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in its practices, I might have been sent away   researchers at Ohio State University. (The process   4
                with a prescription for a mild painkiller and a   involves questions that force the participants to
                bag of ice.                      rate the significance of bravery and self-reliance   BUILDING CONTEXT       chapter 4
                  Machismo, the driver of so many ques-  5  to their respective genders as well as to them   Y ou may want to ask students if they know
                                                                                            You may want to ask students if they know
                tionable decisions made by men, is a fickle   personally). They also asked questions about   the origins of the term “machismo” (par . 5)
                                                                                            the origins of the term “machismo” (par. 5)
                thing. Sometimes, a little bit of it — a tinge   health care, including ones that gauged the   and if they associate different connotations
                                                                                                              ent connotations
                                                                                            and if they associate dif
                of toughness — doesn’t seem to hurt. In sport,     frequency with which the participants sought out   with machismo than with masculinity. You
                                                                                                                      . Y
                                                                                            with machismo than with masculinity
                for instance. Or maybe negotiation. Other times,   preventive care and the regularity with which   Conversation  /  Roberto A. Ferdman  might ask about the wor d “macho,” too.
                                                                                            might ask about the word “macho,” too.
                it turns out, it can do more harm than good. Like,   they delayed care.     How do cultural dif fer ences determine
                                                                                            How do cultural differences determine
                Copyright (c) 2023 Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Uncorrected proofs have been used for this sample chapter.
                say, when it comes to caring for one’s health.  What they found is that for both men and   masculinity and femininity?
                                                                                            masculinity and femininity?
                  “Everyone has a story about how a male   women, those who exhibited the most machismo
                friend or family member has been reluctant to   (deriving self-worth from things such as bravery
                go to the doctor,” said Diana Sanchez, who   and self-reliance) were also the least likely to
                teaches psychology at Rutgers University. “But   seek preventive care and the most likely to
                it’s more than that — it’s also what happens   delay care.
                   Distributed by Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. Strictly for use with its products. Not for redistribution.
                when they actually go see a doctor.”  “Masculine men, in particular, tend to avoid
                  “There are all sorts of adverse consequences   the doctor,” Sanchez said. “Obviously, that’s not
                associated with masculinity,” she added.  a good thing.”
                                                   In the second study, which was published
                A downside to being too much of a dude.     in the journal Preventive Medicine in December,
                Sanchez first became interested in the subject   the researchers used three experiments to
                both because of the discrepancy in the life   approximate what happens when people
                expectancy for men and women (men tend to     actually end up going to the doctor.
                die about five years earlier than women) and   In the first two, the researchers tested the
                because of a personal experience with a family   relationship between masculinity and male doc-
                member who waited too long to see a doctor.   tor preference, measuring each in the roughly
                She wondered whether the two might somehow   150 participants (all male) and finding that the
                be related. And she figured that there must be a   two exhibited a strong correlation.
                way to find out.                   In the third, they explored what happens   15
                                                 when men see male doctors. They had 246 indi-
                  Eventually, she, along with Mary S.
                  Himmelstein, a doctoral candidate at Rutgers,   viduals (all male) complete a prescreening,
                devised two studies to explore the extent to   during which the researchers also measured
                which masculinity affects decisions about   masculinity, and then had them come in and
                health care. And together they suggest that the   discuss their ailments with either male or female
                effect could be fairly significant.  medical students (all of whom were unaware of
                  In the first of the two studies, which was   10  each patient’s masculinity score).
                published in the Journal of Health Psychology   The results were fairly straightforward. Per
                in late 2014, they gathered two groups — one   the study:
                of them comprising university students, the   In accordance with predictions, men with
                other not. They measured the importance of   higher scores in masculinity reported fewer
                manliness to the individuals in each group, using   symptoms in the lab compared to their
                a scale called the Contingencies of  Self-Worth     prescreen reports when reporting to a male
                (CSW for short), which was developed by   interviewer relative to a female  interviewer.

         05_sheatlc4e_40925_ch04_170_315.indd   293                               12/10/22   2:37 PM
                    Connections to Self
                    Ohio State University’s Contingencies of Self-
                    Worth scale (par. 10) is available through Ohio
                    State’s Department of Psychology website.
                    Students may appreciate looking at the scale
                    and even assessing their self-worth using the
                    scale themselves. It does, however, include
                    “God’s love” as one of a number of external
                    sources of self-worth, and students’ results
                    may be bothersome to them. The results also
                    won’t correlate specifically to “bravery and
                    self-reliance,” but students would gain a
                      better understanding of how they derive
                    their self-worth.

                    Conversation / Roberto A. Ferdman                                                                  293

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