kid when I heard my par-
                                                                                          ents in the depth of a heated argument and
                 “We don’t need to have everything in    our son, born in February.  Ultimately, we   ents in the depth of a heated argument and
                                                                                          worried that they might get divorced (they
                 common with one another. We need        decided that, in this case, it was Apoorva’s   worried that they might get divorced (they
                                                                                          remain happily married to this day). But even
                 to share only a few things that bind us   duty to treat patients during her  hospital’s   remain happily married to this day). But even
                                                                                          across those partisan divisions, we share an
                 together and focus on those” (par. 10).  hour of need, when they were short-staffed at   across those partisan divisions, we share an
                                                                                          ideal as Americans that we resolve our differ-
                                                         the height of the pandemic; and it was my   ideal as Americans that we resolve our differ-
                 “Consider our vulnerability to COVID-19
                                                                                          ences through democracy, not tyranny. This
                 this year. Out of this tragedy, we have   duty to become the principal caretaker of our   ences through democracy, not tyranny. This
                                                                                          year we cast our ballots for elected leaders in
                 seen many examples of shared sacrifice ed sacrifice
                 seen many examples of shar              son during those months. She went on to   year we cast our ballots for elected leaders in
                                                                                          positions ranging from county commissioner
                 and patriotism” (par. 11) (if your stu-  become infected in the line of duty and was   positions ranging from county commissioner
                                                                                          to president. Whatever disagreements we might
                 dents have strong memories of the early ong memories of the early   separated from our family for longer than we   to president. Whatever disagreements we might
                 dents have str
                                                                                          have, we are united by our commitment to
                 pandemic).                              had planned. She would have been a good   have, we are united by our commitment to
                                                         doctor even if she had made the opposite   participate in a free, open, and deliberative
                                                                                            participate in a free, open, and deliberative
                 “It’s also about recognizing that our   choice; she was a good mother even in making   process for selecting our leaders — and to live
                                                                                          process for selecting our leaders —and to live
                 diversity is meaningless without the    the choice that she did. The same went for my   with those results whether we like them or not,
                                                                                          with those results whether we like them or not,
                 things we have in common—even our       choices as a father and as a CEO. American   knowing that we’ll have another chance to
                                                                                          knowing that we’ll have another chance to
                 vulnerabilities” (par. 12).             pluralism is about embracing the multitude of   make our case in the future. If that sounds
                                                                                          make our case in the future. If that sounds
                 “Diversity means something only in the   identities in each of us, rather than reducing     obvious to you, then I am grateful: It should
                                                                                          obvious to you, then I am grateful: It should
                 context of a unified whole” (par. 12).  ourselves to just one of them at a time.  be rightfully banal to all Americans, regardless
                                                                                          be rightfully banal to all Americans, regardless
                                                                                          of party.
                 “Whatever disagreements we might           It’s also about recognizing that our diversity   of party.
                                                                                             Just like you and me, America isn’t just one
                 have, we are united by our commit-      is meaningless without the things we have in   Just like you and me, America isn’t just one
                                                                                          “thing” either. That’s what makes America spe-
                 ment to participate in a free, open, and   common — even our vulnerabilities. Like 9/11,   “thing” either. That’s what makes America spe-
                 deliberative process for selecting our   COVID-19 offered us the stark reminder that our   cial. Most countries in the world, and indeed
                                                                                          cial. Most countries in the world, and indeed
                                                                                          most nations throughout human history, are
                 leaders—and to live with those results   greatest vulnerabilities are shared: The virus   most nations throughout human history, are
                 whether we like them or not, knowing
                 that we’ll have another chance to make   256
                 our case in the future” (par. 13).
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               Connections to World                                                   CLOSE READING
               Ramaswamy notes in paragraph 13 that he                               Key Passage. The highlighted text is a rich
               wrote his essay before the 2020 election,                             passage suited for close reading. Students
               which also means before the events at the                             can annotate this key passage in the book’s
               Capitol on January 6, 2021, and persistent                            digital platform, or you can print it to be
               claims of election fraud. Those events may                            annotated by hand.
               change contemporary readers’ perceptions
               of some of his claims in that paragraph,
               such as “Whatever disagreements we might
               have, we are united by our commitment to
               participate in a free, open, and deliberative
               process for selecting our leaders—and to
               live with those results whether we like them
               or not, knowing that we’ll have another chance
               to make our case in the future” (par. 13).
               You might challenge students to rewrite
               paragraph 13 in a way that could support
               Ramaswamy’s argument but still account for
               subsequent historical facts.
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