Page 162 - The Language of Composition 4e Teacher Edition Sample.indd
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Reasons for Parental Pressure to Pursue Speci c Careers
                                                                                    Children who believe parents wanted them to pursue a speci c career
                                                                                    Parents who report wanting their children to pursue a speci c career
                                                                                                60.8% 49.5%
                                                                            Percentage of Respondents  28.1%
                                                           This graph shows the     45%   35.7% 37.6%  33.2%
                Copyright (c) 2023 Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Uncorrected proofs have been used for this sample chapter.
                                                           results of a 2021 survey                       27.1%  24.0% 23.8%  23.3%
                                                           on parental pressure to                                 17.8%
                                                           pursue specific careers.
                                                           What counterarguments
                                                           does this graph present   Good   Pride in  Potential  Continue  Achieve more Potential for  Increase
                                                           to Viet Thanh Nguyen’s   earning  career  for  family  than parents  success  prestige for
                                                           thesis? How does he   potential  happiness  tradition or  could  entire family
                                                                                                 take over
                                                           address them in this                   family
                   Distributed by Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Strictly for use with its products. Not for redistribution.
                                                           essay?                                business
                                                                           Data from a 2021 Joblist survey of 810 working people and 210 parents.
                                                         but when I posed it on Facebook, people of   degree in advertising. Then at 33 she quit her
                                                           various backgrounds, many of them successful   job in corporate public relations, left her native
                                                         and creative, responded with their experiences   Japan and moved to the United States to
                                                         and advice.                      become an artist. She explained her decision
               DIFFERENTIATION                              There’s no one-size-fits-all solution.   this way: “Your parents will pass away eventu-
                                                           Circumstances, resources and opportunities   ally, and you have to live your life for yourself.”
               Connections to World                      vary widely, as do the motivations of parents
               You might bring up the idea of privilege   in trying to steer their kids toward or away   Getting your parents to tolerate your choices
               when Nguyen concedes that “[c]ircum-      from particular careers.         may be enough.
               stances, resources and opportunities vary    Beyond concern for their children’s liveli-  The parents of Adriana Ramírez are “still not fine  10
               widely” (par. 6): some people may find it   hood, parents may be trying to protect them from   and will never be fine” with her life as a poet, she
               more easy to make a choice to pursue their   the pain of failure. If so, they’re right — failure   told me. But “they simply tolerate my choices
               dreams than others, and the parental con-  (and penury) is always a risk. Many of us believe   because they love me.”
               cern about “penury” (par. 7) is perhaps   that pursuing our dreams will bring  happiness.
               more consequential for some people than   But perhaps it won’t. It took me over 20 years of   Truthfulness is overrated.
               others. You could have students discuss   struggle to become a writer, but it might have   Then there’s the strategy that Zia Haider Rahman,
               how the choice to “pursue our passion”    been 20 years of struggle to discover that I was not   a writer, advises: “Lie.”
               (par. 8) ranges in accessibility. For another   a writer. Isn’t this just part of the lottery of life?  Sometimes that’s the only way to avoid a
               perspective on the idea of privilege here,   Once we decide to pursue our passion, how   pointless confrontation. I have lied often to my
               you may choose to have students read      best to proceed? Here are some strategies   parents, in words or by omission. For example:
               Miya Tokumitsu’s essay “In the Name of    gleaned from my friends and acquaintances:  My father is a devout Catholic who goes to
               Love” (2014), in which she interrogates the                                church every day, and I am an atheist, but when
               idea of “do what you love.”               Just go for it.                  I come home to visit, I take him to church and
                                                         Yuko Shimizu’s parents wanted a conventional   say nothing about what I believe. (Our parents
                                                         life for her, so she went to college in Tokyo for a   have probably lied to us, too.)

                                                 05_sheatlc4e_40925_ch04_170_315.indd   268                               12/10/22   2:37 PM
                                                 Starting with paragraph 9, Nguyen presents   They might, with partners, raise counter-
                                                 brief testimonials from others who pursued   arguments to some or all of them: What are
                                                 their passions at the expense of their parents’   the potential problems, risks, or pitfalls with
                                                 wishes. You could have students examine   each approach?
                                                 these in several ways.                  They might draft additional commentary
                                                     They might rank them by viability or per-  to some or all of them, explaining the ratio-
                                                 suasiveness, keeping in mind their own par-  nale or benefit of the approach either for the
                                                 ents’ personalities. Which approaches might   “artists” or for their relationship with their
                                                 work best for their parents? Why?   parents.

               268                                                                                     chapter 4  / Identity

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